VLIB application library
Clear commands
Declaration: vlib_cli_clear_command
src/vlib/cli.c line 64
clear errors
Clear error counters
Declaration: cli_clear_error_counters
src/vlib/error.c line 394
Implementation: clear_error_counters
clear logging
clear logging
Declaration: cli_clear_log
src/vlib/log.c line 482
Implementation: clear_log
clear node counters
Clear node counters
Declaration: cli_clear_node_counters
src/vlib/error.c line 400
Implementation: clear_error_counters
clear runtime
Clear packet processing runtime statistics
Declaration: clear_node_runtime_command
src/vlib/node_cli.c line 682
Implementation: clear_node_runtime
clear trace
Clear trace buffer and free memory
Declaration: clear_trace_cli
src/vlib/trace.c line 584
Implementation: cli_clear_trace_buffer
event-logger clear
Clear the event log
Declaration: elog_clear_cli
src/vlib/main.c line 635
Implementation: vlib_cli_elog_clear
event-logger resize
event-logger resize <nnn>
Declaration: elog_resize_cli
src/vlib/main.c line 752
Implementation: elog_resize_command_fn
event-logger restart
Restart the event-logger
Declaration: elog_restart_cli
src/vlib/main.c line 724
Implementation: elog_restart
event-logger save
event-logger save <filename> (saves log in /tmp/<filename>)
Declaration: elog_save_cli
src/vlib/main.c line 688
Implementation: elog_save_buffer
event-logger stop
Stop the event-logger
Declaration: elog_stop_cli
src/vlib/main.c line 706
Implementation: elog_stop
event-logger trace
event-logger trace [api][cli][barrier][dispatch]
[circuit-node <name> e.g. ethernet-input][disable]
Control event logging of api, cli, and thread barrier events With no arguments, displays the current trace status. Name the event groups you wish to trace or stop tracing.
event-logger trace api cli barrier
event-logger trace api cli barrier disable
event-logger trace dispatch
event-logger trace circuit-node ethernet-input
event-logger trace [api][cli][barrier][disable]
Declaration: event_logger_trace_command
src/vlib/cli.c line 1626
Implementation: event_logger_trace_command_fn
memory-trace on|off [api-segment][stats-segment][main-heap]
[numa-heap <numa-id>]
Declaration: enable_disable_memory_trace_command
src/vlib/cli.c line 1110
Implementation: enable_disable_memory_trace
restart process
Declaration: restart_cmd
src/vlib/cli.c line 1141
Implementation: restart_cmd_fn
Set commands
Declaration: vlib_cli_set_command
src/vlib/cli.c line 70
set clock adjust
set clock adjust <nn>
Declaration: vlib_time_virtual_command
src/vlib/time.c line 80
Implementation: vlib_time_virtual_adjust_command_fn
set logging class
set logging class <class> [rate-limit <int>] [level <level>] [syslog-level <level>]
Declaration: cli_set_log
src/vlib/log.c line 614
Implementation: set_log_class
set logging size
set logging size <int>
Declaration: cli_set_log_size
src/vlib/log.c line 680
Implementation: set_log_size
set logging unthrottle-time
set logging unthrottle-time <int>
Declaration: cli_set_log_params
src/vlib/log.c line 646
Implementation: set_log_unth_time
set node function
set node function <node-name> <variant-name>
Declaration: set_node_fn_command
src/vlib/node_cli.c line 900
Implementation: set_node_fn
set trace filter function
set trace filter function <func_name>
Declaration: set_trace_filter_function_cli
src/vlib/trace.c line 740
Implementation: set_trace_filter_function
Show commands
Declaration: vlib_cli_show_command
src/vlib/cli.c line 58
show buffers
Show packet buffer allocation
Declaration: show_buffers_command
src/vlib/buffer.c line 638
Implementation: show_buffers
show cli
show cli [mp-safe][not-mp-safe][hit][clear-hit]
Displays debug cli command information
show cli [mp-safe][not-mp-safe][hit][clear-hit]
"show cli" displays the entire debug cli:
abf attach
abf policy
adjacency counters
api trace
app ns
bfd key del
... and so on ...
"show cli mp-safe" displays mp-safe debug CLI commands:
abf policy
create vhost-user
ip container
ip mroute
ip probe-neighbor
ip route
ip scan-neighbor
ip table
ip6 table
"show cli not-mp-safe" displays debug CLI commands
which cause worker thread barrier synchronization
"show cli hit" displays commands which have been executed. Qualify
as desired with "mp-safe" or "not-mp-safe".
"show cli clear-hit" clears the per-command hit counters.
