FD.io VPP  v19.08-24-ge6a5712
Vector Packet Processing
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6  *
7  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14  */
15 /*
16  * cli.c: Unix stdin/socket CLI.
17  *
18  * Copyright (c) 2008 Eliot Dresselhaus
19  *
20  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
21  * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
22  * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
23  * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
24  * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
25  * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
26  * the following conditions:
27  *
28  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
29  * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
30  *
38  */
39 /**
40  * @file
41  * @brief Unix stdin/socket command line interface.
42  * Provides a command line interface so humans can interact with VPP.
43  * This is predominantly a debugging and testing mechanism.
44  */
45 /*? %%clicmd:group_label Command line session %% ?*/
46 /*? %%syscfg:group_label Command line session %% ?*/
48 #include <vlib/vlib.h>
49 #include <vlib/unix/unix.h>
51 #include <ctype.h>
52 #include <fcntl.h>
53 #include <sys/stat.h>
54 #include <termios.h>
55 #include <signal.h>
56 #include <unistd.h>
57 #include <arpa/telnet.h>
58 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
59 #include <sys/types.h>
60 #include <unistd.h>
61 #include <limits.h>
62 #include <netinet/tcp.h>
63 #include <math.h>
65 /** ANSI escape code. */
66 #define ESC "\x1b"
68 /** ANSI Control Sequence Introducer. */
69 #define CSI ESC "["
71 /** ANSI clear screen. */
72 #define ANSI_CLEAR CSI "2J" CSI "1;1H"
73 /** ANSI reset color settings. */
74 #define ANSI_RESET CSI "0m"
75 /** ANSI Start bold text. */
76 #define ANSI_BOLD CSI "1m"
77 /** ANSI Stop bold text. */
78 #define ANSI_DIM CSI "2m"
79 /** ANSI Start dark red text. */
80 #define ANSI_DRED ANSI_DIM CSI "31m"
81 /** ANSI Start bright red text. */
82 #define ANSI_BRED ANSI_BOLD CSI "31m"
83 /** ANSI clear line cursor is on. */
84 #define ANSI_CLEARLINE CSI "2K"
85 /** ANSI scroll screen down one line. */
86 #define ANSI_SCROLLDN CSI "1T"
87 /** ANSI save cursor position. */
88 #define ANSI_SAVECURSOR CSI "s"
89 /** ANSI restore cursor position if previously saved. */
90 #define ANSI_RESTCURSOR CSI "u"
92 /** Maximum depth into a byte stream from which to compile a Telnet
93  * protocol message. This is a safety measure. */
96 /** Maximum terminal width we will accept */
98 /** Maximum terminal height we will accept */
100 /** Default terminal height */
102 /** Default terminal width */
105 /** A CLI banner line. */
106 typedef struct
107 {
108  u8 *line; /**< The line to print. */
109  u32 length; /**< The length of the line without terminating NUL. */
112 #define _(a) { .line = (u8 *)(a), .length = sizeof(a) - 1 }
113 /** Plain welcome banner. */
114 static unix_cli_banner_t unix_cli_banner[] = {
115  _(" _______ _ _ _____ ___ \n"),
116  _(" __/ __/ _ \\ (_)__ | | / / _ \\/ _ \\\n"),
117  _(" _/ _// // / / / _ \\ | |/ / ___/ ___/\n"),
118  _(" /_/ /____(_)_/\\___/ |___/_/ /_/ \n"),
119  _("\n")
120 };
122 /** ANSI color welcome banner. */
123 static unix_cli_banner_t unix_cli_banner_color[] = {
124  _(ANSI_BRED " _______ _ " ANSI_RESET " _ _____ ___ \n"),
125  _(ANSI_BRED " __/ __/ _ \\ (_)__ " ANSI_RESET " | | / / _ \\/ _ \\\n"),
126  _(ANSI_BRED " _/ _// // / / / _ \\" ANSI_RESET " | |/ / ___/ ___/\n"),
127  _(ANSI_BRED " /_/ /____(_)_/\\___/" ANSI_RESET " |___/_/ /_/ \n"),
128  _("\n")
129 };
131 #undef _
133 /** Pager line index */
134 typedef struct
135 {
136  /** Index into pager_vector */
139  /** Offset of the string in the line */
142  /** Length of the string in the line */
147 /** Unix CLI session. */
148 typedef struct
149 {
150  /** The file index held by unix.c */
153  /** Vector of output pending write to file descriptor. */
156  /** Vector of input saved by Unix input node to be processed by
157  CLI process. */
160  /** This session has command history. */
162  /** Array of vectors of commands in the history. */
164  /** The command currently pointed at by the history cursor. */
166  /** How far from the end of the history array the user has browsed. */
169  /** Maximum number of history entries this session will store. */
172  /** Current command line counter */
175  /** The string being searched for in the history. */
177  /** If non-zero then the CLI is searching in the history array.
178  * - @c -1 means search backwards.
179  * - @c 1 means search forwards.
180  */
183  /** Position of the insert cursor on the current input line */
186  /** Line mode or char mode */
189  /** Set if the CRLF mode wants CR + LF */
192  /** Can we do ANSI output? */
195  /** Has the session started? */
198  /** Disable the pager? */
201  /** Whether the session is interactive or not.
202  * Controls things like initial banner, the CLI prompt etc. */
205  /** Whether the session is attached to a socket. */
208  /** If EPIPE has been detected, prevent further write-related
209  * activity on the descriptor.
210  */
213  /** Pager buffer */
216  /** Index of line fragments in the pager buffer */
219  /** Line number of top of page */
222  /** Terminal width */
225  /** Terminal height */
228  /** Process node identifier */
231  /** The current direction of cursor travel.
232  * This is important since when advancing left-to-right, at the
233  * right hand edge of the console the terminal typically defers
234  * wrapping the cursor to the next line until a character is
235  * actually displayed.
236  * This messes up our heuristic for whether to use ANSI to return
237  * the cursor to the end of the line and instead we have to
238  * nudge the cursor to the next line.
239  * A Value of @c 0 means we're advancing left-to-right; @c 1 means
240  * the opposite.
241  */
246 /** Resets the pager buffer and other data.
247  * @param f The CLI session whose pager needs to be reset.
248  */
249 always_inline void
251 {
252  u8 **p;
254  f->pager_start = 0;
256  vec_free (f->pager_index);
257  f->pager_index = 0;
259  vec_foreach (p, f->pager_vector)
260  {
261  vec_free (*p);
262  }
263  vec_free (f->pager_vector);
264  f->pager_vector = 0;
265 }
267 /** Release storage used by a CLI session.
268  * @param f The CLI session whose storage needs to be released.
269  */
270 always_inline void
272 {
273  vec_free (f->output_vector);
274  vec_free (f->input_vector);
276 }
278 /** CLI actions */
279 typedef enum
280 {
281  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_NOACTION = 0, /**< No action */
282  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_CRLF, /**< Carriage return, newline or enter */
283  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_TAB, /**< Tab key */
284  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_ERASE, /**< Erase cursor left */
285  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_ERASERIGHT, /**< Erase cursor right */
286  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_UP, /**< Up arrow */
287  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_DOWN, /**< Down arrow */
288  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_LEFT, /**< Left arrow */
289  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_RIGHT, /**< Right arrow */
290  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_HOME, /**< Home key (jump to start of line) */
291  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_END, /**< End key (jump to end of line) */
292  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_WORDLEFT, /**< Jump cursor to start of left word */
293  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_WORDRIGHT, /**< Jump cursor to start of right word */
294  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_ERASELINELEFT, /**< Erase line to left of cursor */
295  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_ERASELINERIGHT, /**< Erase line to right & including cursor */
296  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_CLEAR, /**< Clear the terminal */
297  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_REVSEARCH, /**< Search backwards in command history */
298  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_FWDSEARCH, /**< Search forwards in command history */
299  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_YANK, /**< Undo last erase action */
300  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_TELNETIAC, /**< Telnet control code */
302  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PAGER_CRLF, /**< Enter pressed (CR, CRLF, LF, etc) */
303  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PAGER_QUIT, /**< Exit the pager session */
304  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PAGER_NEXT, /**< Scroll to next page */
305  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PAGER_DN, /**< Scroll to next line */
306  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PAGER_UP, /**< Scroll to previous line */
307  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PAGER_TOP, /**< Scroll to first line */
308  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PAGER_BOTTOM, /**< Scroll to last line */
309  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PAGER_PGDN, /**< Scroll to next page */
310  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PAGER_PGUP, /**< Scroll to previous page */
311  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PAGER_REDRAW, /**< Clear and redraw the page on the terminal */
312  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PAGER_SEARCH, /**< Search the pager buffer */
314  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PARTIALMATCH, /**< Action parser found a partial match */
315  UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_NOMATCH /**< Action parser did not find any match */
318 /** @brief Mapping of input buffer strings to action values.
319  * @note This won't work as a hash since we need to be able to do
320  * partial matches on the string.
321  */
322 typedef struct
323 {
324  u8 *input; /**< Input string to match. */
325  u32 len; /**< Length of input without final NUL. */
326  unix_cli_parse_action_t action; /**< Action to take when matched. */
329 /** @brief Given a capital ASCII letter character return a @c NUL terminated
330  * string with the control code for that letter.
331  *
332  * @param c An ASCII character.
333  * @return A @c NUL terminated string of type @c u8[].
334  *
335  * @par Example
336  * @c CTL('A') returns <code>{ 0x01, 0x00 }</code> as a @c u8[].
337  */
338 #define CTL(c) (u8[]){ (c) - '@', 0 }
340 #define _(a,b) { .input = (u8 *)(a), .len = sizeof(a) - 1, .action = (b) }
341 /**
342  * Patterns to match on a CLI input stream.
