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nat.h File Reference
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Data Structures

struct  nat_pre_trace_t
struct  snat_session_key_t
struct  snat_det_out_key_t
struct  snat_user_key_t
struct  snat_user_t
struct  snat_address_t
struct  nat_outside_fib_t
struct  snat_det_session_t
struct  snat_det_map_t
struct  nat44_lb_addr_port_t
struct  snat_static_mapping_t
struct  snat_interface_t
struct  snat_static_map_resolve_t
struct  snat_main_per_thread_data_t
struct  snat_main_s
struct  nat44_is_idle_session_ctx_t
struct  snat_runtime_t
struct  icmp_echo_header_t
struct  tcp_udp_header_t


#define SNAT_UDP_TIMEOUT   300
#define SNAT_ICMP_TIMEOUT   60
#define NAT_FQ_NELTS   64
#define SNAT_FLAG_HAIRPINNING   (1 << 0)
#define foreach_nat_config_flag
#define foreach_nat_addr_and_port_alloc_alg
#define foreach_snat_session_state
#define foreach_nat_in2out_ed_error
#define foreach_nat_out2in_ed_error
#define NAT44_SES_I2O_FIN   1
#define NAT44_SES_O2I_FIN   2
#define NAT44_SES_I2O_FIN_ACK   4
#define NAT44_SES_O2I_FIN_ACK   8
#define NAT44_SES_I2O_SYN   16
#define NAT44_SES_O2I_SYN   32
#define NAT44_SES_RST   64
#define snat_is_session_static(s)   (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_STATIC_MAPPING)
 Check if SNAT session is created from static mapping. More...
#define snat_is_unk_proto_session(s)   (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_UNKNOWN_PROTO)
 Check if SNAT session for unknown protocol. More...
#define is_twice_nat_session(s)   (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_TWICE_NAT)
 Check if NAT session is twice NAT. More...
#define is_lb_session(s)   (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_LOAD_BALANCING)
 Check if NAT session is load-balancing. More...
#define is_fwd_bypass_session(s)   (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_FWD_BYPASS)
 Check if NAT session is forwarding bypass. More...
#define is_ed_session(s)   (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_ENDPOINT_DEPENDENT)
 Check if NAT session is endpoint dependent. More...
#define is_affinity_sessions(s)   (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_AFFINITY)
 Check if NAT session has affinity record. More...
#define nat_interface_is_inside(i)   i->flags & NAT_INTERFACE_FLAG_IS_INSIDE
 Check if NAT interface is inside. More...
#define nat_interface_is_outside(i)   i->flags & NAT_INTERFACE_FLAG_IS_OUTSIDE
 Check if NAT interface is outside. More...
#define nat44_is_ses_closed(s)   s->state == 0xf
 Check if NAT44 endpoint-dependent TCP session is closed. More...
#define is_addr_only_static_mapping(sm)   (sm->flags & NAT_STATIC_MAPPING_FLAG_ADDR_ONLY)
 Check if NAT static mapping is address only (1:1NAT). More...
#define is_out2in_only_static_mapping(sm)   (sm->flags & NAT_STATIC_MAPPING_FLAG_OUT2IN_ONLY)
 Check if NAT static mapping match only out2in direction. More...
#define is_identity_static_mapping(sm)   (sm->flags & NAT_STATIC_MAPPING_FLAG_IDENTITY_NAT)
 Check if NAT static mapping is identity NAT. More...
#define is_lb_static_mapping(sm)   (sm->flags & NAT_STATIC_MAPPING_FLAG_LB)
 Check if NAT static mapping is load-balancing. More...
#define nat_log_err(...)   vlib_log(VLIB_LOG_LEVEL_ERR, snat_main.log_class, __VA_ARGS__)
#define nat_log_warn(...)   vlib_log(VLIB_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, snat_main.log_class, __VA_ARGS__)
#define nat_log_notice(...)   vlib_log(VLIB_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, snat_main.log_class, __VA_ARGS__)
#define nat_log_info(...)   vlib_log(VLIB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, snat_main.log_class, __VA_ARGS__)
#define nat_log_debug(...)   vlib_log(VLIB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, snat_main.log_class, __VA_ARGS__)
#define foreach_nat_log_level
#define nat_elog(_level, _str)
#define nat_elog_addr(_level, _str, _addr)
#define nat_elog_debug_handoff(_str, _tid, _fib, _src, _dst)
#define nat_elog_debug_handoff_v2(_str, _prt, _fib, _src, _dst)
#define nat_elog_X1(_level, _fmt, _arg, _val1)
#define nat_elog_notice(nat_elog_str)   nat_elog(SNAT_LOG_INFO, "[notice] " nat_elog_str)
#define nat_elog_warn(nat_elog_str)   nat_elog(SNAT_LOG_WARNING, "[warning] " nat_elog_str)
#define nat_elog_err(nat_elog_str)   nat_elog(SNAT_LOG_ERROR, "[error] " nat_elog_str)
#define nat_elog_debug(nat_elog_str)   nat_elog(SNAT_LOG_DEBUG, "[debug] " nat_elog_str)
#define nat_elog_info(nat_elog_str)   nat_elog(SNAT_LOG_INFO, "[info] " nat_elog_str)
#define nat_elog_notice_X1(nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)   nat_elog_X1(SNAT_LOG_NOTICE, "[notice] " nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)
#define nat_elog_warn_X1(nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)   nat_elog_X1(SNAT_LOG_WARNING, "[warning] " nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)
#define nat_elog_err_X1(nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)   nat_elog_X1(SNAT_LOG_ERROR, "[error] " nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)
#define nat_elog_debug_X1(nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)   nat_elog_X1(SNAT_LOG_DEBUG, "[debug] " nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)
#define nat_elog_info_X1(nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)   nat_elog_X1(SNAT_LOG_INFO, "[info] " nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)


typedef enum nat_config_flags_t_ nat_config_flags_t
typedef u32() snat_icmp_match_function_t(struct snat_main_s *sm, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, u32 thread_index, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, u8 *p_proto, snat_session_key_t *p_value, u8 *p_dont_translate, void *d, void *e)
typedef u32() snat_get_worker_in2out_function_t(ip4_header_t *ip, u32 rx_fib_index, u8 is_output)
typedef u32() snat_get_worker_out2in_function_t(vlib_buffer_t *b, ip4_header_t *ip, u32 rx_fib_index, u8 is_output)
typedef int() nat_alloc_out_addr_and_port_function_t(snat_address_t *addresses, u32 fib_index, u32 thread_index, snat_session_key_t *k, u16 port_per_thread, u32 snat_thread_index)
typedef struct snat_main_s snat_main_t
typedef enum nat_log_level_t_ nat_log_level_t


enum  nat_next_t {
enum  nat_config_flags_t_ { foreach_nat_config_flag }
enum  nat_addr_and_port_alloc_alg_t { foreach_nat_addr_and_port_alloc_alg }
enum  snat_session_state_t { foreach_snat_session_state }
enum  nat_in2out_ed_error_t { NAT_IN2OUT_ED_N_ERROR }
enum  nat_out2in_ed_error_t { NAT_OUT2IN_ED_N_ERROR }
enum  twice_nat_type_t { TWICE_NAT_DISABLED, TWICE_NAT, TWICE_NAT_SELF }
enum  lb_nat_type_t { NO_LB_NAT, LB_NAT, AFFINITY_LB_NAT }
enum  nat_log_level_t_ { foreach_nat_log_level }


