FD.io VPP  v21.01
Vector Packet Processing
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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6  *
7  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14  */
15 #ifndef __included_uri_h__
16 #define __included_uri_h__
18 #include <vlibmemory/api.h>
19 #include <svm/message_queue.h>
21 #include <vnet/tls/tls_test.h>
22 #include <svm/fifo_segment.h>
24 typedef struct certificate_
25 {
26  u32 *app_interests; /* vec of application index asking for deletion cb */
27  u32 cert_key_index; /* index in cert & key pool */
28  u8 *key;
29  u8 *cert;
32 typedef struct session_cb_vft_
33 {
34  /** Notify server of new segment */
35  int (*add_segment_callback) (u32 app_wrk_index, u64 segment_handle);
37  /** Notify server of new segment */
38  int (*del_segment_callback) (u32 app_wrk_index, u64 segment_handle);
40  /** Notify server of newly accepted session */
41  int (*session_accept_callback) (session_t * new_session);
43  /** Connection request callback */
44  int (*session_connected_callback) (u32 app_wrk_index, u32 opaque,
45  session_t * s, session_error_t code);
47  /** Notify app that session is closing */
48  void (*session_disconnect_callback) (session_t * s);
50  /** Notify app that transport is closed */
51  void (*session_transport_closed_callback) (session_t * s);
53  /** Notify app that session or transport are about to be removed */
54  void (*session_cleanup_callback) (session_t * s, session_cleanup_ntf_t ntf);
56  /** Notify app that session was reset */
57  void (*session_reset_callback) (session_t * s);
59  /** Notify app that session pool migration happened */
60  void (*session_migrate_callback) (session_t * s, session_handle_t new_sh);
62  /** Direct RX callback for built-in application */
63  int (*builtin_app_rx_callback) (session_t * session);
65  /** Direct TX callback for built-in application */
66  int (*builtin_app_tx_callback) (session_t * session);
68  /** Cert and key pair delete notification */
69  int (*app_cert_key_pair_delete_callback) (app_cert_key_pair_t * ckpair);
71  /** Delegate fifo-tuning-logic to application */
72  int (*fifo_tuning_callback) (session_t * s, svm_fifo_t * f,
73  session_ft_action_t act, u32 bytes);
77 #define foreach_app_init_args \
78  _(u32, api_client_index) \
79  _(u8 *, name) \
80  _(u64 *, options) \
81  _(u8 *, namespace_id) \
82  _(session_cb_vft_t *, session_cb_vft) \
83  _(u32, app_index) \
84  _(u8, use_sock_api) \
86 typedef struct _vnet_app_attach_args_t
87 {
88 #define _(_type, _name) _type _name;
90 #undef _
91  ssvm_private_t * segment;
92  svm_msg_q_t *app_evt_q;
93  u64 segment_handle;
96 typedef struct _vnet_app_detach_args_t
97 {
98  u32 app_index;
99  u32 api_client_index;
102 typedef struct _vnet_bind_args_t
103 {
104  union
105  {
106  session_endpoint_cfg_t sep_ext;
107  session_endpoint_t sep;
108  char *uri;
109  };
111  u32 app_index;
112  u32 wrk_map_index;
114  /*
115  * Results
116  */
117  char *segment_name;
118  u32 segment_name_length;
119  u64 server_event_queue_address;
120  u64 handle;
123 typedef struct _vnet_unlisten_args_t
124 {
125  union
126  {
127  char *uri;
128  u64 handle; /**< Session handle */
129  };
130  u32 app_index; /**< Owning application index */
131  u32 wrk_map_index; /**< App's local pool worker index */
134 typedef struct _vnet_connect_args
135 {
136  union
137  {
138  session_endpoint_cfg_t sep_ext;
139  session_endpoint_t sep;
140  char *uri;
141  };
142  u32 app_index;
143  u32 wrk_map_index;
144  u32 api_context;
149 typedef struct _vnet_disconnect_args_t
150 {
151  session_handle_t handle;
152  u32 app_index;
155 typedef struct _vnet_application_add_tls_cert_args_t
156 {
157  u32 app_index;
158  u8 *cert;
161 typedef struct _vnet_application_add_tls_key_args_t
162 {
163  u32 app_index;
164  u8 *key;
168 {
177 typedef struct _vnet_app_add_cert_key_pair_args_
178 {
179  u8 *cert;
180  u8 *key;
181  u32 index;
184 typedef struct crypto_ctx_