343  * @showinitializer
344  */
345 static unix_cli_parse_actions_t unix_cli_parse_strings[] = {
346  /* Line handling */
347  _("\r\n", UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_CRLF), /* Must be before '\r' */
349  _("\r\0", UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_CRLF), /* Telnet does this */
352  /* Unix shell control codes */
366  _("\b", UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_ERASE), /* ^H */
367  _("\x7f", UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_ERASE), /* Backspace */
368  _("\t", UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_TAB), /* ^I */
370  /* VT100 Normal mode - Broadest support */
377  _(CSI "3~", UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_ERASERIGHT), /* Delete */
378  _(CSI "1;5D", UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_WORDLEFT), /* C-Left */
379  _(CSI "1;5C", UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_WORDRIGHT), /* C-Right */
381  /* VT100 Application mode - Some Gnome Terminal functions use these */
389  /* ANSI X3.41-1974 - sent by Microsoft Telnet and PuTTY */
393  /* Emacs-ish history search */
397  /* Other protocol things */
401 };
403 /**
404  * Patterns to match when a CLI session is in the pager.
405  * @showinitializer
406  */
407 static unix_cli_parse_actions_t unix_cli_parse_pager[] = {
408  /* Line handling */
409  _("\r\n", UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PAGER_CRLF), /* Must be before '\r' */
411  _("\r\0", UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PAGER_CRLF), /* Telnet does this */
414  /* Pager commands */
421  /* VT100 */
427  /* VT100 Application mode */
433  /* ANSI X3.41-1974 */
439  /* Other protocol things */
443 };
445 #undef _
447 /** CLI session events. */
448 typedef enum
449 {
450  UNIX_CLI_PROCESS_EVENT_READ_READY, /**< A file descriptor has data to be read. */
451  UNIX_CLI_PROCESS_EVENT_QUIT, /**< A CLI session wants to close. */
454 /** CLI session telnet negotiation timer events. */
455 typedef enum
456 {
457  UNIX_CLI_NEW_SESSION_EVENT_ADD, /**< Add a CLI session to the new session list */
460 /** Each new session is stored on a list with a deadline after which
461  * a prompt is issued, in case the session TELNET negotiation fails to
462  * complete. */
463 typedef struct
464 {
465  uword cf_index; /**< Session index of the new session. */
466  f64 deadline; /**< Deadline after which the new session must have a prompt. */
469 /** CLI global state. */
470 typedef struct
471 {
472  /** Prompt string for CLI. */
475  /** Vec pool of CLI sessions. */
478  /** Vec pool of unused session indices. */
481  /** The session index of the stdin cli */
484  /** File pool index of current input. */
487  /** New session process node identifier */
490  /** List of new sessions */
494 /** CLI global state */
497 /**
498  * @brief Search for a byte sequence in the action list.
499  *
500  * Searches the @ref unix_cli_parse_actions_t list in @a a for a match with
501  * the bytes in @a input of maximum length @a ilen bytes.
502  * When a match is made @a *matched indicates how many bytes were matched.
503  * Returns a value from the enum @ref unix_cli_parse_action_t to indicate
504  * whether no match was found, a partial match was found or a complete
505  * match was found and what action, if any, should be taken.
506  *
507  * @param[in] a Actions list to search within.
508  * @param[in] input String fragment to search for.
509  * @param[in] ilen Length of the string in 'input'.
510  * @param[out] matched Pointer to an integer that will contain the number
511  * of bytes matched when a complete match is found.
512  *
513  * @return Action from @ref unix_cli_parse_action_t that the string fragment
514  * matches.
515  * @ref UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_PARTIALMATCH is returned when the
516  * whole input string matches the start of at least one action.
517  * @ref UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_NOMATCH is returned when there is no
518  * match at all.
519  */
522  u8 * input, u32 ilen, i32 * matched)
523 {
524  u8 partial = 0;
526  while (a->input)
527  {
528  if (ilen >= a->len)
529  {
530  /* see if the start of the input buffer exactly matches the current
531  * action string. */
532  if (memcmp (input, a->input, a->len) == 0)
533  {
534  *matched = a->len;
535  return a->action;
536  }
537  }
538  else
539  {
540  /* if the first ilen characters match, flag this as a partial -
541  * meaning keep collecting bytes in case of a future match */
542  if (memcmp (input, a->input, ilen) == 0)
543  partial = 1;
544  }
546  /* check next action */
547  a++;
548  }
550  return partial ?
552 }
555 /** Add bytes to the output vector and then flagg the I/O system that bytes
556  * are available to be sent.
557  */
558 static void
560  unix_cli_file_t * cf,
561  u8 * buffer, uword buffer_bytes)
562 {
565  vec_add (cf->output_vector, buffer, buffer_bytes);
566  if (vec_len (cf->output_vector) > 0)
567  {
568  int skip_update = 0 != (uf->flags & UNIX_FILE_DATA_AVAILABLE_TO_WRITE);
570  if (!skip_update)
572  }
573 }
575 /** Delete all bytes from the output vector and flag the I/O system
576  * that no more bytes are available to be sent.
577  */
578 static void
580  unix_cli_file_t * cf, uword n_bytes)
581 {
584  vec_delete (cf->output_vector, n_bytes, 0);
585  if (vec_len (cf->output_vector) <= 0)
586  {
587  int skip_update = 0 == (uf->flags & UNIX_FILE_DATA_AVAILABLE_TO_WRITE);
589  if (!skip_update)
591  }
592 }
594 /** @brief A bit like strchr with a buffer length limit.
595  * Search a buffer for the first instance of a character up to the limit of
596  * the buffer length. If found then return the position of that character.
597  *
598  * The key departure from strchr is that if the character is not found then
599  * return the buffer length.
600  *
601  * @param chr The byte value to search for.
602  * @param str The buffer in which to search for the value.
603  * @param len The depth into the buffer to search.
604  *
605  * @return The index of the first occurrence of \c chr. If \c chr is not
606  * found then \c len instead.
607  */
610 {
611  word i = 0;
612  for (i = 0; i < len; i++, str++)
613  {
614  if (*str == chr)
615  return i;
616  }
617  return len;
618 }
620 /** @brief Send a buffer to the CLI stream if possible, enqueue it otherwise.
621  * Attempts to write given buffer to the file descriptor of the given
622  * Unix CLI session. If that session already has data in the output buffer
623  * or if the write attempt tells us to try again later then the given buffer
624  * is appended to the pending output buffer instead.
625  *
626  * This is typically called only from \c unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked since
627  * that is where CRLF handling occurs or from places where we explicitly do
628  * not want cooked handling.
629  *
630  * @param cf Unix CLI session of the desired stream to write to.
631  * @param uf The Unix file structure of the desired stream to write to.
632  * @param buffer Pointer to the buffer that needs to be written.
633  * @param buffer_bytes The number of bytes from \c buffer to write.
634  */
635 static void
637  clib_file_t * uf, u8 * buffer, uword buffer_bytes)
638 {
639  int n = 0;
641  if (cf->has_epipe) /* don't try writing anything */
642  return;
644  if (vec_len (cf->output_vector) == 0)
645  {
646  if (cf->is_socket)
647  /* If it's a socket we use MSG_NOSIGNAL to prevent SIGPIPE */
648  n = send (uf->file_descriptor, buffer, buffer_bytes, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
649  else
650  n = write (uf->file_descriptor, buffer, buffer_bytes);
651  }
653  if (n < 0 && errno != EAGAIN)
654  {
655  if (errno == EPIPE)
656  {
657  /* connection closed on us */
658  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
659  cf->has_epipe = 1;
662  uf->private_data);
663  }
664  else
665  {
666  clib_unix_warning ("write");
667  }
668  }
669  else if ((word) n < (word) buffer_bytes)
670  {
671  /* We got EAGAIN or we already have stuff in the buffer;
672  * queue up whatever didn't get sent for later. */
673  if (n < 0)
674  n = 0;
675  unix_cli_add_pending_output (uf, cf, buffer + n, buffer_bytes - n);
676  }
677 }
679 /** @brief Process a buffer for CRLF handling before outputting it to the CLI.
680  *
681  * @param cf Unix CLI session of the desired stream to write to.
682  * @param uf The Unix file structure of the desired stream to write to.
683  * @param buffer Pointer to the buffer that needs to be written.
684  * @param buffer_bytes The number of bytes from \c buffer to write.
685  */
686 static void
688  clib_file_t * uf,
689  u8 * buffer, uword buffer_bytes)
690 {
691  word end = 0, start = 0;
693  while (end < buffer_bytes)
694  {
695  if (cf->crlf_mode)
696  {
697  /* iterate the line on \n's so we can insert a \r before it */
698  end = unix_vlib_findchr ('\n',
699  buffer + start,
700  buffer_bytes - start) + start;
701  }
702  else
703  {
704  /* otherwise just send the whole buffer */
705  end = buffer_bytes;
706  }
708  unix_vlib_cli_output_raw (cf, uf, buffer + start, end - start);
710  if (cf->crlf_mode)
711  {
712  if (end < buffer_bytes)
713  {
714  unix_vlib_cli_output_raw (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\r\n", 2);
715  end++; /* skip the \n that we already sent */
716  }
717  start = end;
718  }
719  }
721  /* Use the last character to determine the last direction of the cursor. */
722  if (buffer_bytes > 0)
723  cf->cursor_direction = (buffer[buffer_bytes - 1] == (u8) '\b');
724 }
726 /** @brief Moves the terminal cursor one character to the left, with
727  * special handling when it reaches the left edge of the terminal window.
728  *
729  * Ordinarily we can simply send a '\b' to move the cursor left, however
730  * most terminals will not reverse-wrap to the end of the previous line
731  * if the cursor is in the left-most column. To counter this we must
732  * check the cursor position + prompt length modulo terminal width and
733  * if available use some other means, such as ANSI terminal escape
734  * sequences, to move the cursor.
735  *
736  * @param cf Unix CLI session of the desired stream to write to.
737  * @param uf The Unix file structure of the desired stream to write to.