typedef CLIB_PACKED (struct { snat_session_key_t out2in;snat_session_key_t in2out;u32 flags;u32 per_user_index;u32 per_user_list_head_index;u32 lru_head_index;u32 lru_index;f64 last_lru_update;f64 last_heard;f64 ha_last_refreshed;u64 total_bytes;u32 total_pkts;ip4_address_t ext_host_addr;u16 ext_host_port;ip4_address_t ext_host_nat_addr;u16 ext_host_nat_port;u8 state;u32 i2o_fin_seq;u32 o2i_fin_seq;u64 tcp_closed_timestamp;u32 user_index;}) snat_session_t
static bool tcp_flags_is_init (u8 f)
 Check if client initiating TCP connection (received SYN from client) More...
u32 icmp_match_in2out_fast (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, u32 thread_index, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, u8 *p_proto, snat_session_key_t *p_value, u8 *p_dont_translate, void *d, void *e)
 Get address and port values to be used for ICMP packet translation. More...
u32 icmp_match_in2out_slow (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, u32 thread_index, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, u8 *p_proto, snat_session_key_t *p_value, u8 *p_dont_translate, void *d, void *e)
 Get address and port values to be used for ICMP packet translation and create session if needed. More...
u32 icmp_match_out2in_fast (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, u32 thread_index, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, u8 *p_proto, snat_session_key_t *p_value, u8 *p_dont_translate, void *d, void *e)
 Get address and port values to be used for ICMP packet translation. More...
u32 icmp_match_out2in_slow (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, u32 thread_index, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, u8 *p_proto, snat_session_key_t *p_value, u8 *p_dont_translate, void *d, void *e)
 Get address and port values to be used for ICMP packet translation and create session if needed. More...
u32 icmp_match_out2in_det (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, u32 thread_index, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, u8 *p_proto, snat_session_key_t *p_value, u8 *p_dont_translate, void *d, void *e)
 Get address and port values to be used for ICMP packet translation and create session if needed. More...
u32 icmp_match_in2out_det (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, u32 thread_index, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, u8 *p_proto, snat_session_key_t *p_value, u8 *p_dont_translate, void *d, void *e)
 Get address and port values to be used for ICMP packet translation and create session if needed. More...
u32 icmp_match_out2in_ed (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, u32 thread_index, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, u8 *p_proto, snat_session_key_t *p_value, u8 *p_dont_translate, void *d, void *e)
u32 icmp_match_in2out_ed (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, u32 thread_index, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, u8 *p_proto, snat_session_key_t *p_value, u8 *p_dont_translate, void *d, void *e)
u32 icmp_in2out (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, icmp46_header_t *icmp0, u32 sw_if_index0, u32 rx_fib_index0, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, u32 next0, u32 thread_index, void *d, void *e)
u32 icmp_out2in (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, icmp46_header_t *icmp0, u32 sw_if_index0, u32 rx_fib_index0, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, u32 next0, u32 thread_index, void *d, void *e)
u32 snat_icmp_hairpinning (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, icmp46_header_t *icmp0, int is_ed)
void nat_hairpinning_sm_unknown_proto (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_buffer_t *b, ip4_header_t *ip)
void nat44_ed_hairpinning_unknown_proto (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_buffer_t *b, ip4_header_t *ip)
int snat_hairpinning (snat_main_t *sm, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, udp_header_t *udp0, tcp_header_t *tcp0, u32 proto0, int is_ed)
int nat44_i2o_ed_is_idle_session_cb (clib_bihash_kv_16_8_t *kv, void *arg)
int nat44_o2i_ed_is_idle_session_cb (clib_bihash_kv_16_8_t *kv, void *arg)
int nat44_i2o_is_idle_session_cb (clib_bihash_kv_8_8_t *kv, void *arg)
int nat44_o2i_is_idle_session_cb (clib_bihash_kv_8_8_t *kv, void *arg)
int snat_add_address (snat_main_t *sm, ip4_address_t *addr, u32 vrf_id, u8 twice_nat)
 Add external address to NAT44 pool. More...
int snat_del_address (snat_main_t *sm, ip4_address_t addr, u8 delete_sm, u8 twice_nat)
 Delete external address from NAT44 pool. More...
void nat44_add_del_address_dpo (ip4_address_t addr, u8 is_add)
 Add/delete external address to FIB DPO (out2in DPO mode) More...
int snat_add_static_mapping (ip4_address_t l_addr, ip4_address_t e_addr, u16 l_port, u16 e_port, u32 vrf_id, int addr_only, u32 sw_if_index, nat_protocol_t proto, int is_add, twice_nat_type_t twice_nat, u8 out2in_only, u8 *tag, u8 identity_nat)
 Add/delete NAT44 static mapping. More...
int nat44_add_del_lb_static_mapping (ip4_address_t e_addr, u16 e_port, nat_protocol_t proto, nat44_lb_addr_port_t *locals, u8 is_add, twice_nat_type_t twice_nat, u8 out2in_only, u8 *tag, u32 affinity)
 Add/delete static mapping with load-balancing (multiple backends) More...
int nat44_lb_static_mapping_add_del_local (ip4_address_t e_addr, u16 e_port, ip4_address_t l_addr, u16 l_port, nat_protocol_t proto, u32 vrf_id, u8 probability, u8 is_add)
clib_error_tsnat_api_init (vlib_main_t *vm, snat_main_t *sm)
int snat_set_workers (uword *bitmap)
 Set NAT plugin workers. More...
int snat_interface_add_del (u32 sw_if_index, u8 is_inside, int is_del)
 Enable/disable NAT44 feature on the interface. More...
int snat_interface_add_del_output_feature (u32 sw_if_index, u8 is_inside, int is_del)
 Enable/disable NAT44 output feature on the interface (postrouting NAT) More...
int snat_add_interface_address (snat_main_t *sm, u32 sw_if_index, int is_del, u8 twice_nat)
 Add/delete NAT44 pool address from specific interface. More...
int nat44_del_session (snat_main_t *sm, ip4_address_t *addr, u16 port, nat_protocol_t proto, u32 vrf_id, int is_in)
 Delete NAT44 session. More...
int nat44_del_ed_session (snat_main_t *sm, ip4_address_t *addr, u16 port, ip4_address_t *eh_addr, u16 eh_port, u8 proto, u32 vrf_id, int is_in)
 Delete NAT44 endpoint-dependent session. More...
void nat_free_session_data (snat_main_t *sm, snat_session_t *s, u32 thread_index, u8 is_ha)
 Free NAT44 session data (lookup keys, external address port) More...
int nat44_set_session_limit (u32 session_limit, u32 vrf_id)
 Set NAT44 session limit (session limit, vrf id) More...
void nat44_free_session_data (snat_main_t *sm, snat_session_t *s, u32 thread_index, u8 is_ha)
 Free NAT44 ED session data (lookup keys, external address port) More...
void nat44_db_init (snat_main_per_thread_data_t *tsm)
 Initialize NAT44 data. More...
void nat44_db_free (snat_main_per_thread_data_t *tsm)
 Free NAT44 data. More...
snat_user_tnat_user_get_or_create (snat_main_t *sm, ip4_address_t *addr, u32 fib_index, u32 thread_index)
 Find or create NAT user. More...
snat_session_t * nat_session_alloc_or_recycle (snat_main_t *sm, snat_user_t *u, u32 thread_index, f64 now)
 Allocate new NAT session or recycle last used. More...
void nat_set_alloc_addr_and_port_mape (u16 psid, u16 psid_offset, u16 psid_length)
 Set address and port assignment algorithm for MAP-E CE. More...
void nat_set_alloc_addr_and_port_range (u16 start_port, u16 end_port)
 Set address and port assignment algorithm for port range. More...
void nat_set_alloc_addr_and_port_default (void)
 Set address and port assignment algorithm to default/standard. More...
void snat_free_outside_address_and_port (snat_address_t *addresses, u32 thread_index, snat_session_key_t *k)
 Free outside address and port pair. More...
int snat_alloc_outside_address_and_port (snat_address_t *addresses, u32 fib_index, u32 thread_index, snat_session_key_t *k, u16 port_per_thread, u32 snat_thread_index)
 Alloc outside address and port. More...
int snat_static_mapping_match (snat_main_t *sm, snat_session_key_t match, snat_session_key_t *mapping, u8 by_external, u8 *is_addr_only, twice_nat_type_t *twice_nat, lb_nat_type_t *lb, ip4_address_t *ext_host_addr, u8 *is_identity_nat)
 Match NAT44 static mapping. More...
void snat_add_del_addr_to_fib (ip4_address_t *addr, u8 p_len, u32 sw_if_index, int is_add)
 Add/del NAT address to FIB. More...