185 {
186  u32 ctx_index; /**< index in crypto context pool */
187  u32 n_subscribers; /**< refcount of sessions using said context */
188  u32 ckpair_index; /**< certificate & key */
190  void *data; /**< protocol specific data */
193 /* Application attach options */
194 typedef enum
195 {
217 #define foreach_app_options_flags \
218  _(ACCEPT_REDIRECT, "Use FIFO with redirects") \
219  _(ADD_SEGMENT, "Add segment and signal app if needed") \
220  _(IS_BUILTIN, "Application is builtin") \
221  _(IS_TRANSPORT_APP, "Application is a transport proto") \
222  _(IS_PROXY, "Application is proxying") \
223  _(USE_GLOBAL_SCOPE, "App can use global session scope") \
224  _(USE_LOCAL_SCOPE, "App can use local session scope") \
225  _(EVT_MQ_USE_EVENTFD, "Use eventfds for signaling") \
227 typedef enum _app_options
228 {
229 #define _(sym, str) APP_OPTIONS_##sym,
231 #undef _
232 } app_options_t;
234 typedef enum _app_options_flags
235 {
236 #define _(sym, str) APP_OPTIONS_FLAGS_##sym = 1 << APP_OPTIONS_##sym,
238 #undef _
241 #define foreach_fd_type \
242  _(VPP_MQ_SEGMENT, "Fd for vpp's event mq segment") \
243  _(MEMFD_SEGMENT, "Fd for memfd segment") \
244  _(MQ_EVENTFD, "Event fd used by message queue") \
245  _(VPP_MQ_EVENTFD, "Event fd used by vpp's message queue") \
247 typedef enum session_fd_type_
248 {
249 #define _(sym, str) SESSION_FD_##sym,
251 #undef _
255 typedef enum session_fd_flag_
256 {
257 #define _(sym, str) SESSION_FD_F_##sym = 1 << SESSION_FD_##sym,
259 #undef _
262 int parse_uri (char *uri, session_endpoint_cfg_t * sep);
278 /** Ask for app cb on pair deletion */
282 {
283  ip46_address_t rmt_ip; /**< remote ip */
284  ip46_address_t lcl_ip; /**< local ip */
285  u16 rmt_port; /**< remote port (network order) */
286  u16 lcl_port; /**< local port (network order) */
287  u8 is_ip4; /**< set if uses ip4 networking */
290 #define foreach_app_session_field \
291  _(svm_fifo_t, *rx_fifo) /**< rx fifo */ \
292  _(svm_fifo_t, *tx_fifo) /**< tx fifo */ \
293  _(session_type_t, session_type) /**< session type */ \
294  _(volatile u8, session_state) /**< session state */ \
295  _(u32, session_index) /**< index in owning pool */ \
296  _(app_session_transport_t, transport) /**< transport info */ \
297  _(svm_msg_q_t, *vpp_evt_q) /**< vpp event queue */ \
298  _(u8, is_dgram) /**< flag for dgram mode */ \
300 typedef struct
301 {
302 #define _(type, name) type name;
304 #undef _
305 } app_session_t;
307 typedef struct session_listen_msg_
308 {
309  u32 client_index;
310  u32 context; /* Not needed but keeping it for compatibility with bapi */
311  u32 wrk_index;
312  u32 vrf;
315  u8 is_ip4;
316  ip46_address_t ip;
317  u32 ckpair_index;
318  u8 crypto_engine;
320 } __clib_packed session_listen_msg_t;
322 STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (session_listen_msg_t) <= SESSION_CTRL_MSG_MAX_SIZE,
323  "msg too large");
325 typedef struct session_listen_uri_msg_
326 {
327  u32 client_index;
328  u32 context;
329  u8 uri[56];
330 } __clib_packed session_listen_uri_msg_t;
332 STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (session_listen_uri_msg_t) <= SESSION_CTRL_MSG_MAX_SIZE,
333  "msg too large");
335 typedef struct session_bound_msg_
336 {
337  u32 context;
338  u64 handle;
339  i32 retval;
340  u8 lcl_is_ip4;
341  u8 lcl_ip[16];
342  u16 lcl_port;
343  uword rx_fifo;
344  uword tx_fifo;
345  uword vpp_evt_q;
346  u32 segment_size;
347  u8 segment_name_length;
348  u8 segment_name[128];
349 } __clib_packed session_bound_msg_t;
351 typedef struct session_unlisten_msg_
352 {
353  u32 client_index;
354  u32 context;
355  u32 wrk_index;
357 } __clib_packed session_unlisten_msg_t;
359 typedef struct session_unlisten_reply_msg_
360 {
361  u32 context;
362  u64 handle;
363  i32 retval;
366 typedef struct session_accepted_msg_
367 {
368  u32 context;
369  u64 listener_handle;
370  u64 handle;
371  uword server_rx_fifo;
372  uword server_tx_fifo;
373  u64 segment_handle;