738  */
739 static void
741 {
743  static u8 *ansi = 0; /* assumes no reentry */
744  u32 position;
746  if (!cf->is_interactive || !cf->ansi_capable || !cf->width)
747  {
748  /* No special handling for dumb terminals */
749  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\b", 1);
750  return;
751  }
753  position = ((u32) vec_len (cm->cli_prompt) + cf->cursor) % cf->width;
755  if (position != 0)
756  {
757  /* No special handling required if we're not at the left edge */
758  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\b", 1);
759  return;
760  }
762  if (!cf->cursor_direction)
763  {
764  /* Special handling for when we are at the left edge but
765  * the cursor was going left-to-right, but in this situation
766  * xterm-like terminals actually hide the cursor off the right
767  * edge. A \b here seems to jump one char too many, so let's
768  * force the cursor onto the next line instead.
769  */
770  if (cf->cursor < vec_len (cf->current_command))
772  1);
773  else
774  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) " ", 1);
775  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\r", 1);
776  }
778  /* Relocate the cursor at the right hand edge one line above */
779  ansi = format (ansi, CSI "A" CSI "%dC", cf->width - 1);
780  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, ansi, vec_len (ansi));
781  vec_reset_length (ansi); /* keep the vec around for next time */
782  cf->cursor_direction = 1; /* going backwards now */
783 }
785 /** @brief Output the CLI prompt */
786 static void
788 {
791  if (cf->is_interactive) /* Only interactive sessions get a prompt */
793  vec_len (cm->cli_prompt));
794 }
796 /** @brief Output a pager prompt and show number of buffered lines */
797 static void
799 {
800  u8 *prompt;
801  u32 h;
803  h = cf->pager_start + (cf->height - 1);
804  if (h > vec_len (cf->pager_index))
805  h = vec_len (cf->pager_index);
807  prompt = format (0, "\r%s-- more -- (%d-%d/%d)%s",
808  cf->ansi_capable ? ANSI_BOLD : "",
809  cf->pager_start + 1,
810  h,
811  vec_len (cf->pager_index),
812  cf->ansi_capable ? ANSI_RESET : "");
814  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, prompt, vec_len (prompt));
816  vec_free (prompt);
817 }
819 /** @brief Output a pager "skipping" message */
820 static void
822  char *message, char *postfix)
823 {
824  u8 *prompt;
826  prompt = format (0, "\r%s-- %s --%s%s",
827  cf->ansi_capable ? ANSI_BOLD : "",
828  message, cf->ansi_capable ? ANSI_RESET : "", postfix);
830  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, prompt, vec_len (prompt));
832  vec_free (prompt);
833 }
835 /** @brief Erase the printed pager prompt */
836 static void
838 {
839  if (cf->ansi_capable)
840  {
841  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\r", 1);
843  (u8 *) ANSI_CLEARLINE,
844  sizeof (ANSI_CLEARLINE) - 1);
845  }
846  else
847  {
848  int i;
850  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\r", 1);
851  for (i = 0; i < cf->width - 1; i++)
852  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) " ", 1);
853  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\r", 1);
854  }
855 }
857 /** @brief Uses an ANSI escape sequence to move the cursor */
858 static void
860 {
861  u8 *str;
863  str = format (0, "%s%d;%dH", CSI, y, x);
865  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, str, vec_len (str));
867  vec_free (str);
868 }
870 /** Redraw the currently displayed page of text.
871  * @param cf CLI session to redraw the pager buffer of.
872  * @param uf Unix file of the CLI session.
873  */
874 static void
876 {
878  u8 *line = NULL;
879  word i;
881  /* No active pager? Do nothing. */
882  if (!vec_len (cf->pager_index))
883  return;
885  if (cf->ansi_capable)
886  {
887  /* If we have ANSI, send the clear screen sequence */
889  (u8 *) ANSI_CLEAR,
890  sizeof (ANSI_CLEAR) - 1);
891  }
892  else
893  {
894  /* Otherwise make sure we're on a blank line */
896  }
898  /* (Re-)send the current page of content */
899  for (i = 0; i < cf->height - 1 &&
900  i + cf->pager_start < vec_len (cf->pager_index); i++)
901  {
902  pi = &cf->pager_index[cf->pager_start + i];
903  line = cf->pager_vector[pi->line] + pi->offset;
905  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, line, pi->length);
906  }
907  /* if the last line didn't end in newline, add a newline */
908  if (pi && line[pi->length - 1] != '\n')
909  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\n", 1);
911  unix_cli_pager_prompt (cf, uf);
912 }
914 /** @brief Process and add a line to the pager index.
915  * In normal operation this function will take the given character string
916  * found in @c line and with length @c len_or_index and iterates the over the
917  * contents, adding each line of text discovered within it to the
918  * pager index. Lines are identified by newlines ("<code>\\n</code>") and by
919  * strings longer than the width of the terminal.
920  *
921  * If instead @c line is @c NULL then @c len_or_index is taken to mean the
922  * index of an existing line in the pager buffer; this simply means that the
923  * input line does not need to be cloned since we already have it. This is
924  * typical if we are reindexing the pager buffer.
925  *
926  * @param cf The CLI session whose pager we are adding to.
927  * @param line The string of text to be indexed into the pager buffer.
928  * If @c line is @c NULL then the mode of operation
929  * changes slightly; see the description above.
930  * @param len_or_index If @c line is a pointer to a string then this parameter
931  * indicates the length of that string; Otherwise this
932  * value provides the index in the pager buffer of an
933  * existing string to be indexed.
934  */
935 static void
936 unix_cli_pager_add_line (unix_cli_file_t * cf, u8 * line, word len_or_index)
937 {
938  u8 *p = NULL;
939  word i, j, k;
940  word line_index, len;
941  u32 width = cf->width;
944  if (line == NULL)
945  {
946  /* Use a line already in the pager buffer */
947  line_index = len_or_index;
948  if (cf->pager_vector != NULL)
949  p = cf->pager_vector[line_index];
950  len = vec_len (p);
951  }
952  else
953  {
954  len = len_or_index;
955  /* Add a copy of the raw string to the pager buffer */
956  p = vec_new (u8, len);
957  clib_memcpy (p, line, len);
959  /* store in pager buffer */
960  line_index = vec_len (cf->pager_vector);
961  vec_add1 (cf->pager_vector, p);
962  }
964  i = 0;
965  while (i < len)
966  {
967  /* Find the next line, or run to terminal width, or run to EOL */
968  int l = len - i;
969  j = unix_vlib_findchr ((u8) '\n', p, l < width ? l : width);
971  if (j < l && p[j] == '\n') /* incl \n */
972  j++;
974  /* Add the line to the index */
975  k = vec_len (cf->pager_index);
976  vec_validate (cf->pager_index, k);
977  pi = &cf->pager_index[k];
979  pi->line = line_index;
980  pi->offset = i;
981  pi->length = j;
983  i += j;
984  p += j;
985  }
986 }
988 /** @brief Reindex entire pager buffer.
989  * Resets the current pager index and then re-adds the lines in the pager
990  * buffer to the index.
991  *
992  * Additionally this function attempts to retain the current page start
993  * line offset by searching for the same top-of-screen line in the new index.
994  *
995  * @param cf The CLI session whose pager buffer should be reindexed.
996  */
997 static void
999 {
1000  word i, old_line, old_offset;
1003  /* If there is nothing in the pager buffer then make sure the index
1004  * is empty and move on.
1005  */
1006  if (cf->pager_vector == 0)
1007  {
1009  return;
1010  }
1012  /* Retain a pointer to the current page start line so we can
1013  * find it later
1014  */
1015  pi = &cf->pager_index[cf->pager_start];
1016  old_line = pi->line;
1017  old_offset = pi->offset;
1019  /* Re-add the buffered lines to the index */
1022  {
1023  unix_cli_pager_add_line (cf, NULL, i);
1024  }
1026  /* Attempt to re-locate the previously stored page start line */
1028  {
1029  pi = &cf->pager_index[i];
1031  if (pi->line == old_line &&
1032  (pi->offset <= old_offset || pi->offset + pi->length > old_offset))
1033  {
1034  /* Found it! */
1035  cf->pager_start = i;
1036  break;
1037  }
1038  }
1040  /* In case the start line was not found (rare), ensure the pager start
1041  * index is within bounds
1042  */
1043  if (cf->pager_start >= vec_len (cf->pager_index))
1044  {
1045  if (!cf->height || vec_len (cf->pager_index) < (cf->height - 1))
1046  cf->pager_start = 0;
1047  else
1048  cf->pager_start = vec_len (cf->pager_index) - (cf->height - 1);
1049  }
1050 }
1052 /** VLIB CLI output function.
1053  *
1054  * If the terminal has a pager configured then this function takes care
1055  * of collating output into the pager buffer; ensuring only the first page
1056  * is displayed and any lines in excess of the first page are buffered.
1057  *
1058  * If the maximum number of index lines in the buffer is exceeded then the
1059  * pager is cancelled and the contents of the current buffer are sent to the
1060  * terminal.
1061  *
1062  * If there is no pager configured then the output is sent directly to the
1063  * terminal.
1064  *
1065  * @param cli_file_index Index of the CLI session where this output is
1066  * directed.
1067  * @param buffer String of printabe bytes to be output.
1068  * @param buffer_bytes The number of bytes in @c buffer to be output.
1069  */
1070 static void
1071 unix_vlib_cli_output (uword cli_file_index, u8 * buffer, uword buffer_bytes)
1072 {
1073  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
1076  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
1077  clib_file_t *uf;
1079  cf = pool_elt_at_index (cm->cli_file_pool, cli_file_index);
1082  if (cf->no_pager || um->cli_pager_buffer_limit == 0 || cf->height == 0)
1083  {
1084  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, buffer, buffer_bytes);
1085  }
1086  else
1087  {
1088  word row = vec_len (cf->pager_index);
1089  u8 *line;
1092  /* Index and add the output lines to the pager buffer. */
1093  unix_cli_pager_add_line (cf, buffer, buffer_bytes);
1095  /* Now iterate what was added to display the lines.
1096  * If we reach the bottom of the page, display a prompt.