snat_main_t snat_main
vlib_node_registration_t nat_default_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (nat_default_node) More...
vlib_node_registration_t nat_pre_in2out_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (nat_pre_in2out_node) More...
vlib_node_registration_t nat_pre_out2in_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (nat_pre_out2in_node) More...
vlib_node_registration_t snat_in2out_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_in2out_node) More...
vlib_node_registration_t snat_in2out_output_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_in2out_output_node) More...
vlib_node_registration_t snat_out2in_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_out2in_node) More...
vlib_node_registration_t snat_in2out_worker_handoff_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_in2out_worker_handoff_node) More...
vlib_node_registration_t snat_in2out_output_worker_handoff_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_in2out_output_worker_handoff_node) More...
vlib_node_registration_t snat_out2in_worker_handoff_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_out2in_worker_handoff_node) More...
vlib_node_registration_t snat_det_in2out_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_det_in2out_node) More...
vlib_node_registration_t snat_det_out2in_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_det_out2in_node) More...
vlib_node_registration_t nat44_ed_in2out_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (nat44_ed_in2out_node) More...
vlib_node_registration_t nat44_ed_in2out_output_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (nat44_ed_in2out_output_node) More...
vlib_node_registration_t nat44_ed_out2in_node
 (constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (nat44_ed_out2in_node) More...
fib_source_t nat_fib_src_hi
fib_source_t nat_fib_src_low
format_function_t format_snat_user
format_function_t format_snat_static_mapping
format_function_t format_snat_static_map_to_resolve
format_function_t format_snat_session
format_function_t format_det_map_ses
format_function_t format_snat_key
format_function_t format_static_mapping_key
format_function_t format_nat_protocol
format_function_t format_nat_addr_and_port_alloc_alg
unformat_function_t unformat_nat_protocol

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ foreach_nat_addr_and_port_alloc_alg

#define foreach_nat_addr_and_port_alloc_alg
_(0, DEFAULT, "default") \
_(1, MAPE, "map-e") \
_(2, RANGE, "port-range")

Definition at line 134 of file nat.h.

◆ foreach_nat_config_flag

#define foreach_nat_config_flag
_(0x01, IS_TWICE_NAT) \
_(0x02, IS_SELF_TWICE_NAT) \
_(0x04, IS_OUT2IN_ONLY) \
_(0x08, IS_ADDR_ONLY) \
_(0x10, IS_OUTSIDE) \
_(0x20, IS_INSIDE) \
_(0x40, IS_STATIC) \
_(0x80, IS_EXT_HOST_VALID) \

Definition at line 116 of file nat.h.

◆ foreach_nat_in2out_ed_error

#define foreach_nat_in2out_ed_error
_(UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL, "unsupported protocol") \
_(IN2OUT_PACKETS, "good in2out packets processed") \
_(OUT_OF_PORTS, "out of ports") \
_(BAD_ICMP_TYPE, "unsupported ICMP type") \
_(MAX_SESSIONS_EXCEEDED, "maximum sessions exceeded") \
_(MAX_USER_SESS_EXCEEDED, "max user sessions exceeded") \
_(DROP_FRAGMENT, "drop fragment") \
_(CANNOT_CREATE_USER, "cannot create NAT user") \
_(NON_SYN, "non-SYN packet try to create session") \
_(TCP_PACKETS, "TCP packets") \
_(TCP_CLOSED, "drops due to TCP in transitory timeout") \
_(UDP_PACKETS, "UDP packets") \
_(ICMP_PACKETS, "ICMP packets") \
_(OTHER_PACKETS, "other protocol packets") \
_(FRAGMENTS, "fragments") \
_(CACHED_FRAGMENTS, "cached fragments") \
_(PROCESSED_FRAGMENTS, "processed fragments")

Definition at line 166 of file nat.h.

◆ foreach_nat_log_level

#define foreach_nat_log_level
_(0x00, LOG_NONE) \
_(0x01, LOG_ERROR) \
_(0x02, LOG_WARNING) \
_(0x03, LOG_NOTICE) \
_(0x04, LOG_INFO) \
_(0x05, LOG_DEBUG)

Definition at line 831 of file nat.h.

◆ foreach_nat_out2in_ed_error

#define foreach_nat_out2in_ed_error
_(UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL, "unsupported protocol") \
_(OUT2IN_PACKETS, "good out2in packets processed") \
_(OUT_OF_PORTS, "out of ports") \
_(BAD_ICMP_TYPE, "unsupported ICMP type") \
_(NO_TRANSLATION, "no translation") \
_(MAX_SESSIONS_EXCEEDED, "maximum sessions exceeded") \
_(MAX_USER_SESS_EXCEEDED, "max user sessions exceeded") \
_(DROP_FRAGMENT, "drop fragment") \
_(CANNOT_CREATE_USER, "cannot create NAT user") \
_(NON_SYN, "non-SYN packet try to create session") \
_(TCP_PACKETS, "TCP packets") \
_(TCP_CLOSED, "drops due to TCP in transitory timeout") \
_(UDP_PACKETS, "UDP packets") \
_(ICMP_PACKETS, "ICMP packets") \
_(OTHER_PACKETS, "other protocol packets") \
_(FRAGMENTS, "fragments") \
_(CACHED_FRAGMENTS, "cached fragments") \
_(PROCESSED_FRAGMENTS, "processed fragments")

Definition at line 193 of file nat.h.

◆ foreach_snat_session_state

#define foreach_snat_session_state
_(0, UNKNOWN, "unknown") \
_(1, UDP_ACTIVE, "udp-active") \
_(2, TCP_SYN_SENT, "tcp-syn-sent") \
_(3, TCP_ESTABLISHED, "tcp-established") \
_(4, TCP_FIN_WAIT, "tcp-fin-wait") \
_(5, TCP_CLOSE_WAIT, "tcp-close-wait") \
_(6, TCP_CLOSING, "tcp-closing") \
_(7, TCP_LAST_ACK, "tcp-last-ack") \
_(8, TCP_CLOSED, "tcp-closed") \
_(9, ICMP_ACTIVE, "icmp-active")

Definition at line 147 of file nat.h.

◆ is_addr_only_static_mapping

#define is_addr_only_static_mapping (   sm)    (sm->flags & NAT_STATIC_MAPPING_FLAG_ADDR_ONLY)

Check if NAT static mapping is address only (1:1NAT).

smNAT static mapping
1 if 1:1NAT, 0 if 1:1NAPT

Definition at line 788 of file nat.h.