374  uword vpp_event_queue_address;
377 } __clib_packed session_accepted_msg_t;
379 typedef struct session_accepted_reply_msg_
380 {
381  u32 context;
382  i32 retval;
383  u64 handle;
386 typedef struct session_connect_msg_
387 {
388  u32 client_index;
389  u32 context;
390  u32 wrk_index;
391  u32 vrf;
393  u16 lcl_port;
395  u8 is_ip4;
396  ip46_address_t ip;
397  ip46_address_t lcl_ip;
398  u8 hostname_len;
400  u64 parent_handle;
401  u32 ckpair_index;
402  u8 crypto_engine;
404 } __clib_packed session_connect_msg_t;
406 STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (session_connect_msg_t) <= SESSION_CTRL_MSG_MAX_SIZE,
407  "msg too large");
409 typedef struct session_connect_uri_msg_
410 {
411  u32 client_index;
412  u32 context;
413  u8 uri[56];
416 STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (session_connect_uri_msg_t) <=
417  SESSION_CTRL_MSG_MAX_SIZE, "msg too large");
419 typedef struct session_connected_msg_
420 {
421  u32 context;
422  i32 retval;
423  u64 handle;
424  uword server_rx_fifo;
425  uword server_tx_fifo;
426  u64 segment_handle;
427  uword ct_rx_fifo;
428  uword ct_tx_fifo;
429  u64 ct_segment_handle;
430  uword vpp_event_queue_address;
431  u32 segment_size;
432  u8 segment_name_length;
433  u8 segment_name[64];
435 } __clib_packed session_connected_msg_t;
437 typedef struct session_disconnect_msg_
438 {
439  u32 client_index;
440  u32 context;
442 } __clib_packed session_disconnect_msg_t;
444 typedef struct session_disconnected_msg_
445 {
446  u32 client_index;
447  u32 context;
448  u64 handle;
451 typedef struct session_disconnected_reply_msg_
452 {
453  u32 context;
454  i32 retval;
455  u64 handle;
458 typedef struct session_reset_msg_
459 {
460  u32 client_index;
461  u32 context;
462  u64 handle;
463 } __clib_packed session_reset_msg_t;
465 typedef struct session_reset_reply_msg_
466 {
467  u32 context;
468  i32 retval;
469  u64 handle;
472 typedef struct session_req_worker_update_msg_
473 {
477 /* NOTE: using u16 for wrk indices because message needs to fit in 18B */
478 typedef struct session_worker_update_msg_
479 {
480  u32 client_index;
481  u16 wrk_index;
482  u16 req_wrk_index;
483  u64 handle;
487 {
488  u64 handle;
489  uword rx_fifo;
490  uword tx_fifo;
491  u64 segment_handle;
494 typedef struct session_app_detach_msg_
495 {
496  u32 client_index;
497  u32 context;
500 typedef struct app_map_another_segment_msg_
501 {
502  u32 client_index;
503  u32 context;
504  u8 fd_flags;
505  u32 segment_size;
506  u8 segment_name[128];
507  u64 segment_handle;
510 typedef struct app_unmap_segment_msg_
511 {
512  u32 client_index;
513  u32 context;
514  u64 segment_handle;
517 typedef struct session_migrate_msg_
518 {
519  uword vpp_evt_q;
521  session_handle_t new_handle;
522  u32 vpp_thread_index;
523 } __clib_packed session_migrated_msg_t;
525 typedef struct session_cleanup_msg_
526 {
527  session_handle_t handle;
529 } __clib_packed session_cleanup_msg_t;
531 typedef struct session_app_wrk_rpc_msg_
532 {
533  u32 client_index; /**< app client index */
534  u32 wrk_index; /**< dst worker index */
535  u8 data[64]; /**< rpc data */
538 typedef struct app_session_event_
539 {
540  svm_msg_q_msg_t msg;
541  session_event_t *evt;
542 } __clib_packed app_session_evt_t;
544 static inline void
545 app_alloc_ctrl_evt_to_vpp (svm_msg_q_t * mq, app_session_evt_t * app_evt,
546  u8 evt_type)
547 {
550  SVM_Q_WAIT, &app_evt->msg);
551  app_evt->evt = svm_msg_q_msg_data (mq, &app_evt->msg);
552  clib_memset (app_evt->evt, 0, sizeof (*app_evt->evt));
553  app_evt->evt->event_type = evt_type;
554 }
556 static inline void
557 app_send_ctrl_evt_to_vpp (svm_msg_q_t * mq, app_session_evt_t * app_evt)
558 {
559  svm_msg_q_add_and_unlock (mq, &app_evt->msg);
560 }
562 /**
563  * Send fifo io event to vpp worker thread
564  *
565  * Because there may be multiple writers to one of vpp's queues, this
566  * protects message allocation and enqueueing.