1097  */
1098  while (row < vec_len (cf->pager_index))
1099  {
1100  if (row < cf->height - 1)
1101  {
1102  /* output this line */
1103  pi = &cf->pager_index[row];
1104  line = cf->pager_vector[pi->line] + pi->offset;
1105  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, line, pi->length);
1107  /* if the last line didn't end in newline, and we're at the
1108  * bottom of the page, add a newline */
1109  if (line[pi->length - 1] != '\n' && row == cf->height - 2)
1110  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\n", 1);
1111  }
1112  else
1113  {
1114  /* Display the pager prompt every 10 lines */
1115  if (!(row % 10))
1116  unix_cli_pager_prompt (cf, uf);
1117  }
1118  row++;
1119  }
1121  /* Check if we went over the pager buffer limit */
1122  if (vec_len (cf->pager_index) > um->cli_pager_buffer_limit)
1123  {
1124  /* Stop using the pager for the remainder of this CLI command */
1125  cf->no_pager = 2;
1127  /* If we likely printed the prompt, erase it */
1128  if (vec_len (cf->pager_index) > cf->height - 1)
1129  unix_cli_pager_prompt_erase (cf, uf);
1131  /* Dump out the contents of the buffer */
1132  for (row = cf->pager_start + (cf->height - 1);
1133  row < vec_len (cf->pager_index); row++)
1134  {
1135  pi = &cf->pager_index[row];
1136  line = cf->pager_vector[pi->line] + pi->offset;
1137  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, line, pi->length);
1138  }
1140  unix_cli_pager_reset (cf);
1141  }
1142  }
1143 }
1145 /** Identify whether a terminal type is ANSI capable.
1146  *
1147  * Compares the string given in @c term with a list of terminal types known
1148  * to support ANSI escape sequences.
1149  *
1150  * This list contains, for example, @c xterm, @c screen and @c ansi.
1151  *
1152  * @param term A string with a terminal type in it.
1153  * @param len The length of the string in @c term.
1154  *
1155  * @return @c 1 if the terminal type is recognized as supporting ANSI
1156  * terminal sequences; @c 0 otherwise.
1157  */
1158 static u8
1160 {
1161  /* This may later be better done as a hash of some sort. */
1162 #define _(a) do { \
1163  if (strncasecmp(a, (char *)term, (size_t)len) == 0) return 1; \
1164  } while(0)
1166  _("xterm");
1167  _("xterm-color");
1168  _("xterm-256color"); /* iTerm on Mac */
1169  _("screen");
1170  _("screen-256color"); /* Screen and tmux */
1171  _("ansi"); /* Microsoft Telnet */
1172 #undef _
1174  return 0;
1175 }
1177 /** Identify whether a terminal type is non-interactive.
1178  *
1179  * Compares the string given in @c term with a list of terminal types known
1180  * to be non-interactive, as send by tools such as @c vppctl .
1181  *
1182  * This list contains, for example, @c vppctl.
1183  *
1184  * @param term A string with a terminal type in it.
1185  * @param len The length of the string in @c term.
1186  *
1187  * @return @c 1 if the terminal type is recognized as being non-interactive;
1188  * @c 0 otherwise.
1189  */
1190 static u8
1192 {
1193  /* This may later be better done as a hash of some sort. */
1194 #define _(a) do { \
1195  if (strncasecmp(a, (char *)term, (size_t)len) == 0) return 1; \
1196  } while(0)
1198  _("vppctl");
1199 #undef _
1201  return 0;
1202 }
1204 /** Set a session to be non-interactive. */
1205 static void
1207 {
1208  /* Non-interactive sessions don't get these */
1209  cf->is_interactive = 0;
1210  cf->no_pager = 1;
1211  cf->history_limit = 0;
1212  cf->has_history = 0;
1213  cf->line_mode = 1;
1214 }
1216 /** @brief Emit initial welcome banner and prompt on a connection. */
1217 static void
1219 {
1220  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
1223  unix_cli_banner_t *banner;
1224  int i, len;
1226  /* Mark the session as started if we get here */
1227  cf->started = 1;
1229  if (!(cf->is_interactive)) /* No banner for non-interactive sessions */
1230  return;
1232  /*
1233  * Put the first bytes directly into the buffer so that further output is
1234  * queued until everything is ready. (oterwise initial prompt can appear
1235  * mid way through VPP initialization)
1236  */
1237  unix_cli_add_pending_output (uf, cf, (u8 *) "\r", 1);
1239  if (!um->cli_no_banner)
1240  {
1241  if (cf->ansi_capable)
1242  {
1243  banner = unix_cli_banner_color;
1244  len = ARRAY_LEN (unix_cli_banner_color);
1245  }
1246  else
1247  {
1248  banner = unix_cli_banner;
1249  len = ARRAY_LEN (unix_cli_banner);
1250  }
1252  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
1253  {
1255  banner[i].line, banner[i].length);
1256  }
1257  }
1259  /* Prompt. */
1260  unix_cli_cli_prompt (cf, uf);
1262 }
1264 /**
1265  * @brief A failsafe manager that ensures CLI sessions issue an initial
1266  * prompt if TELNET negotiation fails.
1267  */
1268 static uword
1270  vlib_frame_t * f)
1271 {
1273  uword event_type, *event_data = 0;
1274  f64 wait = 10.0;
1276  while (1)
1277  {
1278  if (vec_len (cm->new_sessions) > 0)
1279  wait = vlib_process_wait_for_event_or_clock (vm, wait);
1280  else
1283  event_type = vlib_process_get_events (vm, &event_data);
1285  switch (event_type)
1286  {
1287  case ~0: /* no events => timeout */
1288  break;
1291  {
1292  /* Add an identifier to the new session list */
1295  ns.cf_index = event_data[0];
1296  ns.deadline = vlib_time_now (vm) + 1.0;
1298  vec_add1 (cm->new_sessions, ns);
1300  if (wait > 0.1)
1301  wait = 0.1; /* force a re-evaluation soon, but not too soon */
1302  }
1303  break;
1305  default:
1306  clib_warning ("BUG: unknown event type 0x%wx", event_type);
1307  break;
1308  }
1310  vec_reset_length (event_data);
1313  {
1314  /* Scan the list looking for expired deadlines.
1315  * Emit needed prompts and remove from the list.
1316  * While scanning, look for the nearest new deadline
1317  * for the next iteration.
1318  * Since the list is ordered with newest sessions first
1319  * we can make assumptions about expired sessions being
1320  * contiguous at the beginning and the next deadline is the
1321  * next entry on the list, if any.
1322  */
1323  f64 now = vlib_time_now (vm);
1325  word index = 0;
1327  wait = INFINITY;
1329  vec_foreach (nsp, cm->new_sessions)
1330  {
1332  {
1333  /* Deadline reached */
1334  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
1336  /* Mark the highwater */
1337  index++;
1339  /* Check the connection didn't close already */
1340  if (pool_is_free_index (cm->cli_file_pool, nsp->cf_index))
1341  continue;
1343  cf = pool_elt_at_index (cm->cli_file_pool, nsp->cf_index);
1345  if (!cf->started)
1346  unix_cli_file_welcome (cm, cf);
1347  }
1348  else
1349  {
1350  wait = nsp->deadline - now;
1351  break;
1352  }
1353  }
1355  if (index)
1356  {
1357  /* We have sessions to remove */
1358  vec_delete (cm->new_sessions, index, 0);
1359  }
1360  }
1361  }
1363  return 0;
1364 }
1367 /** @brief A mostly no-op Telnet state machine.
1368  * Process Telnet command bytes in a way that ensures we're mostly
1369  * transparent to the Telnet protocol. That is, it's mostly a no-op.
1370  *
1371  * @return -1 if we need more bytes, otherwise a positive integer number of
1372  * bytes to consume from the input_vector, not including the initial
1373  * IAC byte.
1374  */
1375 static i32
1377  unix_cli_file_t * cf,
1378  clib_file_t * uf, u8 * input_vector, uword len)
1379 {
1380  /* Input_vector starts at IAC byte.
1381  * See if we have a complete message; if not, return -1 so we wait for more.
1382  * if we have a complete message, consume those bytes from the vector.
1383  */
1384  i32 consume = 0;
1386  if (len == 1)
1387  return -1; /* want more bytes */
1389  switch (input_vector[1])
1390  {
1391  case IAC:
1392  /* two IAC's in a row means to pass through 0xff.
1393  * since that makes no sense here, just consume it.
1394  */
1395  consume = 1;
1396  break;
1398  case WILL:
1399  case WONT:
1400  case DO:
1401  case DONT:
1402  /* Expect 3 bytes */
1403  if (len < 3)
1404  return -1; /* want more bytes */
1406  consume = 2;
1407  break;
1409  case SB:
1410  {
1411  /* Sub option - search ahead for IAC SE to end it */
1412  i32 i;
1413  for (i = 3; i < len && i < UNIX_CLI_MAX_DEPTH_TELNET; i++)
1414  {
1415  if (input_vector[i - 1] == IAC && input_vector[i] == SE)
1416  {
1417  /* We have a complete message; see if we care about it */
1418  switch (input_vector[2])
1419  {
1420  case TELOPT_TTYPE:
1421  if (input_vector[3] != 0)
1422  break;
1423  {
1424  /* See if the the terminal type is recognized */
1425  u8 *term = input_vector + 4;
1426  uword len = i - 5;
1428  /* See if the terminal type is ANSI capable */
1429  cf->ansi_capable =
1430  unix_cli_terminal_type_ansi (term, len);
1432  /* See if the terminal type indicates non-interactive */
1433  if (unix_cli_terminal_type_noninteractive (term, len))
1435  }
1437  /* If session not started, we can release the pause */
1438  if (!cf->started)
1439  /* Send the welcome banner and initial prompt */
1440  unix_cli_file_welcome (&unix_cli_main, cf);
1441  break;
1443  case TELOPT_NAWS:
1444  /* Window size */
1445  if (i != 8) /* check message is correct size */
1446  break;
1448  cf->width =
1449  clib_net_to_host_u16 (*((u16 *) (input_vector + 3)));
1452  if (cf->width == 0)
1455  cf->height =
1456  clib_net_to_host_u16 (*((u16 *) (input_vector + 5)));
1459  if (cf->height == 0)
1462  /* reindex pager buffer */
1464  /* redraw page */
1465  unix_cli_pager_redraw (cf, uf);
1466  break;
1468  default:
1469  break;
1470  }
1471  /* Consume it all */
1472  consume = i;
1473  break;
1474  }
1475  }
1478  consume = 1; /* hit max search depth, advance one byte */
1480  if (consume == 0)
1481  return -1; /* want more bytes */
1483  break;
1484  }
1486  case GA:
1487  case EL:
1488  case EC:
1489  case AO:
1490  case IP:
1491  case BREAK:
1492  case DM:
1493  case NOP:
1494  case SE:
1495  case EOR:
1496  case ABORT:
1497  case SUSP:
1498  case xEOF:
1499  /* Simple one-byte messages */
1500  consume = 1;
1501  break;
1503  case AYT:
1504  /* Are You There - trigger a visible response */
1505  consume = 1;
1506  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "fd.io VPP\n", 10);
1507  break;
1509  default:
1510  /* Unknown command! Eat the IAC byte */
1511  break;
1512  }
1514  return consume;
1515 }
1517 /** @brief Process actionable input.