Declaration: show_cli_command
src/vlib/cli.c line 1839
Implementation: show_cli_command_fn
show clock
show clock
Declaration: f_command
src/vlib/threads.c line 1751
Implementation: show_clock_command_fn
show cpu
Show cpu information
Displays various information about the CPU.
show cpu
Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2667 v4 @ 3.20GHz
Microarchitecture: Broadwell (Broadwell-EP/EX)
Flags: sse3 ssse3 sse41 sse42 avx avx2 aes
Base Frequency: 3.20 GHz
Declaration: show_cpu_command
src/vlib/cli.c line 998
Implementation: show_cpu
show errors
Show error counts
Declaration: vlib_cli_show_errors
src/vlib/error.c line 365
Implementation: show_errors
show event-logger
Show event logger info
Declaration: elog_show_cli
src/vlib/main.c line 809
Implementation: elog_show_buffer
show frame-queue
show frame-queue trace
Declaration: cmd_show_frame_queue_trace
src/vlib/threads_cli.c line 362
Implementation: show_frame_queue_trace
show frame-queue histogram
show frame-queue histogram
Declaration: cmd_show_frame_queue_histogram
src/vlib/threads_cli.c line 368
Implementation: show_frame_queue_histogram
show logging
show logging
Declaration: cli_show_log
src/vlib/log.c line 407
Implementation: show_log
show logging configuration
show logging configuration
Declaration: cli_show_log_config
src/vlib/log.c line 453
Implementation: show_log_config
show memory
show memory [api-segment][stats-segment][verbose]
Declaration: show_memory_usage_command
src/vlib/cli.c line 966
Implementation: show_memory_usage
show node
show node [index] <node-name | node-index>
Declaration: show_node_command
src/vlib/node_cli.c line 848
Implementation: show_node
show node counters
Show node counters
Declaration: cli_show_node_counters
src/vlib/error.c line 371
Implementation: show_errors
show physmem
show physmem [verbose | detail | map]
Declaration: show_physmem_command
src/vlib/physmem.c line 165
Implementation: show_physmem
show punt client
show client[s] registered with the punt infra
Declaration: punt_client_show_command
src/vlib/punt.c line 605
Implementation: punt_client_show
show punt db
show the punt DB
Declaration: punt_db_show_command
src/vlib/punt.c line 665
Implementation: punt_db_show
show punt reasons
show all punt reasons
Declaration: punt_reason_show_command
src/vlib/punt.c line 626
Implementation: punt_reason_show
show punt stats
show the punt stats
Declaration: punt_stats_show_command
src/vlib/punt.c line 690
Implementation: punt_stats_show
show runtime
Show packet processing runtime
Declaration: show_node_runtime_command
src/vlib/node_cli.c line 629
Implementation: show_node_runtime
show threads
Show threads
Declaration: show_threads_command
src/vlib/threads_cli.c line 88
Implementation: show_threads_fn
show trace
Show trace buffer [max COUNT]
Declaration: show_trace_cli
src/vlib/trace.c line 356
Implementation: cli_show_trace_buffer
show trace filter function
show trace filter function
Declaration: show_trace_filter_function_cli
src/vlib/trace.c line 672
Implementation: show_trace_filter_function
show vlib frame-allocation
Show node dispatch frame statistics
Declaration: show_frame_stats_cli
src/vlib/main.c line 243
Implementation: show_frame_stats
show vlib graph
Show packet processing node graph
Declaration: show_node_graph_command
src/vlib/node_cli.c line 88
Implementation: show_node_graph
show vlib graphviz
Dump packet processing node graph as a graphviz dotfile
Dump dot files data to draw a graph of all the nodes. If the argument 'filter' is provided, only the active nodes (since the last "clear run" command) are selected and they are scaled and colored according to their utilization. You can choose to filter nodes that are called, nodes that receive vectors or both (default). The 'file' option allows to save data in a temp file.
show vlib graphviz
show vlib graphviz filter file tmpfile
show vlib graphviz filter calls file tmpfile
show vlib graphviz [filter][calls][vectors][file <filename>]
Declaration: show_node_graphviz_command
src/vlib/node_cli.c line 325
Implementation: show_node_graphviz
suspend debug CLI for 30ms
Declaration: suspend_command
src/vlib/cli.c line 1642
Implementation: suspend_command_fn
Test commands
Declaration: vlib_cli_test_command
src/vlib/cli.c line 76
test frame-queue nelts
test frame-queue nelts (4,8,16,32)
Declaration: cmd_test_frame_queue_nelts
src/vlib/threads_cli.c line 441
Implementation: test_frame_queue_nelts
test frame-queue threshold
test frame-queue threshold N (0=no limit)
Declaration: cmd_test_frame_queue_threshold
src/vlib/threads_cli.c line 518
Implementation: test_frame_queue_threshold
test log
test log <level> <class> <subclass> <message>
Declaration: cli_test_log
src/vlib/log.c line 757
Implementation: test_log_class_subclass
test sleep
Sleep for 10 seconds
Declaration: ping_command
src/vlib/cli.c line 1171
Implementation: sleep_ten_seconds
Packet tracer commands
Declaration: trace_cli_command
src/vlib/trace.c line 176
trace add
trace add <input-graph-node> <add'l-pkts-for-node-> [filter] [verbose]
Declaration: add_trace_cli
src/vlib/trace.c line 468
Implementation: cli_add_trace_buffer
trace filter
trace filter none | [include|exclude] NODE COUNT
Declaration: filter_trace_cli
src/vlib/trace.c line 570
Implementation: cli_filter_trace
trace frame-queue
trace frame-queue (on|off)
Declaration: cmd_trace_frame_queue
src/vlib/threads_cli.c line 182
Implementation: trace_frame_queue