567  *
568  * @param mq vpp message queue
569  * @param f fifo for which the event is sent
570  * @param evt_type type of event
571  * @param noblock flag to indicate is request is blocking or not
572  * @return 0 if success, negative integer otherwise
573  */
574 static inline int
575 app_send_io_evt_to_vpp (svm_msg_q_t * mq, u32 session_index, u8 evt_type,
576  u8 noblock)
577 {
578  session_event_t *evt;
579  svm_msg_q_msg_t msg;
581  if (noblock)
582  {
583  if (svm_msg_q_try_lock (mq))
584  return -1;
586  || svm_msg_q_is_full (mq)))
587  {
588  svm_msg_q_unlock (mq);
589  return -2;
590  }
592  evt = (session_event_t *) svm_msg_q_msg_data (mq, &msg);
593  evt->session_index = session_index;
594  evt->event_type = evt_type;
595  svm_msg_q_add_and_unlock (mq, &msg);
596  return 0;
597  }
598  else
599  {
600  svm_msg_q_lock (mq);
602  || svm_msg_q_is_full (mq))
603  svm_msg_q_wait (mq);
605  evt = (session_event_t *) svm_msg_q_msg_data (mq, &msg);
606  evt->session_index = session_index;
607  evt->event_type = evt_type;
608  svm_msg_q_add_and_unlock (mq, &msg);
609  return 0;
610  }
611 }
613 always_inline int
615  svm_msg_q_t * vpp_evt_q, u8 * data, u32 len, u8 evt_type,
616  u8 do_evt, u8 noblock)
617 {
619  int rv;
621  if (svm_fifo_max_enqueue_prod (f) < (sizeof (session_dgram_hdr_t) + len))
622  return 0;
624  hdr.data_length = len;
625  hdr.data_offset = 0;
626  clib_memcpy_fast (&hdr.rmt_ip, &at->rmt_ip, sizeof (ip46_address_t));
627  hdr.is_ip4 = at->is_ip4;
628  hdr.rmt_port = at->rmt_port;
629  clib_memcpy_fast (&hdr.lcl_ip, &at->lcl_ip, sizeof (ip46_address_t));
630  hdr.lcl_port = at->lcl_port;
632  /* *INDENT-OFF* */
633  svm_fifo_seg_t segs[2] = {{ (u8 *) &hdr, sizeof (hdr) }, { data, len }};
634  /* *INDENT-ON* */
636  rv = svm_fifo_enqueue_segments (f, segs, 2, 0 /* allow partial */ );
637  if (PREDICT_FALSE (rv < 0))
638  return 0;
640  if (do_evt)
641  {
642  if (svm_fifo_set_event (f))
643  app_send_io_evt_to_vpp (vpp_evt_q, f->master_session_index, evt_type,
644  noblock);
645  }
646  return len;
647 }
649 always_inline int
650 app_send_dgram (app_session_t * s, u8 * data, u32 len, u8 noblock)
651 {
652  return app_send_dgram_raw (s->tx_fifo, &s->transport, s->vpp_evt_q, data,
653  len, SESSION_IO_EVT_TX, 1 /* do_evt */ ,
654  noblock);
655 }
657 always_inline int
658 app_send_stream_raw (svm_fifo_t * f, svm_msg_q_t * vpp_evt_q, u8 * data,
659  u32 len, u8 evt_type, u8 do_evt, u8 noblock)
660 {
661  int rv;
663  rv = svm_fifo_enqueue (f, len, data);
664  if (do_evt)
665  {
666  if (rv > 0 && svm_fifo_set_event (f))
667  app_send_io_evt_to_vpp (vpp_evt_q, f->master_session_index, evt_type,
668  noblock);
669  }
670  return rv;
671 }
673 always_inline int
674 app_send_stream (app_session_t * s, u8 * data, u32 len, u8 noblock)
675 {
676  return app_send_stream_raw (s->tx_fifo, s->vpp_evt_q, data, len,
677  SESSION_IO_EVT_TX, 1 /* do_evt */ , noblock);
678 }
680 always_inline int
681 app_send (app_session_t * s, u8 * data, u32 len, u8 noblock)
682 {
683  if (s->is_dgram)
684  return app_send_dgram (s, data, len, noblock);
685  return app_send_stream (s, data, len, noblock);
686 }
688 always_inline int
689 app_recv_dgram_raw (svm_fifo_t * f, u8 * buf, u32 len,