1518  * Based on the \c action process the input; this typically involves
1519  * searching the command history or editing the current command line.
1520  */
1521 static int
1523  unix_main_t * um,
1524  unix_cli_file_t * cf,
1525  clib_file_t * uf,
1526  u8 input, unix_cli_parse_action_t action)
1527 {
1528  u8 *prev;
1529  u8 *save = 0;
1530  u8 **possible_commands;
1531  int j, delta;
1533  switch (action)
1534  {
1536  break;
1540  if (!cf->has_history || !cf->history_limit)
1541  break;
1542  if (cf->search_mode == 0)
1543  {
1544  /* Erase the current command (if any) */
1545  for (; cf->cursor > 0; cf->cursor--)
1546  {
1548  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) " ", 1);
1550  }
1556  cf->search_mode = -1;
1557  else
1558  cf->search_mode = 1;
1559  }
1560  else
1561  {
1563  cf->search_mode = -1;
1564  else
1565  cf->search_mode = 1;
1567  cf->excursion += cf->search_mode;
1568  goto search_again;
1569  }
1570  break;
1573  /* Erase the command from the cursor to the start */
1575  j = cf->cursor;
1576  /* Shimmy backwards to the new end of line position */
1577  delta = vec_len (cf->current_command) - cf->cursor;
1578  for (; cf->cursor > delta; cf->cursor--)
1580  /* Zap from here to the end of what is currently displayed */
1581  for (; cf->cursor < vec_len (cf->current_command); cf->cursor++)
1582  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) " ", 1);
1583  /* Get back to the start of the line */
1584  for (; cf->cursor > 0; cf->cursor--)
1587  /* Delete the desired text from the command */
1588  memmove (cf->current_command, cf->current_command + j, delta);
1589  _vec_len (cf->current_command) = delta;
1591  /* Print the new contents */
1592  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, cf->current_command, delta);
1593  cf->cursor = delta; /* for backspace tracking */
1595  /* Shimmy back to the start */
1596  for (; cf->cursor > 0; cf->cursor--)
1599  cf->search_mode = 0;
1600  break;
1603  /* Erase the command from the cursor to the end */
1605  j = cf->cursor;
1606  /* Zap from cursor to end of what is currently displayed */
1607  for (; cf->cursor < (vec_len (cf->current_command)); cf->cursor++)
1608  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) " ", 1);
1609  /* Get back to where we were */
1610  for (; cf->cursor > j; cf->cursor--)
1613  /* Truncate the line at the cursor */
1614  _vec_len (cf->current_command) = cf->cursor;
1616  cf->search_mode = 0;
1617  break;
1620  if (cf->cursor > 0)
1621  {
1623  cf->cursor--;
1624  }
1626  cf->search_mode = 0;
1627  break;
1630  if (cf->cursor < vec_len (cf->current_command))
1631  {
1632  /* have to emit the character under the cursor */
1634  cf->current_command + cf->cursor, 1);
1635  cf->cursor++;
1636  }
1638  cf->search_mode = 0;
1639  break;
1643  if (!cf->has_history || !cf->history_limit)
1644  break;
1645  cf->search_mode = 0;
1646  /* Erase the command */
1647  for (; cf->cursor < vec_len (cf->current_command); cf->cursor++)
1648  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) " ", 1);
1649  for (; cf->cursor > 0; cf->cursor--)
1650  {
1652  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) " ", 1);
1654  }
1656  if (vec_len (cf->command_history))
1657  {
1658  if (action == UNIX_CLI_PARSE_ACTION_UP)
1659  delta = -1;
1660  else
1661  delta = 1;
1663  cf->excursion += delta;
1665  if (cf->excursion == vec_len (cf->command_history))
1666  {
1667  /* down-arrowed to last entry - want a blank line */
1668  _vec_len (cf->current_command) = 0;
1669  }
1670  else if (cf->excursion < 0)
1671  {
1672  /* up-arrowed over the start to the end, want a blank line */
1673  cf->excursion = vec_len (cf->command_history);
1674  _vec_len (cf->current_command) = 0;
1675  }
1676  else
1677  {
1678  if (cf->excursion > (i32) vec_len (cf->command_history) - 1)
1679  /* down-arrowed past end - wrap to start */
1680  cf->excursion = 0;
1682  /* Print the command at the current position */
1683  prev = cf->command_history[cf->excursion];
1684  vec_validate (cf->current_command, vec_len (prev) - 1);
1686  clib_memcpy (cf->current_command, prev, vec_len (prev));
1687  _vec_len (cf->current_command) = vec_len (prev);
1689  vec_len (cf->current_command));
1690  }
1691  }
1692  cf->cursor = vec_len (cf->current_command);
1693  break;
1696  if (vec_len (cf->current_command) && cf->cursor > 0)
1697  {
1698  for (; cf->cursor > 0; cf->cursor--)
1700  }
1702  cf->search_mode = 0;
1703  break;
1706  if (vec_len (cf->current_command) &&
1707  cf->cursor < vec_len (cf->current_command))
1708  {
1710  cf->current_command + cf->cursor,
1711  vec_len (cf->current_command) -
1712  cf->cursor);
1713  cf->cursor = vec_len (cf->current_command);
1714  }
1716  cf->search_mode = 0;
1717  break;
1720  if (vec_len (cf->current_command) && cf->cursor > 0)
1721  {
1723  cf->cursor--;
1725  while (cf->cursor && isspace (cf->current_command[cf->cursor]))
1726  {
1728  cf->cursor--;
1729  }
1730  while (cf->cursor && !isspace (cf->current_command[cf->cursor]))
1731  {
1732  if (isspace (cf->current_command[cf->cursor - 1]))
1733  break;
1735  cf->cursor--;
1736  }
1738  }
1740  cf->search_mode = 0;
1741  break;
1744  if (vec_len (cf->current_command) &&
1745  cf->cursor < vec_len (cf->current_command))
1746  {
1747  int e = vec_len (cf->current_command);
1748  j = cf->cursor;
1749  while (j < e && !isspace (cf->current_command[j]))
1750  j++;
1751  while (j < e && isspace (cf->current_command[j]))
1752  j++;
1754  cf->current_command + cf->cursor,
1755  j - cf->cursor);
1756  cf->cursor = j;
1757  }
1759  cf->search_mode = 0;
1760  break;
1764  if (vec_len (cf->current_command))
1765  {
1766  if (cf->cursor == vec_len (cf->current_command))
1767  {
1769  cf->cursor--;
1770  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) " ", 1);
1771  cf->cursor++;
1773  cf->cursor--;
1774  _vec_len (cf->current_command)--;
1775  }
1776  else if (cf->cursor > 0)
1777  {
1778  /* shift everything at & to the right of the cursor left by 1 */
1779  j = vec_len (cf->current_command) - cf->cursor;
1780  memmove (cf->current_command + cf->cursor - 1,
1781  cf->current_command + cf->cursor, j);
1782  _vec_len (cf->current_command)--;
1784  /* redraw the rest of the line */
1786  cf->cursor--;
1788  cf->current_command + cf->cursor,
1789  j);
1790  cf->cursor += j;
1791  /* erase last char */
1792  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) " ", 1);
1793  cf->cursor++;
1795  /* and shift the terminal cursor back where it should be */
1796  j += 2; /* account for old string length and offset position */
1797  while (--j)
1798  {
1800  cf->cursor--;
1801  }
1802  }
1803  }
1804  cf->search_mode = 0;
1805  cf->excursion = 0;
1807  break;
1810  if (vec_len (cf->current_command))
1811  {
1812  if (cf->cursor < vec_len (cf->current_command))
1813  {
1814  /* shift everything to the right of the cursor left by 1 */
1815  j = vec_len (cf->current_command) - cf->cursor - 1;
1816  memmove (cf->current_command + cf->cursor,
1817  cf->current_command + cf->cursor + 1, j);
1818  _vec_len (cf->current_command)--;
1819  /* redraw the rest of the line */
1821  cf->current_command + cf->cursor,
1822  j);
1823  cf->cursor += j;
1824  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) " ", 1);
1825  cf->cursor++;
1827  cf->cursor--;
1828  /* and shift the terminal cursor back where it should be */
1829  if (j)
1830  {
1832  cf->cursor--;
1833  while (--j)
1834  {
1836  cf->cursor--;
1837  }
1838  }
1839  }
1840  }
1841  else if (input == 'D' - '@')
1842  {
1843  /* ^D with no command entered = quit */
1844  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "quit\n", 5);
1848  cf - cm->cli_file_pool);
1849  }
1850  cf->search_mode = 0;
1851  cf->excursion = 0;
1853  break;
1856  /* If we're in ANSI mode, clear the screen.
1857  * Then redraw the prompt and any existing command input, then put
1858  * the cursor back where it was in that line.