◆ is_affinity_sessions

#define is_affinity_sessions (   s)    (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_AFFINITY)

Check if NAT session has affinity record.

sNAT session
1 if NAT session has affinity record

Definition at line 764 of file nat.h.

◆ is_ed_session

#define is_ed_session (   s)    (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_ENDPOINT_DEPENDENT)

Check if NAT session is endpoint dependent.

sNAT session
1 if NAT session is endpoint dependent

Definition at line 758 of file nat.h.

◆ is_fwd_bypass_session

#define is_fwd_bypass_session (   s)    (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_FWD_BYPASS)

Check if NAT session is forwarding bypass.

sNAT session
1 if NAT session is load-balancing

Definition at line 752 of file nat.h.

◆ is_identity_static_mapping

#define is_identity_static_mapping (   sm)    (sm->flags & NAT_STATIC_MAPPING_FLAG_IDENTITY_NAT)

Check if NAT static mapping is identity NAT.

smNAT static mapping
1 if identity NAT

Definition at line 800 of file nat.h.

◆ is_lb_session

#define is_lb_session (   s)    (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_LOAD_BALANCING)

Check if NAT session is load-balancing.

sNAT session
1 if NAT session is load-balancing

Definition at line 746 of file nat.h.

◆ is_lb_static_mapping

#define is_lb_static_mapping (   sm)    (sm->flags & NAT_STATIC_MAPPING_FLAG_LB)

Check if NAT static mapping is load-balancing.

smNAT static mapping
1 if load-balancing

Definition at line 806 of file nat.h.

◆ is_out2in_only_static_mapping

#define is_out2in_only_static_mapping (   sm)    (sm->flags & NAT_STATIC_MAPPING_FLAG_OUT2IN_ONLY)

Check if NAT static mapping match only out2in direction.

smNAT static mapping
1 if rule match only out2in direction

Definition at line 794 of file nat.h.

◆ is_twice_nat_session

#define is_twice_nat_session (   s)    (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_TWICE_NAT)

Check if NAT session is twice NAT.

sNAT session
1 if NAT session is twice NAT

Definition at line 740 of file nat.h.

◆ nat44_is_ses_closed

#define nat44_is_ses_closed (   s)    s->state == 0xf

Check if NAT44 endpoint-dependent TCP session is closed.

sNAT session
1 if session is closed

Definition at line 782 of file nat.h.


#define NAT44_SES_I2O_FIN   1

Definition at line 223 of file nat.h.


#define NAT44_SES_I2O_FIN_ACK   4

Definition at line 225 of file nat.h.


#define NAT44_SES_I2O_SYN   16

Definition at line 227 of file nat.h.


#define NAT44_SES_O2I_FIN   2

Definition at line 224 of file nat.h.


#define NAT44_SES_O2I_FIN_ACK   8

Definition at line 226 of file nat.h.


#define NAT44_SES_O2I_SYN   32

Definition at line 228 of file nat.h.


#define NAT44_SES_RST   64

Definition at line 229 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog

#define nat_elog (   _level,
do \
{ \
snat_main_t *sm = &snat_main; \
if (PREDICT_FALSE (sm->log_level >= _level)) \
{ \
{ \
.format = "nat-msg " _str, \
.format_args = "", \
}; \
ELOG_DATA (&vlib_global_main.elog_main, e); \
} \
} while (0);
vlib_main_t vlib_global_main
Definition: main.c:1999
#define PREDICT_FALSE(x)
Definition: clib.h:118
snat_main_t snat_main
Definition: nat.c:41
elog_main_t elog_main
Definition: main.h:193

Definition at line 846 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_addr

#define nat_elog_addr (   _level,
do \
{ \
if (PREDICT_FALSE (sm->log_level >= _level)) \
{ \
{ \
.format = "nat-msg " _str " %d.%d.%d.%d", \
.format_args = "i1i1i1i1", \
}; \
CLIB_PACKED(struct \
{ \
u8 oct1; \
u8 oct2; \
u8 oct3; \
u8 oct4; \
}) *ed; \
ed->oct4 = _addr >> 24; \
ed->oct3 = _addr >> 16; \
ed->oct2 = _addr >> 8; \
ed->oct1 = _addr; \
} \
} while (0);
vlib_main_t vlib_global_main
Definition: main.c:1999
#define ELOG_DATA(em, f)
Definition: elog.h:484
#define PREDICT_FALSE(x)
Definition: clib.h:118
elog_main_t elog_main
Definition: main.h:193

Definition at line 861 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_debug

#define nat_elog_debug (   nat_elog_str)    nat_elog(SNAT_LOG_DEBUG, "[debug] " nat_elog_str)

Definition at line 992 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_debug_handoff

#define nat_elog_debug_handoff (   _str,
do \
{ \
if (PREDICT_FALSE (sm->log_level >= SNAT_LOG_DEBUG)) \
{ \
{ \
.format = "nat-msg " _str " ip src: %d.%d.%d.%d dst: %d.%d.%d.%d" \
" tid from: %d to: %d fib: %d", \
.format_args = "i1i1i1i1i1i1i1i1i4i4i4", \
}; \
CLIB_PACKED(struct \
{ \
u8 src_oct1; \
u8 src_oct2; \
u8 src_oct3; \
u8 src_oct4; \
u8 dst_oct1; \
u8 dst_oct2; \
u8 dst_oct3; \
u8 dst_oct4; \
u32 ftid; \
u32 ttid; \
u32 fib; \
}) *ed; \
ed->src_oct1 = _src >> 24; \
ed->src_oct2 = _src >> 16; \
ed->src_oct3 = _src >> 8; \
ed->src_oct4 = _src; \
ed->dst_oct1 = _dst >> 24; \
ed->dst_oct2 = _dst >> 16; \
ed->dst_oct3 = _dst >> 8; \
ed->dst_oct4 = _dst; \
ed->ftid = vlib_get_thread_index (); \
ed->ttid = _tid; \
ed->fib = _fib; \
} \
} while (0);
vlib_main_t vlib_global_main
Definition: main.c:1999
#define ELOG_DATA(em, f)
Definition: elog.h:484
#define PREDICT_FALSE(x)
Definition: clib.h:118
static_always_inline uword vlib_get_thread_index(void)
Definition: threads.h:218
elog_main_t elog_main
Definition: main.h:193

Definition at line 886 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_debug_handoff_v2

#define nat_elog_debug_handoff_v2 (   _str,
do \
{ \
if (PREDICT_FALSE (sm->log_level >= SNAT_LOG_DEBUG)) \
{ \
{ \
.format = "nat-msg " _str " ip_src:%d.%d.%d.%d ip_dst:%d.%d.%d.%d" \
" tid:%d prt:%d fib:%d", \
.format_args = "i1i1i1i1i1i1i1i1i4i4i4", \
}; \
CLIB_PACKED(struct \
{ \
u8 src_oct1; \
u8 src_oct2; \
u8 src_oct3; \
u8 src_oct4; \
u8 dst_oct1; \
u8 dst_oct2; \
u8 dst_oct3; \
u8 dst_oct4; \
u32 tid; \
u32 prt; \
u32 fib; \
}) *ed; \
ed->src_oct1 = _src >> 24; \
ed->src_oct2 = _src >> 16; \
ed->src_oct3 = _src >> 8; \
ed->src_oct4 = _src; \
ed->dst_oct1 = _dst >> 24; \
ed->dst_oct2 = _dst >> 16; \
ed->dst_oct3 = _dst >> 8; \
ed->dst_oct4 = _dst; \
ed->tid = vlib_get_thread_index (); \
ed->prt = _prt; \
ed->fib = _fib; \
} \
} while (0);
vlib_main_t vlib_global_main
Definition: main.c:1999
#define ELOG_DATA(em, f)
Definition: elog.h:484
#define PREDICT_FALSE(x)
Definition: clib.h:118
static_always_inline uword vlib_get_thread_index(void)
Definition: threads.h:218
elog_main_t elog_main
Definition: main.h:193