690  app_session_transport_t * at, u8 clear_evt, u8 peek)
691 {
693  u32 max_deq;
694  int rv;
696  max_deq = svm_fifo_max_dequeue_cons (f);
697  if (max_deq <= sizeof (session_dgram_hdr_t))
698  {
699  if (clear_evt)
701  return 0;
702  }
704  if (clear_evt)
707  svm_fifo_peek (f, 0, sizeof (ph), (u8 *) & ph);
708  ASSERT (ph.data_length >= ph.data_offset);
710  /* Check if we have the full dgram */
711  if (max_deq < (ph.data_length + SESSION_CONN_HDR_LEN)
712  && len >= ph.data_length)
713  return 0;
715  svm_fifo_peek (f, sizeof (ph), sizeof (*at), (u8 *) at);
716  len = clib_min (len, ph.data_length - ph.data_offset);
717  rv = svm_fifo_peek (f, ph.data_offset + SESSION_CONN_HDR_LEN, len, buf);
718  if (peek)
719  return rv;
721  /* Discards data that did not fit in buffer */
722  svm_fifo_dequeue_drop (f, ph.data_length + SESSION_CONN_HDR_LEN);
724  return rv;
725 }
727 always_inline int
728 app_recv_dgram (app_session_t * s, u8 * buf, u32 len)
729 {
730  return app_recv_dgram_raw (s->rx_fifo, buf, len, &s->transport, 1, 0);
731 }
733 always_inline int
734 app_recv_stream_raw (svm_fifo_t * f, u8 * buf, u32 len, u8 clear_evt, u8 peek)
735 {
736  if (clear_evt)
739  if (peek)
740  return svm_fifo_peek (f, 0, len, buf);
742  return svm_fifo_dequeue (f, len, buf);
743 }
745 always_inline int
746 app_recv_stream (app_session_t * s, u8 * buf, u32 len)
747 {
748  return app_recv_stream_raw (s->rx_fifo, buf, len, 1, 0);
749 }
751 always_inline int
752 app_recv (app_session_t * s, u8 * data, u32 len)
753 {
754  if (s->is_dgram)
755  return app_recv_dgram (s, data, len);
756  return app_recv_stream (s, data, len);
757 }
759 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
760 static char *session_error_str[] = {
761 #define _(sym, str) str,
763 #undef _
764 };
765 /* *INDENT-ON* */
767 static inline u8 *
768 format_session_error (u8 * s, va_list * args)
769 {
770  session_error_t error = va_arg (*args, session_error_t);
771  if (-error >= 0 && -error < SESSION_N_ERRORS)
772  s = format (s, "%s", session_error_str[-error]);
773  else
774  s = format (s, "invalid session err %u", -error);
775  return s;
776 }
778 /*
779  * Socket API messages
780  */
782 typedef enum app_sapi_msg_type
783 {
790 } __clib_packed app_sapi_msg_type_e;
792 typedef struct app_sapi_attach_msg_
793 {
794  u8 name[64];
796 } __clib_packed app_sapi_attach_msg_t;
799  sizeof (((app_sapi_attach_msg_t *) 0)->options),
800  "Out of options, fix message definition");
802 typedef struct app_sapi_attach_reply_msg_
803 {
804  i32 retval;
805  u32 app_index;
806  u64 app_mq;
807  u64 vpp_ctrl_mq;
808  u64 segment_handle;
809  u32 api_client_handle;
810  u8 vpp_ctrl_mq_thread;
811  u8 n_fds;
812  u8 fd_flags;
815 typedef struct app_sapi_worker_add_del_msg_
816 {
817  u32 app_index;
818  u32 wrk_index;
819  u8 is_add;
823 {
824  i32 retval;
825  u32 wrk_index;
826  u64 app_event_queue_address;
827  u64 segment_handle;
828  u32 api_client_handle;
829  u8 n_fds;
830  u8 fd_flags;
831  u8 is_add;
834 typedef struct app_sapi_msg_
835 {
836  app_sapi_msg_type_e type;
837  union
838  {
839  app_sapi_attach_msg_t attach;
840  app_sapi_attach_reply_msg_t attach_reply;
841  app_sapi_worker_add_del_msg_t worker_add_del;
