16 #ifndef __VOM_MROUTE_CMDS_H__ 17 #define __VOM_MROUTE_CMDS_H__ 23 #include <vapi/ip.api.vapi.hpp> 27 namespace ip_mroute_cmds {
uint32_t table_id_t
type def the table-id
A cmd class that deletes a route.
std::string to_string() const
convert to string format for debug purposes
A path for IP or MPLS routes.
Error codes that VPP will return during a HW write.
An L3 protocol can be used to construct a prefix that is used to match packets are part of a route...
A representation of the connection to VPP.
A base class for all RPC commands to VPP.
A command class that creates or updates the route.
A cmd class that Dumps ipv4 fib.
bool operator==(const update_cmd &i) const
Comparison operator - only used for UT.
The VPP Object Model (VOM) library.
update_cmd(HW::item< bool > &item, table_id_t id, const mprefix_t &mprefix, const path &path, const itf_flags_t &flags)
A base class for VPP dump commands.
HW::item< bool > & item()
return the HW item the command updates
vl_api_fib_path_nh_proto_t proto
rc_t issue(connection &con)
Issue the command to VPP/HW.