Definition at line 926 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_debug_X1

#define nat_elog_debug_X1 (   nat_elog_fmt_str,
)    nat_elog_X1(SNAT_LOG_DEBUG, "[debug] " nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)

Definition at line 1003 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_err

#define nat_elog_err (   nat_elog_str)    nat_elog(SNAT_LOG_ERROR, "[error] " nat_elog_str)

Definition at line 990 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_err_X1

#define nat_elog_err_X1 (   nat_elog_fmt_str,
)    nat_elog_X1(SNAT_LOG_ERROR, "[error] " nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)

Definition at line 1001 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_info

#define nat_elog_info (   nat_elog_str)    nat_elog(SNAT_LOG_INFO, "[info] " nat_elog_str)

Definition at line 994 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_info_X1

#define nat_elog_info_X1 (   nat_elog_fmt_str,
)    nat_elog_X1(SNAT_LOG_INFO, "[info] " nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)

Definition at line 1005 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_notice

#define nat_elog_notice (   nat_elog_str)    nat_elog(SNAT_LOG_INFO, "[notice] " nat_elog_str)

Definition at line 986 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_notice_X1

#define nat_elog_notice_X1 (   nat_elog_fmt_str,
)    nat_elog_X1(SNAT_LOG_NOTICE, "[notice] " nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)

Definition at line 997 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_warn

#define nat_elog_warn (   nat_elog_str)    nat_elog(SNAT_LOG_WARNING, "[warning] " nat_elog_str)

Definition at line 988 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_warn_X1

#define nat_elog_warn_X1 (   nat_elog_fmt_str,
)    nat_elog_X1(SNAT_LOG_WARNING, "[warning] " nat_elog_fmt_str, nat_elog_fmt_arg, nat_elog_val1)

Definition at line 999 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_elog_X1

#define nat_elog_X1 (   _level,
do \
{ \
snat_main_t *sm = &snat_main; \
if (PREDICT_FALSE (sm->log_level >= _level)) \
{ \
{ \
.format = "nat-msg " _fmt, \
.format_args = _arg, \
}; \
CLIB_PACKED(struct \
{ \
typeof (_val1) val1; \
}) *ed; \
ed->val1 = _val1; \
} \
} while (0);
vlib_main_t vlib_global_main
Definition: main.c:1999
#define ELOG_DATA(em, f)
Definition: elog.h:484
#define PREDICT_FALSE(x)
Definition: clib.h:118
snat_main_t snat_main
Definition: nat.c:41
elog_main_t elog_main
Definition: main.h:193

Definition at line 966 of file nat.h.


#define NAT_FQ_NELTS   64

Definition at line 46 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 242 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 243 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_interface_is_inside

#define nat_interface_is_inside (   i)    i->flags & NAT_INTERFACE_FLAG_IS_INSIDE

Check if NAT interface is inside.

iNAT interface
1 if inside interface

Definition at line 770 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_interface_is_outside

#define nat_interface_is_outside (   i)    i->flags & NAT_INTERFACE_FLAG_IS_OUTSIDE

Check if NAT interface is outside.

iNAT interface
1 if outside interface

Definition at line 776 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_log_debug

#define nat_log_debug (   ...)    vlib_log(VLIB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, snat_main.log_class, __VA_ARGS__)

Definition at line 827 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_log_err

#define nat_log_err (   ...)    vlib_log(VLIB_LOG_LEVEL_ERR, snat_main.log_class, __VA_ARGS__)

Definition at line 819 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_log_info

#define nat_log_info (   ...)    vlib_log(VLIB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, snat_main.log_class, __VA_ARGS__)

Definition at line 825 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_log_notice

#define nat_log_notice (   ...)    vlib_log(VLIB_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, snat_main.log_class, __VA_ARGS__)

Definition at line 823 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_log_warn

#define nat_log_warn (   ...)    vlib_log(VLIB_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, snat_main.log_class, __VA_ARGS__)

Definition at line 821 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 246 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 248 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 249 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 247 of file nat.h.


#define SNAT_FLAG_HAIRPINNING   (1 << 0)

Definition at line 49 of file nat.h.


#define SNAT_ICMP_TIMEOUT   60

Definition at line 43 of file nat.h.

◆ snat_is_session_static

#define snat_is_session_static (   s)    (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_STATIC_MAPPING)

Check if SNAT session is created from static mapping.

sSNAT session
1 if SNAT session is created from static mapping otherwise 0

Definition at line 728 of file nat.h.

◆ snat_is_unk_proto_session

#define snat_is_unk_proto_session (   s)    (s->flags & SNAT_SESSION_FLAG_UNKNOWN_PROTO)

Check if SNAT session for unknown protocol.

sSNAT session
1 if SNAT session for unknown protocol otherwise 0

Definition at line 734 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 238 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 236 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 237 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 234 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 239 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 232 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 235 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 233 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 42 of file nat.h.



Definition at line 41 of file nat.h.


#define SNAT_UDP_TIMEOUT   300

Definition at line 40 of file nat.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ nat_alloc_out_addr_and_port_function_t

typedef int() nat_alloc_out_addr_and_port_function_t(snat_address_t *addresses, u32 fib_index, u32 thread_index, snat_session_key_t *k, u16 port_per_thread, u32 snat_thread_index)

Definition at line 511 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_config_flags_t

◆ nat_log_level_t

◆ snat_get_worker_in2out_function_t

typedef u32() snat_get_worker_in2out_function_t(ip4_header_t *ip, u32 rx_fib_index, u8 is_output)

Definition at line 501 of file nat.h.

◆ snat_get_worker_out2in_function_t

typedef u32() snat_get_worker_out2in_function_t(vlib_buffer_t *b, ip4_header_t *ip, u32 rx_fib_index, u8 is_output)

Definition at line 505 of file nat.h.

◆ snat_icmp_match_function_t

typedef u32() snat_icmp_match_function_t(struct snat_main_s *sm, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, u32 thread_index, vlib_buffer_t *b0, ip4_header_t *ip0, u8 *p_proto, snat_session_key_t *p_value, u8 *p_dont_translate, void *d, void *e)

Definition at line 491 of file nat.h.

◆ snat_main_t

typedef struct snat_main_s snat_main_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ lb_nat_type_t


Definition at line 386 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_addr_and_port_alloc_alg_t


Definition at line 139 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_config_flags_t_


Definition at line 126 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_in2out_ed_error_t


Definition at line 185 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_log_level_t_


Definition at line 839 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_next_t

enum nat_next_t

Definition at line 51 of file nat.h.

◆ nat_out2in_ed_error_t


Definition at line 213 of file nat.h.

◆ snat_session_state_t


Definition at line 159 of file nat.h.

◆ twice_nat_type_t


Definition at line 376 of file nat.h.