842  app_sapi_worker_add_del_reply_msg_t worker_add_del_reply;
843  };
844 } __clib_packed app_sapi_msg_t;
846 #endif /* __included_uri_h__ */
848 /*
849  * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON
850  *
851  * Local Variables:
852  * eval: (c-set-style "gnu")
853  * End:
854  */
#define foreach_app_session_field
flag for dgram mode
string hostname[64]
Definition: dhcp.api:159
struct session_unlisten_msg_ session_unlisten_msg_t
static int app_recv_stream_raw(svm_fifo_t *f, u8 *buf, u32 len, u8 clear_evt, u8 peek)
struct app_session_event_ app_session_evt_t
void * svm_msg_q_msg_data(svm_msg_q_t *mq, svm_msg_q_msg_t *msg)
Get data for message in queue.
static u8 svm_msg_q_ring_is_full(svm_msg_q_t *mq, u32 ring_index)
#define clib_min(x, y)
Definition: clib.h:328
struct session_accepted_msg_ session_accepted_msg_t
u8 is_ip4
set if uses ip4 networking
static u32 svm_fifo_max_enqueue_prod(svm_fifo_t *f)
Maximum number of bytes that can be enqueued into fifo.
Definition: svm_fifo.h:550
vl_api_wireguard_peer_flags_t flags
Definition: wireguard.api:105
Definition: bitmap.h:544
struct _vnet_connect_args vnet_connect_args_t
int vnet_listen(vnet_listen_args_t *a)
Definition: application.c:964
int vnet_app_add_cert_key_interest(u32 index, u32 app_index)
Ask for app cb on pair deletion.
Definition: application.c:1716
struct _vnet_unlisten_args_t vnet_unlisten_args_t
unsigned long u64
Definition: types.h:89
#define clib_memcpy_fast(a, b, c)
Definition: string.h:81
clib_memset(h->entries, 0, sizeof(h->entries[0]) *entries)
struct session_req_worker_update_msg_ session_req_worker_update_msg_t
static char * session_error_str[]
static int app_send_stream(app_session_t *s, u8 *data, u32 len, u8 noblock)
int svm_fifo_peek(svm_fifo_t *f, u32 offset, u32 len, u8 *dst)
Peek data from fifo.
Definition: svm_fifo.c:1127
struct session_listen_msg_ session_listen_msg_t
struct session_disconnected_reply_msg_ session_disconnected_reply_msg_t
struct session_reset_msg_ session_reset_msg_t
struct _vnet_application_add_tls_cert_args_t vnet_app_add_tls_cert_args_t
struct session_worker_update_reply_msg_ session_worker_update_reply_msg_t
unsigned char u8
Definition: types.h:56
u8 data[128]
Definition: ipsec_types.api:90
struct _vnet_bind_args_t vnet_listen_args_t
int vnet_bind_uri(vnet_listen_args_t *)
static session_handle_t session_handle(session_t *s)
u32 ctx_index
index in crypto context pool
int svm_msg_q_lock_and_alloc_msg_w_ring(svm_msg_q_t *mq, u32 ring_index, u8 noblock, svm_msg_q_msg_t *msg)
Lock message queue and allocate message buffer on ring.
struct session_reset_reply_msg_ session_reset_reply_msg_t
struct session_accepted_reply_msg_ session_accepted_reply_msg_t
enum session_ft_action_ session_ft_action_t
static void app_alloc_ctrl_evt_to_vpp(svm_msg_q_t *mq, app_session_evt_t *app_evt, u8 evt_type)
static int app_send(app_session_t *s, u8 *data, u32 len, u8 noblock)
void * data
protocol specific data
int vnet_app_del_cert_key_pair(u32 index)
Definition: application.c:1727
enum app_sapi_msg_type app_sapi_msg_type_e
struct _vnet_disconnect_args_t vnet_disconnect_args_t
int svm_fifo_enqueue_segments(svm_fifo_t *f, const svm_fifo_seg_t segs[], u32 n_segs, u8 allow_partial)
Enqueue array of svm_fifo_seg_t in order.