1859  */
1860  if (cf->ansi_capable)
1862  (u8 *) ANSI_CLEAR,
1863  sizeof (ANSI_CLEAR) - 1);
1864  else
1865  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\n", 1);
1867  unix_vlib_cli_output_raw (cf, uf,
1868  cm->cli_prompt, vec_len (cm->cli_prompt));
1870  cf->current_command,
1871  vec_len (cf->current_command));
1872  j = cf->cursor;
1873  cf->cursor = vec_len (cf->current_command);
1874  for (; cf->cursor > j; cf->cursor--)
1877  break;
1880  if (cf->cursor < vec_len (cf->current_command))
1881  {
1882  /* if we are in the middle of a line, complete only if
1883  * the cursor points to whitespace */
1884  if (isspace (cf->current_command[cf->cursor]))
1885  {
1886  /* save and clear any input that is after the cursor */
1887  vec_resize (save, vec_len (cf->current_command) - cf->cursor);
1888  clib_memcpy (save, cf->current_command + cf->cursor,
1889  vec_len (cf->current_command) - cf->cursor);
1890  _vec_len (cf->current_command) = cf->cursor;
1891  }
1892  else
1893  {
1894  unix_vlib_cli_output_raw (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\a", 1);
1895  break;
1896  }
1897  }
1898  possible_commands =
1900  if (vec_len (possible_commands) == 1)
1901  {
1902  u8 *completed = possible_commands[0];
1903  j = cf->cursor;
1905  /* find the last word of current_command */
1906  while (j >= 1 && !isspace (cf->current_command[j - 1]))
1907  {
1909  cf->cursor--;
1910  j--;
1911  }
1912  _vec_len (cf->current_command) = j;
1914  /* replace it with the newly expanded command */
1915  vec_append (cf->current_command, completed);
1917  /* echo to the terminal */
1918  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, completed,
1919  vec_len (completed));
1921  /* add one trailing space if needed */
1922  if (vec_len (save) == 0)
1923  {
1924  vec_add1 (cf->current_command, ' ');
1925  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) " ", 1);
1926  }
1928  cf->cursor = vec_len (cf->current_command);
1930  }
1931  else if (vec_len (possible_commands) >= 2)
1932  {
1933  u8 **possible_command;
1934  uword max_command_len = 0, min_command_len = ~0;
1935  u32 i;
1937  vec_foreach (possible_command, possible_commands)
1938  {
1939  if (vec_len (*possible_command) > max_command_len)
1940  max_command_len = vec_len (*possible_command);
1941  if (vec_len (*possible_command) < min_command_len)
1942  min_command_len = vec_len (*possible_command);
1943  }
1945  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\n", 1);
1947  i = 0;
1948  vec_foreach (possible_command, possible_commands)
1949  {
1950  if (i + max_command_len >= cf->width)
1951  {
1952  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\n", 1);
1953  i = 0;
1954  }
1955  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, *possible_command,
1956  vec_len (*possible_command));
1957  for (j = vec_len (*possible_command); j < max_command_len + 2;
1958  j++)
1959  {
1960  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) " ", 1);
1961  }
1962  i += max_command_len + 2;
1963  }
1965  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\n", 1);
1967  /* rewrite prompt */
1968  unix_cli_cli_prompt (cf, uf);
1970  vec_len (cf->current_command));
1972  /* count length of last word */
1973  j = cf->cursor;
1974  i = 0;
1975  while (j >= 1 && !isspace (cf->current_command[j - 1]))
1976  {
1977  j--;
1978  i++;
1979  }
1981  /* determine smallest common command */
1982  for (; i < min_command_len; i++)
1983  {
1984  u8 common = '\0';
1985  int stop = 0;
1987  vec_foreach (possible_command, possible_commands)
1988  {
1989  if (common == '\0')
1990  {
1991  common = (*possible_command)[i];
1992  }
1993  else if (common != (*possible_command)[i])
1994  {
1995  stop = 1;
1996  break;
1997  }
1998  }
2000  if (!stop)
2001  {
2002  vec_add1 (cf->current_command, common);
2003  cf->cursor++;
2004  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) & common, 1);
2005  }
2006  else
2007  {
2008  break;
2009  }
2010  }
2011  }
2012  else
2013  {
2014  unix_vlib_cli_output_raw (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\a", 1);
2015  }
2017  if (vec_len (save) > 0)
2018  {
2019  /* restore remaining input if tab was hit in the middle of a line */
2020  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, save, vec_len (save));
2021  cf->cursor += vec_len (save);
2022  for (j = 0; j < vec_len (save); j++, cf->cursor--)
2024  vec_append (cf->current_command, save);
2025  vec_free (save);
2026  }
2027  vec_free (possible_commands);
2029  break;
2031  /* TODO */
2032  break;
2036  pager_quit:
2037  unix_cli_pager_prompt_erase (cf, uf);
2038  unix_cli_pager_reset (cf);
2039  unix_cli_cli_prompt (cf, uf);
2040  break;
2044  /* show next page of the buffer */
2045  if (cf->height + cf->pager_start <= vec_len (cf->pager_index))
2046  {
2047  u8 *line = NULL;
2050  int m = cf->pager_start + (cf->height - 1);
2051  unix_cli_pager_prompt_erase (cf, uf);
2052  for (j = m;
2053  j < vec_len (cf->pager_index) && cf->pager_start < m;
2054  j++, cf->pager_start++)
2055  {
2056  pi = &cf->pager_index[j];
2057  line = cf->pager_vector[pi->line] + pi->offset;
2058  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, line, pi->length);
2059  }
2060  /* if the last line didn't end in newline, add a newline */
2061  if (pi && line[pi->length - 1] != '\n')
2062  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\n", 1);
2063  unix_cli_pager_prompt (cf, uf);
2064  }
2065  else
2066  {
2068  /* no more in buffer, exit, but only if it was <space> */
2069  goto pager_quit;
2070  }
2071  break;
2075  /* display the next line of the buffer */
2076  if (cf->height + cf->pager_start <= vec_len (cf->pager_index))
2077  {
2078  u8 *line;
2081  unix_cli_pager_prompt_erase (cf, uf);
2082  pi = &cf->pager_index[cf->pager_start + (cf->height - 1)];
2083  line = cf->pager_vector[pi->line] + pi->offset;
2084  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, line, pi->length);
2085  cf->pager_start++;
2086  /* if the last line didn't end in newline, add a newline */
2087  if (line[pi->length - 1] != '\n')
2088  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\n", 1);
2089  unix_cli_pager_prompt (cf, uf);
2090  }
2091  else
2092  {
2094  /* no more in buffer, exit, but only if it was <enter> */
2095  goto pager_quit;
2096  }
2098  break;
2101  /* scroll the page back one line */
2102  if (cf->pager_start > 0)
2103  {
2104  u8 *line = NULL;
2107  cf->pager_start--;
2108  if (cf->ansi_capable)
2109  {
2110  pi = &cf->pager_index[cf->pager_start];
2111  line = cf->pager_vector[pi->line] + pi->offset;
2112  unix_cli_pager_prompt_erase (cf, uf);
2114  sizeof (ANSI_SCROLLDN) - 1);
2116  sizeof (ANSI_SAVECURSOR) - 1);
2117  unix_cli_ansi_cursor (cf, uf, 1, 1);
2119  sizeof (ANSI_CLEARLINE) - 1);
2120  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, line, pi->length);
2122  sizeof (ANSI_RESTCURSOR) - 1);
2123  unix_cli_pager_prompt_erase (cf, uf);
2124  unix_cli_pager_prompt (cf, uf);
2125  }
2126  else
2127  {
2128  int m = cf->pager_start + (cf->height - 1);
2129  unix_cli_pager_prompt_erase (cf, uf);
2130  for (j = cf->pager_start;
2131  j < vec_len (cf->pager_index) && j < m; j++)
2132  {
2133  pi = &cf->pager_index[j];
2134  line = cf->pager_vector[pi->line] + pi->offset;
2135  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, line, pi->length);
2136  }
2137  /* if the last line didn't end in newline, add a newline */
2138  if (pi && line[pi->length - 1] != '\n')
2139  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\n", 1);
2140  unix_cli_pager_prompt (cf, uf);
2141  }
2142  }
2143  break;
2146  /* back to the first page of the buffer */
2147  if (cf->pager_start > 0)
2148  {
2149  u8 *line = NULL;
2152  cf->pager_start = 0;
2153  int m = cf->pager_start + (cf->height - 1);
2154  unix_cli_pager_prompt_erase (cf, uf);
2155  for (j = cf->pager_start; j < vec_len (cf->pager_index) && j < m;
2156  j++)
2157  {
2158  pi = &cf->pager_index[j];
2159  line = cf->pager_vector[pi->line] + pi->offset;
2160  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, line, pi->length);
2161  }
2162  /* if the last line didn't end in newline, add a newline */
2163  if (pi && line[pi->length - 1] != '\n')
2164  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\n", 1);
2165  unix_cli_pager_prompt (cf, uf);
2166  }
2167  break;
2170  /* skip to the last page of the buffer */
2171  if (cf->pager_start < vec_len (cf->pager_index) - (cf->height - 1))
2172  {
2173  u8 *line = NULL;
2176  cf->pager_start = vec_len (cf->pager_index) - (cf->height - 1);
2177  unix_cli_pager_prompt_erase (cf, uf);
2178  unix_cli_pager_message (cf, uf, "skipping", "\n");
2179  for (j = cf->pager_start; j < vec_len (cf->pager_index); j++)
2180  {
2181  pi = &cf->pager_index[j];
2182  line = cf->pager_vector[pi->line] + pi->offset;
2183  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, line, pi->length);
2184  }
2185  /* if the last line didn't end in newline, add a newline */
2186  if (pi && line[pi->length - 1] != '\n')
2187  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\n", 1);
2188  unix_cli_pager_prompt (cf, uf);
2189  }
2190  break;
2193  /* wander back one page in the buffer */
2194  if (cf->pager_start > 0)
2195  {
2196  u8 *line = NULL;
2198  int m;
2200  if (cf->pager_start >= cf->height)
2201  cf->pager_start -= cf->height - 1;
2202  else
2203  cf->pager_start = 0;
2204  m = cf->pager_start + cf->height - 1;
2205  unix_cli_pager_prompt_erase (cf, uf);
2206  for (j = cf->pager_start; j < vec_len (cf->pager_index) && j < m;
2207  j++)
2208  {
2209  pi = &cf->pager_index[j];
2210  line = cf->pager_vector[pi->line] + pi->offset;
2211  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, line, pi->length);
2212  }
2213  /* if the last line didn't end in newline, add a newline */
2214  if (pi && line[pi->length - 1] != '\n')
2215  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\n", 1);
2216  unix_cli_pager_prompt (cf, uf);
2217  }
2218  break;
2221  /* Redraw the current pager screen */
2222  unix_cli_pager_redraw (cf, uf);
2223  break;
2226  /* search forwards in the buffer */
2227  break;
2231  crlf:
2232  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\n", 1);
2234  if (cf->has_history && cf->history_limit)
2235  {
2236  if (cf->command_history
2237  && vec_len (cf->command_history) >= cf->history_limit)
2238  {
2239  vec_free (cf->command_history[0]);
2240  vec_delete (cf->command_history, 1, 0);
2241  }
2242  /* Don't add blank lines to the cmd history */
2243  if (vec_len (cf->current_command))
2244  {
2245  /* Don't duplicate the previous command */
2246  j = vec_len (cf->command_history);
2247  if (j == 0 ||
2248  (vec_len (cf->current_command) !=
2249  vec_len (cf->command_history[j - 1])
2250  || memcmp (cf->current_command, cf->command_history[j - 1],
2251  vec_len (cf->current_command)) != 0))
2252  {
2253  /* copy the command to the history */
2254  u8 *c = 0;
2255  vec_append (c, cf->current_command);
2256  vec_add1 (cf->command_history, c);
2257  cf->command_number++;
2258  }
2259  }
2260  cf->excursion = vec_len (cf->command_history);
2261  }
2263  cf->search_mode = 0;
2265  cf->cursor = 0;
2267  return 0;
2271  if (vec_len (cf->pager_index))
2272  {
2273  /* no-op for now */
2274  }
2275  else if (cf->has_history && cf->search_mode != 0 && isprint (input))
2276  {
2277  int k, limit, offset;
2278  u8 *item;
2280  vec_add1 (cf->search_key, input);
2282  search_again:
2283  for (j = 0; j < vec_len (cf->command_history); j++)
2284  {
2285  if (cf->excursion > (i32) vec_len (cf->command_history) - 1)
2286  cf->excursion = 0;
2287  else if (cf->excursion < 0)
2288  cf->excursion = vec_len (cf->command_history) - 1;
2290  item = cf->command_history[cf->excursion];
2292  limit = (vec_len (cf->search_key) > vec_len (item)) ?
