Qos cli reference
qos egress map
qos egress map id %d [delete] {[SOURCE][INPUT]=OUTPUT}
Update a Egress Qos Map table
qos egress map id 0 [ip][4]=4
Declaration: qos_egress_map_update_command
src/vnet/qos/qos_egress_map.c line 185
Implementation: qos_egress_map_update_cli
qos mark
qos mark <SOURCE> <INTERFACE> id <MAP>
Apply a QoS egress mapping table to an interface for QoS marking packets at the given output protocol.
qos egress interface GigEthernet0/9/0 id 0 output ip
Declaration: qos_egress_map_interface_command
src/vnet/qos/qos_mark.c line 191
Implementation: qos_mark_cli
qos record
qos record <record-source> <INTERFACE> [disable]
Enable QoS bit recording on an interface using the packet's input DSCP bits Which input QoS bits to use are either; IP, MPLS or VLAN. If more than one protocol is chosen (which is foolish) the higher layers override the lower.
qos record ip GigEthernet0/1/0
Declaration: qos_record_command
src/vnet/qos/qos_record.c line 207
Implementation: qos_record_cli
qos store
qos store <store-source> <INTERFACE> [disable]
Enable QoS bit storing on an interface using the packet's input DSCP bits Which input QoS bits to use are either; IP, MPLS or VLAN. If more than one protocol is chosen (which is foolish) the higher layers override the lower.
qos store ip GigEthernet0/1/0
Declaration: qos_store_command
src/vnet/qos/qos_store.c line 215
Implementation: qos_store_cli
show qos egress map
show qos egress map id %d
Show Egress Qos Maps
show qos egress map
Declaration: qos_egress_map_show_command
src/vnet/qos/qos_egress_map.c line 278
Implementation: qos_egress_map_show
show qos mark
show qos mark [interface]
Show Egress Qos Maps
show qos egress map
Declaration: qos_mark_show_command
src/vnet/qos/qos_mark.c line 275
Implementation: qos_mark_show
show qos record
show qos record [interface]
Show Egress Qos Maps
show qos egress map
Declaration: qos_record_show_command
src/vnet/qos/qos_record.c line 289
Implementation: qos_record_show
show qos store
show qos store [interface]
Show Egress Qos Maps
show qos egress map
Declaration: qos_store_show_command
src/vnet/qos/qos_store.c line 299
Implementation: qos_store_show