Function Documentation


typedef CLIB_PACKED ( struct { snat_session_key_t out2in;snat_session_key_t in2out;u32 flags;u32 per_user_index;u32 per_user_list_head_index;u32 lru_head_index;u32 lru_index;f64 last_lru_update;f64 last_heard;f64 ha_last_refreshed;u64 total_bytes;u32 total_pkts;ip4_address_t ext_host_addr;u16 ext_host_port;ip4_address_t ext_host_nat_addr;u16 ext_host_nat_port;u8 state;u32 i2o_fin_seq;u32 o2i_fin_seq;u64 tcp_closed_timestamp;u32 user_index;}  )

◆ icmp_in2out()

u32 icmp_in2out ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_buffer_t b0,
ip4_header_t ip0,
icmp46_header_t *  icmp0,
u32  sw_if_index0,
u32  rx_fib_index0,
vlib_node_runtime_t node,
u32  next0,
u32  thread_index,
void *  d,
void *  e 

Definition at line 654 of file in2out.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ icmp_match_in2out_det()

u32 icmp_match_in2out_det ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_node_runtime_t node,
u32  thread_index,
vlib_buffer_t b0,
ip4_header_t ip0,
u8 p_proto,
snat_session_key_t p_value,
u8 p_dont_translate,
void *  d,
void *  e 

Get address and port values to be used for ICMP packet translation and create session if needed.

[in,out]smNAT main
[in,out]nodeNAT node runtime
[in]thread_indexthread index
[in,out]b0buffer containing packet to be translated
[in,out]ip0ip header
[out]p_protoprotocol used for matching
[out]p_valueaddress and port after NAT translation
[out]p_dont_translateif packet should not be translated
doptional parameter
eoptional parameter

Definition at line 96 of file nat_det_in2out.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ icmp_match_in2out_ed()

u32 icmp_match_in2out_ed ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_node_runtime_t node,
u32  thread_index,
vlib_buffer_t b0,
ip4_header_t ip0,
u8 p_proto,
snat_session_key_t p_value,
u8 p_dont_translate,
void *  d,
void *  e 

Definition at line 636 of file in2out_ed.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ icmp_match_in2out_fast()

u32 icmp_match_in2out_fast ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_node_runtime_t node,
u32  thread_index,
vlib_buffer_t b0,
ip4_header_t ip0,
u8 p_proto,
snat_session_key_t p_value,
u8 p_dont_translate,
void *  d,
void *  e 

Get address and port values to be used for ICMP packet translation.

[in]smNAT main
[in,out]nodeNAT node runtime
[in]thread_indexthread index
[in,out]b0buffer containing packet to be translated
[in,out]ip0ip header
[out]p_protoprotocol used for matching
[out]p_valueaddress and port after NAT translation
[out]p_dont_translateif packet should not be translated
doptional parameter
eoptional parameter

Definition at line 581 of file in2out.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ icmp_match_in2out_slow()

u32 icmp_match_in2out_slow ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_node_runtime_t node,
u32  thread_index,
vlib_buffer_t b0,
ip4_header_t ip0,
u8 p_proto,
snat_session_key_t p_value,
u8 p_dont_translate,
void *  d,
void *  e 

Get address and port values to be used for ICMP packet translation and create session if needed.

[in,out]smNAT main
[in,out]nodeNAT node runtime
[in]thread_indexthread index
[in,out]b0buffer containing packet to be translated
[in,out]ip0ip header
[out]p_protoprotocol used for matching
[out]p_valueaddress and port after NAT translation
[out]p_dont_translateif packet should not be translated
doptional parameter
eoptional parameter

Definition at line 457 of file in2out.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ icmp_match_out2in_det()

u32 icmp_match_out2in_det ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_node_runtime_t node,
u32  thread_index,
vlib_buffer_t b0,
ip4_header_t ip0,
u8 p_proto,
snat_session_key_t p_value,
u8 p_dont_translate,
void *  d,
void *  e 

Get address and port values to be used for ICMP packet translation and create session if needed.

[in,out]smNAT main
[in,out]nodeNAT node runtime
[in]thread_indexthread index
[in,out]b0buffer containing packet to be translated
[in,out]ip0ip header
[out]p_protoprotocol used for matching
[out]p_valueaddress and port after NAT translation
[out]p_dont_translateif packet should not be translated
doptional parameter
eoptional parameter

Definition at line 96 of file nat_det_out2in.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ icmp_match_out2in_ed()

u32 icmp_match_out2in_ed ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_node_runtime_t node,
u32  thread_index,
vlib_buffer_t b0,
ip4_header_t ip0,
u8 p_proto,
snat_session_key_t p_value,
u8 p_dont_translate,
void *  d,
void *  e 

Definition at line 430 of file out2in_ed.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ icmp_match_out2in_fast()

u32 icmp_match_out2in_fast ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_node_runtime_t node,
u32  thread_index,
vlib_buffer_t b0,
ip4_header_t ip0,
u8 p_proto,
snat_session_key_t p_value,
u8 p_dont_translate,
void *  d,
void *  e 

Get address and port values to be used for ICMP packet translation.

[in]smNAT main
[in,out]nodeNAT node runtime
[in]thread_indexthread index
[in,out]b0buffer containing packet to be translated
[in,out]ip0ip header
[out]p_protoprotocol used for matching
[out]p_valueaddress and port after NAT translation
[out]p_dont_translateif packet should not be translated
doptional parameter
eoptional parameter

Definition at line 461 of file out2in.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ icmp_match_out2in_slow()

u32 icmp_match_out2in_slow ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_node_runtime_t node,
u32  thread_index,
vlib_buffer_t b0,
ip4_header_t ip0,
u8 p_proto,
snat_session_key_t p_value,
u8 p_dont_translate,
void *  d,
void *  e 

Get address and port values to be used for ICMP packet translation and create session if needed.

[in,out]smNAT main
[in,out]nodeNAT node runtime
[in]thread_indexthread index
[in,out]b0buffer containing packet to be translated
[in,out]ip0ip header
[out]p_protoprotocol used for matching
[out]p_valueaddress and port after NAT translation
[out]p_dont_translateif packet should not be translated
doptional parameter
eoptional parameter

Definition at line 326 of file out2in.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ icmp_out2in()

u32 icmp_out2in ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_buffer_t b0,
ip4_header_t ip0,
icmp46_header_t *  icmp0,
u32  sw_if_index0,
u32  rx_fib_index0,
vlib_node_runtime_t node,
u32  next0,
u32  thread_index,
void *  d,
void *  e 

Definition at line 525 of file out2in.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_add_del_address_dpo()

void nat44_add_del_address_dpo ( ip4_address_t  addr,
u8  is_add 

Add/delete external address to FIB DPO (out2in DPO mode)

addrIPv4 address
is_add1 = add, 0 = delete
0 on success, non-zero value otherwise

Definition at line 3099 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_add_del_lb_static_mapping()

int nat44_add_del_lb_static_mapping ( ip4_address_t  e_addr,
u16  e_port,
nat_protocol_t  proto,
nat44_lb_addr_port_t locals,
u8  is_add,
twice_nat_type_t  twice_nat,
u8  out2in_only,
u8 tag,
u32  affinity 

Add/delete static mapping with load-balancing (multiple backends)

e_addrexternal IPv4 address
e_portexternal port number
protoL4 protocol
localslist of local backends
is_add1 = add, 0 = delete
twice_nattwice-nat mode
out2in_onlyif 1 rule match only out2in direction
tagopaque string tag
affinity0 = disabled, otherwise client IP affinity sticky time
0 on success, non-zero value otherwise