2293  vec_len (item) : vec_len (cf->search_key);
2295  for (offset = 0; offset <= vec_len (item) - limit; offset++)
2296  {
2297  for (k = 0; k < limit; k++)
2298  {
2299  if (item[k + offset] != cf->search_key[k])
2300  goto next_offset;
2301  }
2302  goto found_at_offset;
2304  next_offset:
2305  ;
2306  }
2307  goto next;
2309  found_at_offset:
2310  for (; cf->cursor > 0; cf->cursor--)
2311  {
2313  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) " ", 1);
2315  }
2317  vec_validate (cf->current_command, vec_len (item) - 1);
2318  clib_memcpy (cf->current_command, item, vec_len (item));
2319  _vec_len (cf->current_command) = vec_len (item);
2322  vec_len (cf->current_command));
2323  cf->cursor = vec_len (cf->current_command);
2324  goto found;
2326  next:
2327  cf->excursion += cf->search_mode;
2328  }
2330  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\nNo match...", 12);
2333  cf->search_mode = 0;
2334  cf->cursor = 0;
2335  goto crlf;
2336  }
2337  else if (isprint (input)) /* skip any errant control codes */
2338  {
2339  if (cf->cursor == vec_len (cf->current_command))
2340  {
2341  /* Append to end */
2342  vec_add1 (cf->current_command, input);
2343  cf->cursor++;
2345  /* Echo the character back to the client */
2346  unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked (cf, uf, &input, 1);
2347  }
2348  else
2349  {
2350  /* Insert at cursor: resize +1 byte, move everything over */
2351  j = vec_len (cf->current_command) - cf->cursor;
2352  vec_add1 (cf->current_command, (u8) 'A');
2353  memmove (cf->current_command + cf->cursor + 1,
2354  cf->current_command + cf->cursor, j);
2355  cf->current_command[cf->cursor] = input;
2356  /* Redraw the line */
2357  j++;
2359  cf->current_command + cf->cursor,
2360  j);
2361  cf->cursor += j;
2362  j--;
2363  /* Put terminal cursor back */
2364  for (; j > 0; j--, cf->cursor--)
2366  }
2367  }
2368  else
2369  {
2370  /* no-op - not printable or otherwise not actionable */
2371  }
2373  found:
2375  break;
2378  break;
2379  }
2380  return 1;
2381 }
2383 /** @brief Process input bytes on a stream to provide line editing and
2384  * command history in the CLI. */
2385 static int
2388 {
2390  int i;
2392  for (i = 0; i < vec_len (cf->input_vector); i++)
2393  {
2394  unix_cli_parse_action_t action;
2395  i32 matched = 0;
2398  /* If we're in the pager mode, search the pager actions */
2399  a =
2400  vec_len (cf->pager_index) ? unix_cli_parse_pager :
2403  /* See if the input buffer is some sort of control code */
2404  action = unix_cli_match_action (a, &cf->input_vector[i],
2405  vec_len (cf->input_vector) - i,
2406  &matched);
2408  switch (action)
2409  {
2411  if (i)
2412  {
2413  /* There was a partial match which means we need more bytes
2414  * than the input buffer currently has.
2415  * Since the bytes before here have been processed, shift
2416  * the remaining contents to the start of the input buffer.
2417  */
2418  vec_delete (cf->input_vector, i, 0);
2419  }
2420  return 1; /* wait for more */
2423  /* process telnet options */
2424  matched = unix_cli_process_telnet (um, cf, uf,
2425  cf->input_vector + i,
2426  vec_len (cf->input_vector) - i);
2427  if (matched < 0)
2428  {
2429  /* There was a partial match which means we need more bytes
2430  * than the input buffer currently has.
2431  */
2432  if (i)
2433  {
2434  /*
2435  * Since the bytes before here have been processed, shift
2436  * the remaining contents to the start of the input buffer.
2437  */
2438  vec_delete (cf->input_vector, i, 0);
2439  }
2440  return 1; /* wait for more */
2441  }
2442  break;
2444  default:
2445  /* If telnet option processing switched us to line mode, get us
2446  * out of here!
2447  */
2448  if (cf->line_mode)
2449  {
2450  vec_delete (cf->input_vector, i, 0);
2451  cf->current_command = cf->input_vector;
2452  return 0;
2453  }
2455  /* process the action */
2456  if (!unix_cli_line_process_one (cm, um, cf, uf,
2457  cf->input_vector[i], action))
2458  {
2459  /* CRLF found. Consume the bytes from the input_vector */
2460  vec_delete (cf->input_vector, i + matched, 0);
2461  /* And tell our caller to execute cf->input_command */
2462  return 0;
2463  }
2464  }
2466  i += matched;
2467  }
2470  return 1;
2471 }
2473 /** @brief Process input to a CLI session. */
2474 static void
2476 {
2477  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
2479  clib_file_t *uf;
2480  unix_cli_file_t *cf = pool_elt_at_index (cm->cli_file_pool, cli_file_index);
2481  unformat_input_t input;
2482  int vlib_parse_eval (u8 *);
2484  cm->current_input_file_index = cli_file_index;
2486 more:
2487  /* Try vlibplex first. Someday... */
2488  if (0 && vlib_parse_eval (cf->input_vector) == 0)
2489  goto done;
2492  if (cf->line_mode)
2493  {
2494  /* just treat whatever we got as a complete line of input */
2495  cf->current_command = cf->input_vector;
2496  }
2497  else
2498  {
2499  /* Line edit, echo, etc. */
2500  if (unix_cli_line_edit (cm, um, fm, cf))
2501  /* want more input */
2502  return;
2503  }
2505  if (um->log_fd)
2506  {
2507  static u8 *lv;
2508  vec_reset_length (lv);
2509  lv = format (lv, "%U[%d]: %v",
2510  format_timeval, 0 /* current bat-time */ ,
2511  0 /* current bat-format */ ,
2512  cli_file_index, cf->current_command);
2513  int rv __attribute__ ((unused)) = write (um->log_fd, lv, vec_len (lv));
2514  }
2516  /* Build an unformat structure around our command */
2517  unformat_init_vector (&input, cf->current_command);
2519  /* Remove leading white space from input. */
2520  (void) unformat (&input, "");
2522  cf->pager_start = 0; /* start a new pager session */
2526  cli_file_index);
2528  /* Zero buffer since otherwise unformat_free will call vec_free on it. */
2529  input.buffer = 0;
2531  unformat_free (&input);
2533  /* Re-fetch pointer since pool may have moved. */
2534  cf = pool_elt_at_index (cm->cli_file_pool, cli_file_index);
2537 done:
2538  /* reset vector; we'll re-use it later */
2539  if (cf->line_mode)
2540  {
2542  cf->current_command = 0;
2543  }
2544  else
2545  {
2547  }
2549  if (cf->no_pager == 2)
2550  {
2551  /* Pager was programmatically disabled */
2552  unix_cli_pager_message (cf, uf, "pager buffer overflowed", "\n");
2553  cf->no_pager = um->cli_no_pager;
2554  }
2556  if (vec_len (cf->pager_index) == 0
2557  || vec_len (cf->pager_index) < cf->height)
2558  {
2559  /* There was no need for the pager */
2560  unix_cli_pager_reset (cf);
2562  /* Prompt. */
2563  unix_cli_cli_prompt (cf, uf);
2564  }
2565  else
2566  {
2567  /* Display the pager prompt */
2568  unix_cli_pager_prompt (cf, uf);
2569  }
2571  /* Any residual data in the input vector? */
2572  if (vec_len (cf->input_vector))
2573  goto more;
2575  /* For non-interactive sessions send a NUL byte.