Definition: svm_fifo.c:959
struct app_unmap_segment_msg_ session_app_del_segment_msg_t
struct session_disconnect_msg_ session_disconnect_msg_t
enum session_fd_type_ session_fd_type_t
static u32 svm_fifo_max_dequeue_cons(svm_fifo_t *f)
Fifo max bytes to dequeue optimized for consumer.
Definition: svm_fifo.h:430
description fragment has unexpected format
Definition: map.api:433
static int app_send_io_evt_to_vpp(svm_msg_q_t *mq, u32 session_index, u8 evt_type, u8 noblock)
Send fifo io event to vpp worker thread.
#define foreach_fd_type
struct app_sapi_worker_add_del_msg_ app_sapi_worker_add_del_msg_t
ip46_address_t lcl_ip
unsigned int u32
Definition: types.h:88
int svm_fifo_dequeue(svm_fifo_t *f, u32 len, u8 *dst)
Dequeue data from fifo.
Definition: svm_fifo.c:1092
struct session_connect_uri_msg_ session_connect_uri_msg_t
struct app_sapi_msg_ app_sapi_msg_t
static int app_recv_dgram_raw(svm_fifo_t *f, u8 *buf, u32 len, app_session_transport_t *at, u8 clear_evt, u8 peek)
struct session_app_wrk_rpc_msg_ session_app_wrk_rpc_msg_t
pool_header_t * ph(void *p)
GDB callable function: ph - call pool_header - get pool header.
Definition: gdb_funcs.c:78
struct _vnet_app_attach_args_t vnet_app_attach_args_t
clib_error_t * vnet_app_add_tls_key(vnet_app_add_tls_key_args_t *a)
Definition: application.c:1334
struct _session_endpoint_cfg session_endpoint_cfg_t
vl_api_fib_path_type_t type
Definition: fib_types.api:123
struct app_sapi_attach_msg_ app_sapi_attach_msg_t
static int app_recv(app_session_t *s, u8 *data, u32 len)
struct app_map_another_segment_msg_ session_app_add_segment_msg_t
Definition: cJSON.c:84
vl_api_ip_proto_t proto
Definition: acl_types.api:51
#define foreach_app_init_args
struct certificate_ app_cert_key_pair_t
unsigned short u16
Definition: types.h:57
Definition: session_types.h:24
int svm_fifo_enqueue(svm_fifo_t *f, u32 len, const u8 *src)
Enqueue data to fifo.
Definition: svm_fifo.c:840
#define PREDICT_FALSE(x)
Definition: clib.h:121
ip46_address_t rmt_ip
remote ip
#define always_inline
Definition: ipsec.h:28
static void svm_fifo_unset_event(svm_fifo_t *f)
Unset fifo event flag.
Definition: svm_fifo.h:740
struct session_cb_vft_ session_cb_vft_t
int vnet_app_add_cert_key_pair(vnet_app_add_cert_key_pair_args_t *a)
Definition: application.c:1706
static void svm_msg_q_wait(svm_msg_q_t *mq)
Wait for message queue event.
struct session_connected_msg_ session_connected_msg_t
int vnet_unbind_uri(vnet_unlisten_args_t *a)
struct app_sapi_worker_add_del_reply_msg_ app_sapi_worker_add_del_reply_msg_t
u32 n_subscribers
refcount of sessions using said context
static int app_send_dgram_raw(svm_fifo_t *f, app_session_transport_t *at, svm_msg_q_t *vpp_evt_q, u8 *data, u32 len, u8 evt_type, u8 do_evt, u8 noblock)
int vnet_application_attach(vnet_app_attach_args_t *a)
Attach application to vpp.
Definition: application.c:816
u8 len
Definition: ip_types.api:103
enum session_fd_flag_ session_fd_flag_t
static void app_send_ctrl_evt_to_vpp(svm_msg_q_t *mq, app_session_evt_t *app_evt)
static u8 svm_fifo_set_event(svm_fifo_t *f)
Set fifo event flag.