Definition at line 1325 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_db_free()

void nat44_db_free ( snat_main_per_thread_data_t tsm)

Free NAT44 data.

tsmper thread data

Definition at line 3931 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_db_init()

void nat44_db_init ( snat_main_per_thread_data_t tsm)

Initialize NAT44 data.

tsmper thread data

Definition at line 3869 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_del_ed_session()

int nat44_del_ed_session ( snat_main_t sm,
ip4_address_t addr,
u16  port,
ip4_address_t eh_addr,
u16  eh_port,
u8  proto,
u32  vrf_id,
int  is_in 

Delete NAT44 endpoint-dependent session.

smsnat global configuration data
addrIPv4 address
portL4 port number
protoL4 protocol
vrf_idVRF ID
is_in1 = inside network address and port pair, 0 = outside
0 on success, non-zero value otherwise

Definition at line 4435 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_del_session()

int nat44_del_session ( snat_main_t sm,
ip4_address_t addr,
u16  port,
nat_protocol_t  proto,
u32  vrf_id,
int  is_in 

Delete NAT44 session.

addrIPv4 address
portL4 port number
protoL4 protocol
vrf_idVRF ID
is_in1 = inside network address and port pair, 0 = outside
0 on success, non-zero value otherwise

Definition at line 4392 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_ed_hairpinning_unknown_proto()

void nat44_ed_hairpinning_unknown_proto ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_buffer_t b,
ip4_header_t ip 

Definition at line 383 of file nat44_hairpinning.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_free_session_data()

void nat44_free_session_data ( snat_main_t sm,
snat_session_t *  s,
u32  thread_index,
u8  is_ha 

Free NAT44 ED session data (lookup keys, external address port)

sNAT session
thread_indexthread index
is_hais HA event

Definition at line 352 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_i2o_ed_is_idle_session_cb()

int nat44_i2o_ed_is_idle_session_cb ( clib_bihash_kv_16_8_t kv,
void *  arg 

Definition at line 70 of file in2out_ed.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_i2o_is_idle_session_cb()

int nat44_i2o_is_idle_session_cb ( clib_bihash_kv_8_8_t kv,
void *  arg 

Definition at line 195 of file in2out.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_lb_static_mapping_add_del_local()

int nat44_lb_static_mapping_add_del_local ( ip4_address_t  e_addr,
u16  e_port,
ip4_address_t  l_addr,
u16  l_port,
nat_protocol_t  proto,
u32  vrf_id,
u8  probability,
u8  is_add 

Definition at line 1578 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_o2i_ed_is_idle_session_cb()

int nat44_o2i_ed_is_idle_session_cb ( clib_bihash_kv_16_8_t kv,
void *  arg 

Definition at line 94 of file out2in_ed.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_o2i_is_idle_session_cb()

int nat44_o2i_is_idle_session_cb ( clib_bihash_kv_8_8_t kv,
void *  arg 

Definition at line 115 of file out2in.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat44_set_session_limit()

int nat44_set_session_limit ( u32  session_limit,
u32  vrf_id 

Set NAT44 session limit (session limit, vrf id)

session_limitSession limit
vrf_idVRF id
0 on success, non-zero value otherwise

Definition at line 333 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat_free_session_data()

void nat_free_session_data ( snat_main_t sm,
snat_session_t *  s,
u32  thread_index,
u8  is_ha 

Free NAT44 session data (lookup keys, external address port)

smsnat global configuration data
sNAT session
thread_indexthread index
is_hais HA event

Definition at line 198 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat_hairpinning_sm_unknown_proto()

void nat_hairpinning_sm_unknown_proto ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_buffer_t b,
ip4_header_t ip 

Definition at line 356 of file nat44_hairpinning.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat_session_alloc_or_recycle()

snat_session_t* nat_session_alloc_or_recycle ( snat_main_t sm,
snat_user_t u,
u32  thread_index,
f64  now 

Allocate new NAT session or recycle last used.

smsnat global configuration data
uNAT user
thread_indexthread index
nowtime now
session data structure on success otherwise zero value

Definition at line 533 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat_set_alloc_addr_and_port_default()

void nat_set_alloc_addr_and_port_default ( void  )

Set address and port assignment algorithm to default/standard.

Definition at line 4497 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat_set_alloc_addr_and_port_mape()

void nat_set_alloc_addr_and_port_mape ( u16  psid,
u16  psid_offset,
u16  psid_length 

Set address and port assignment algorithm for MAP-E CE.

psidPort Set Identifier value
psid_offsetnumber of offset bits
psid_lengthlength of PSID

Definition at line 4474 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat_set_alloc_addr_and_port_range()

void nat_set_alloc_addr_and_port_range ( u16  start_port,
u16  end_port 

Set address and port assignment algorithm for port range.

start_portbeginning of the port range
end_portend of the port range

Definition at line 4486 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nat_user_get_or_create()

snat_user_t* nat_user_get_or_create ( snat_main_t sm,
ip4_address_t addr,
u32  fib_index,
u32  thread_index 

Find or create NAT user.

smsnat global configuration data
addrIPv4 address
fib_indexFIB table index
thread_indexthread index
NAT user data structure on success otherwise zero value

Definition at line 481 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_add_address()

int snat_add_address ( snat_main_t sm,
ip4_address_t addr,
u32  vrf_id,
u8  twice_nat 

Add external address to NAT44 pool.

smsnat global configuration data
addrIPv4 address
vrf_idVRF id of tenant, ~0 means independent of VRF
twice_nat1 if twice NAT address
0 on success, non-zero value otherwise

Definition at line 636 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_add_del_addr_to_fib()

void snat_add_del_addr_to_fib ( ip4_address_t addr,
u8  p_len,
u32  sw_if_index,
int  is_add 

Add/del NAT address to FIB.

Add the external NAT address to the FIB as receive entries. This ensures that VPP will reply to ARP for this address and we don't need to enable proxy ARP on the outside interface.

addrIPv4 address
plenaddress prefix length
sw_if_indexsoftware index of the outside interface
is_add0 = delete, 1 = add.

Definition at line 608 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_add_interface_address()

int snat_add_interface_address ( snat_main_t sm,
u32  sw_if_index,
int  is_del,
u8  twice_nat 

Add/delete NAT44 pool address from specific interface.

sw_if_indexsoftware index of the interface
is_del1 = delete, 0 = add
twice_nat1 = twice NAT address for external hosts
0 on success, non-zero value otherwise

Definition at line 4324 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_add_static_mapping()

int snat_add_static_mapping ( ip4_address_t  l_addr,
ip4_address_t  e_addr,
u16  l_port,
u16  e_port,
u32  vrf_id,
int  addr_only,
u32  sw_if_index,
nat_protocol_t  proto,
int  is_add,
twice_nat_type_t  twice_nat,
u8  out2in_only,
u8 tag,
u8  identity_nat 

Add/delete NAT44 static mapping.

l_addrlocal IPv4 address
e_addrexternal IPv4 address
l_portlocal port number
e_portexternal port number
vrf_idlocal VRF ID
addr_only1 = 1:1NAT, 0 = 1:1NAPT
sw_if_indexuse interface address as external IPv4 address
protoL4 protocol
is_add1 = add, 0 = delete
twice_nattwice-nat mode
out2in_onlyif 1 rule match only out2in direction
tagopaque string tag
identity_natidentity NAT
0 on success, non-zero value otherwise

Definition at line 862 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_alloc_outside_address_and_port()

int snat_alloc_outside_address_and_port ( snat_address_t addresses,
u32  fib_index,
u32  thread_index,
snat_session_key_t k,
u16  port_per_thread,
u32  snat_thread_index 