Definition: svm_fifo.h:727
u32 ckpair_index
certificate & key
Unidirectional shared-memory multi-ring message queue.
static void svm_msg_q_unlock(svm_msg_q_t *mq)
Unlock message queue.
struct app_session_transport_ app_session_transport_t
int vnet_unlisten(vnet_unlisten_args_t *a)
Definition: application.c:1055
blocking call - best used in combination with condvars, for eventfds we don&#39;t yield the cpu ...
Definition: queue.h:42
static int app_recv_stream(app_session_t *s, u8 *buf, u32 len)
string name[64]
Definition: ip.api:44
static int svm_msg_q_try_lock(svm_msg_q_t *mq)
Try locking message queue.
enum _app_options_flags app_options_flags_t
int parse_uri(char *uri, session_endpoint_cfg_t *sep)
struct session_worker_update_msg_ session_worker_update_msg_t
signed int i32
Definition: types.h:77
clib_error_t * vnet_app_add_tls_cert(vnet_app_add_tls_cert_args_t *a)
Definition: application.c:1324
int vnet_disconnect_session(vnet_disconnect_args_t *a)
Definition: application.c:1086
#define ASSERT(truth)
void svm_msg_q_add_and_unlock(svm_msg_q_t *mq, svm_msg_q_msg_t *msg)
Producer enqueue one message to queue with mutex held.
enum _app_options app_options_t
struct session_cleanup_msg_ session_cleanup_msg_t
static u8 * format_session_error(u8 *s, va_list *args)
static int app_send_dgram(app_session_t *s, u8 *data, u32 len, u8 noblock)
struct _vnet_application_add_tls_key_args_t vnet_app_add_tls_key_args_t
int vnet_application_detach(vnet_app_detach_args_t *a)
Detach application from vpp.
Definition: application.c:886
struct _vnet_app_add_cert_key_pair_args_ vnet_app_add_cert_key_pair_args_t
struct session_migrate_msg_ session_migrated_msg_t
ip46_address_t rmt_ip
u16 lcl_port
local port (network order)
struct app_sapi_attach_reply_msg_ app_sapi_attach_reply_msg_t
struct _vnet_app_detach_args_t vnet_app_detach_args_t
ip46_address_t lcl_ip
local ip
int vnet_connect(vnet_connect_args_t *a)
Definition: application.c:1018
struct session_disconnected_msg_ session_disconnected_msg_t
struct session_bound_msg_ session_bound_msg_t
vl_api_address_t ip
Definition: l2.api:501
int vnet_connect_uri(vnet_connect_args_t *a)
u64 session_handle_t
struct session_app_detach_msg_ session_app_detach_msg_t
u64 uword
Definition: types.h:112
static int app_send_stream_raw(svm_fifo_t *f, svm_msg_q_t *vpp_evt_q, u8 *data, u32 len, u8 evt_type, u8 do_evt, u8 noblock)
struct session_unlisten_reply_msg_ session_unlisten_reply_msg_t
u32 index
Definition: flow_types.api:221
u16 port
Definition: lb_types.api:73
struct session_connect_msg_ session_connect_msg_t
static struct option options[]
Definition: main.c:52
struct crypto_ctx_ crypto_context_t
enum session_error_ session_error_t
enum crypto_engine_type_ crypto_engine_type_t
struct _session_endpoint session_endpoint_t
#define foreach_app_options_flags
int svm_fifo_dequeue_drop(svm_fifo_t *f, u32 len)
Dequeue and drop bytes from fifo.
Definition: svm_fifo.c:1151
static int svm_msg_q_lock(svm_msg_q_t *mq)
Lock, or block trying, the message queue.
struct _svm_fifo svm_fifo_t
static u8 svm_msg_q_is_full(svm_msg_q_t *mq)
Check if message queue is full.
svm_msg_q_msg_t svm_msg_q_alloc_msg_w_ring(svm_msg_q_t *mq, u32 ring_index)
Allocate message buffer on ring.
static int app_recv_dgram(app_session_t *s, u8 *buf, u32 len)
u16 rmt_port
remote port (network order)
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(session_listen_msg_t)<=SESSION_CTRL_MSG_MAX_SIZE, "msg too large")
struct session_listen_uri_msg_ session_listen_uri_msg_t