Alloc outside address and port.

addressesvector of outside addresses
fib_indexFIB table index
thread_indexthread index
kallocated address and port pair
port_per_threadnumber of ports per thread
snat_thread_indexNAT thread index
0 on success, non-zero value otherwise

Definition at line 2900 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_api_init()

clib_error_t* snat_api_init ( vlib_main_t vm,
snat_main_t sm 

Definition at line 3275 of file nat_api.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_del_address()

int snat_del_address ( snat_main_t sm,
ip4_address_t  addr,
u8  delete_sm,
u8  twice_nat 

Delete external address from NAT44 pool.

smsnat global configuration data
addrIPv4 address
delete_sm1 if delete static mapping using address
twice_nat1 if twice NAT address
0 on success, non-zero value otherwise

Definition at line 1740 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_free_outside_address_and_port()

void snat_free_outside_address_and_port ( snat_address_t addresses,
u32  thread_index,
snat_session_key_t k 

Free outside address and port pair.

addressesvector of outside addresses
thread_indexthread index
kaddress, port and protocol

Definition at line 2669 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_hairpinning()

int snat_hairpinning ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_buffer_t b0,
ip4_header_t ip0,
udp_header_t udp0,
tcp_header_t tcp0,
u32  proto0,
int  is_ed 

Definition at line 89 of file nat44_hairpinning.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_icmp_hairpinning()

u32 snat_icmp_hairpinning ( snat_main_t sm,
vlib_buffer_t b0,
ip4_header_t ip0,
icmp46_header_t *  icmp0,
int  is_ed 

Definition at line 198 of file nat44_hairpinning.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_interface_add_del()

int snat_interface_add_del ( u32  sw_if_index,
u8  is_inside,
int  is_del 

Enable/disable NAT44 feature on the interface.

sw_if_indexsoftware index of the interface
is_inside1 = inside, 0 = outside
is_del1 = delete, 0 = add
0 on success, non-zero value otherwise

Definition at line 1861 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_interface_add_del_output_feature()

int snat_interface_add_del_output_feature ( u32  sw_if_index,
u8  is_inside,
int  is_del 

Enable/disable NAT44 output feature on the interface (postrouting NAT)

sw_if_indexsoftware index of the interface
is_inside1 = inside, 0 = outside
is_del1 = delete, 0 = add
0 on success, non-zero value otherwise

Definition at line 2126 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_set_workers()

int snat_set_workers ( uword bitmap)

Set NAT plugin workers.

bitmapNAT workers bitmap
0 on success, non-zero value otherwise

Definition at line 2324 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ snat_static_mapping_match()

int snat_static_mapping_match ( snat_main_t sm,
snat_session_key_t  match,
snat_session_key_t mapping,
u8  by_external,
u8 is_addr_only,
twice_nat_type_t twice_nat,
lb_nat_type_t lb,
ip4_address_t ext_host_addr,
u8 is_identity_nat 

Match NAT44 static mapping.

matchaddress and port to match
mappingexternal/local address and port of the matched mapping
by_externalif 0 match by local address otherwise match by external address
is_addr_only1 if matched mapping is address only
twice_natmatched mapping is twice NAT type
lb1 if matched mapping is load-balanced
ext_host_addrexternal host address
0 if match found otherwise 1.

Definition at line 2741 of file nat.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tcp_flags_is_init()

static bool tcp_flags_is_init ( u8  f)

Check if client initiating TCP connection (received SYN from client)

tTCP header
1 if client initiating TCP connection

Definition at line 813 of file nat.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ format_det_map_ses

format_function_t format_det_map_ses

Definition at line 716 of file nat.h.

◆ format_nat_addr_and_port_alloc_alg

format_function_t format_nat_addr_and_port_alloc_alg

Definition at line 720 of file nat.h.

◆ format_nat_protocol

format_function_t format_nat_protocol

Definition at line 719 of file nat.h.

◆ format_snat_key

format_function_t format_snat_key

Definition at line 717 of file nat.h.

◆ format_snat_session

format_function_t format_snat_session

Definition at line 715 of file nat.h.

◆ format_snat_static_map_to_resolve

format_function_t format_snat_static_map_to_resolve

Definition at line 714 of file nat.h.

◆ format_snat_static_mapping

format_function_t format_snat_static_mapping

Definition at line 713 of file nat.h.

◆ format_snat_user

format_function_t format_snat_user

Definition at line 712 of file nat.h.

◆ format_static_mapping_key

format_function_t format_static_mapping_key

Definition at line 718 of file nat.h.

◆ nat44_ed_in2out_node

vlib_node_registration_t nat44_ed_in2out_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (nat44_ed_in2out_node)

Definition at line 1515 of file in2out_ed.c.

◆ nat44_ed_in2out_output_node

vlib_node_registration_t nat44_ed_in2out_output_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (nat44_ed_in2out_output_node)

Definition at line 1535 of file in2out_ed.c.

◆ nat44_ed_out2in_node

vlib_node_registration_t nat44_ed_out2in_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (nat44_ed_out2in_node)

Definition at line 1263 of file out2in_ed.c.

◆ nat_default_node

vlib_node_registration_t nat_default_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (nat_default_node)

Definition at line 4513 of file nat.c.

◆ nat_fib_src_hi

fib_source_t nat_fib_src_hi

Definition at line 22 of file dslite.c.

◆ nat_fib_src_low

fib_source_t nat_fib_src_low

Definition at line 44 of file nat.c.

◆ nat_pre_in2out_node

vlib_node_registration_t nat_pre_in2out_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (nat_pre_in2out_node)

Definition at line 1606 of file in2out_ed.c.

◆ nat_pre_out2in_node

vlib_node_registration_t nat_pre_out2in_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (nat_pre_out2in_node)

Definition at line 1314 of file out2in_ed.c.

◆ snat_det_in2out_node

vlib_node_registration_t snat_det_in2out_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_det_in2out_node)

Definition at line 892 of file nat_det_in2out.c.

◆ snat_det_out2in_node

vlib_node_registration_t snat_det_out2in_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_det_out2in_node)

Definition at line 701 of file nat_det_out2in.c.

◆ snat_in2out_node

vlib_node_registration_t snat_in2out_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_in2out_node)

Definition at line 1650 of file in2out.c.

◆ snat_in2out_output_node

vlib_node_registration_t snat_in2out_output_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_in2out_output_node)

Definition at line 1682 of file in2out.c.

◆ snat_in2out_output_worker_handoff_node

vlib_node_registration_t snat_in2out_output_worker_handoff_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_in2out_output_worker_handoff_node)

Definition at line 308 of file nat44_handoff.c.

◆ snat_in2out_worker_handoff_node

vlib_node_registration_t snat_in2out_worker_handoff_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_in2out_worker_handoff_node)

Definition at line 288 of file nat44_handoff.c.

◆ snat_main

snat_main_t snat_main

Definition at line 41 of file nat.c.

◆ snat_out2in_node

vlib_node_registration_t snat_out2in_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_out2in_node)

Definition at line 1386 of file out2in.c.

◆ snat_out2in_worker_handoff_node

vlib_node_registration_t snat_out2in_worker_handoff_node

(constructor) VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (snat_out2in_worker_handoff_node)

Definition at line 327 of file nat44_handoff.c.

◆ unformat_nat_protocol

unformat_function_t unformat_nat_protocol

Definition at line 722 of file nat.h.