2576  * Specifically this is because vppctl needs to see some traffic in
2577  * order to move on to closing the session. Commands with no output
2578  * would thus cause vppctl to hang indefinitely in non-interactive mode
2579  * since there is also no prompt sent after the command completes.
2580  */
2581  if (!cf->is_interactive)
2582  unix_vlib_cli_output_raw (cf, uf, (u8 *) "\0", 1);
2583 }
2585 /** Destroy a CLI session.
2586  * @note If we destroy the @c stdin session this additionally signals
2587  * the shutdown of VPP.
2588  */
2589 static void
2591 {
2592  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
2594  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
2595  clib_file_t *uf;
2596  int i;
2598  /* Validate cli_file_index */
2599  if (pool_is_free_index (cm->cli_file_pool, cli_file_index))
2600  return;
2602  cf = pool_elt_at_index (cm->cli_file_pool, cli_file_index);
2605  /* Quit/EOF on stdin means quit program. */
2606  if (uf->file_descriptor == STDIN_FILENO)
2609  vec_free (cf->current_command);
2610  vec_free (cf->search_key);
2612  for (i = 0; i < vec_len (cf->command_history); i++)
2613  vec_free (cf->command_history[i]);
2615  vec_free (cf->command_history);
2617  clib_file_del (fm, uf);
2619  unix_cli_file_free (cf);
2620  pool_put (cm->cli_file_pool, cf);
2621 }
2623 /** Handle system events. */
2624 static uword
2627 {
2629  uword i, *data = 0;
2631  while (1)
2632  {
2633  unix_cli_process_event_type_t event_type;
2635  event_type = vlib_process_get_events (vm, &data);
2637  switch (event_type)
2638  {
2640  for (i = 0; i < vec_len (data); i++)
2641  unix_cli_process_input (cm, data[i]);
2642  break;
2645  /* Kill this process. */
2646  for (i = 0; i < vec_len (data); i++)
2647  unix_cli_kill (cm, data[i]);
2648  goto done;
2649  }
2651  if (data)
2652  _vec_len (data) = 0;
2653  }
2655 done:
2656  vec_free (data);
2658  vlib_node_set_state (vm, rt->node_index, VLIB_NODE_STATE_DISABLED);
2660  /* Add node index so we can re-use this process later. */
2663  return 0;
2664 }
2666 /** Called when a CLI session file descriptor can be written to without
2667  * blocking. */
2668 static clib_error_t *
2670 {
2672  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
2673  int n;
2677  /* Flush output vector. */
2678  if (cf->is_socket)
2679  /* If it's a socket we use MSG_NOSIGNAL to prevent SIGPIPE */
2680  n = send (uf->file_descriptor,
2681  cf->output_vector, vec_len (cf->output_vector), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
2682  else
2683  n = write (uf->file_descriptor,
2684  cf->output_vector, vec_len (cf->output_vector));
2686  if (n < 0 && errno != EAGAIN)
2687  {
2688  if (errno == EPIPE)
2689  {
2690  /* connection closed on us */
2691  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
2692  cf->has_epipe = 1;
2695  uf->private_data);
2696  }
2697  else
2698  {
2699  return clib_error_return_unix (0, "write");
2700  }
2701  }
2703  else if (n > 0)
2704  unix_cli_del_pending_output (uf, cf, n);
2706  return /* no error */ 0;
2707 }
2709 /** Called when a CLI session file descriptor has data to be read. */
2710 static clib_error_t *
2712 {
2713  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
2715  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
2716  uword l;
2717  int n, n_read, n_try;
2721  n = n_try = 4096;
2722  while (n == n_try)
2723  {
2724  l = vec_len (cf->input_vector);
2725  vec_resize (cf->input_vector, l + n_try);
2727  n = read (uf->file_descriptor, cf->input_vector + l, n_try);
2729  /* Error? */
2730  if (n < 0 && errno != EAGAIN)
2731  return clib_error_return_unix (0, "read");
2733  n_read = n < 0 ? 0 : n;
2734  _vec_len (cf->input_vector) = l + n_read;
2735  }
2737  if (!(n < 0))
2739  cf->process_node_index,
2740  (n_read == 0
2743  /* event data */ uf->private_data);
2745  return /* no error */ 0;
2746 }
2748 /** Called when a CLI session file descriptor has an error condition. */
2749 static clib_error_t *
2751 {
2752  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
2754  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
2757  cf->has_epipe = 1; /* prevent writes while the close is pending */
2759  cf->process_node_index,
2761  /* event data */ uf->private_data);
2763  return /* no error */ 0;
2764 }
2766 /** Store a new CLI session.
2767  * @param name The name of the session.
2768  * @param fd The file descriptor for the session I/O.
2769  * @return The session ID.
2770  */
2771 static u32
2773 {
2774  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
2776  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
2777  clib_file_t template = { 0 };
2778  vlib_main_t *vm = um->vlib_main;
2779  vlib_node_t *n = 0;
2780  u8 *file_desc = 0;
2782  file_desc = format (0, "%s", name);
2784  name = (char *) format (0, "unix-cli-%s", name);
2787  {
2789  int i;
2790  vlib_main_t *this_vlib_main;
2791  u8 *old_name = 0;
2793  /*
2794  * Nodes are bulk-copied, so node name pointers are shared.
2795  * Find the cli node in all graph replicas, and give all of them
2796  * the same new name.
2797  * Then, throw away the old shared name-vector.
2798  */
2799  for (i = 0; i < vec_len (vlib_mains); i++)
2800  {
2801  this_vlib_main = vlib_mains[i];
2802  if (this_vlib_main == 0)
2803  continue;
2804  n = vlib_get_node (this_vlib_main,
2805  cm->unused_cli_process_node_indices[l - 1]);
2806  old_name = n->name;
2807  n->name = (u8 *) name;
2808  }
2809  vec_free (old_name);
2811  vlib_node_set_state (vm, n->index, VLIB_NODE_STATE_POLLING);
2813  _vec_len (cm->unused_cli_process_node_indices) = l - 1;
2814  }
2815  else
2816  {
2817  static vlib_node_registration_t r = {
2818  .function = unix_cli_process,
2820  .process_log2_n_stack_bytes = 16,
2821  };
2823  r.name = name;
2827  vlib_register_node (vm, &r);
2828  vec_free (name);
2830  n = vlib_get_node (vm, r.index);
2833  }
2835  pool_get (cm->cli_file_pool, cf);
2836  clib_memset (cf, 0, sizeof (*cf));
2838  template.read_function = unix_cli_read_ready;
2839  template.write_function = unix_cli_write_ready;
2840  template.error_function = unix_cli_error_detected;
2841  template.file_descriptor = fd;
2842  template.private_data = cf - cm->cli_file_pool;
2843  template.description = file_desc;
2845  cf->process_node_index = n->index;
2846  cf->clib_file_index = clib_file_add (fm, &template);
2847  cf->output_vector = 0;
2848  cf->input_vector = 0;
2854  p->output_function_arg = cf - cm->cli_file_pool;
2856  return cf - cm->cli_file_pool;
2857 }
2859 /** Telnet listening socket has a new connection. */
2860 static clib_error_t *
2862 {
2863  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
2866  clib_socket_t *s = &um->cli_listen_socket;
2867  clib_socket_t client;
2868  char *client_name;
2869  clib_error_t *error;
2870  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
2871  u32 cf_index;
2872  int one;
2874  error = clib_socket_accept (s, &client);
2875  if (error)
2876  return error;
2878  /* Disable Nagle, ignore any errors doing so eg on PF_LOCAL socket */
2879  one = 1;
2880  (void) setsockopt (client.fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY,
2881  (void *) &one, sizeof (one));
2883  client_name = (char *) format (0, "%U%c", format_sockaddr, &client.peer, 0);
2885  cf_index = unix_cli_file_add (cm, client_name, client.fd);
2886  cf = pool_elt_at_index (cm->cli_file_pool, cf_index);
2887  cf->is_socket = 1;
2889  /* No longer need CLIB version of socket. */
2890  clib_socket_free (&client);
2891  vec_free (client_name);
2893  /* if we're supposed to run telnet session in character mode (default) */
2894  if (um->cli_line_mode == 0)
2895  {
2896  /*
2897  * Set telnet client character mode, echo on, suppress "go-ahead".
2898  * Technically these should be negotiated, but this works.
2899  */
2900  u8 charmode_option[] = {
2901  IAC, WONT, TELOPT_LINEMODE, /* server will do char-by-char */
2902  IAC, DONT, TELOPT_LINEMODE, /* client should do char-by-char */
2903  IAC, WILL, TELOPT_SGA, /* server willl supress GA */
2904  IAC, DO, TELOPT_SGA, /* client should supress Go Ahead */
2905  IAC, WILL, TELOPT_ECHO, /* server will do echo */
2906  IAC, DONT, TELOPT_ECHO, /* client should not echo */
2907  IAC, DO, TELOPT_TTYPE, /* client should tell us its term type */
2908  IAC, SB, TELOPT_TTYPE, 1, IAC, SE, /* now tell me ttype */
2909  IAC, DO, TELOPT_NAWS, /* client should tell us its window sz */
2910  IAC, SB, TELOPT_NAWS, 1, IAC, SE, /* now tell me window size */
2911  };
2913  /* Enable history on this CLI */
2914  cf->history_limit = um->cli_history_limit;
2915  cf->has_history = cf->history_limit != 0;
2917  /* This is an interactive session until we decide otherwise */
2918  cf->is_interactive = 1;
2920  /* Make sure this session is in line mode */
2921  cf->line_mode = 0;
2923  /* We need CRLF */
2924  cf->crlf_mode = 1;
2926  /* Setup the pager */
2927  cf->no_pager = um->cli_no_pager;
2929  /* Default terminal dimensions, should the terminal
2930  * fail to provide any.
2931  */
2935  /* Send the telnet options */
2937  unix_vlib_cli_output_raw (cf, uf, charmode_option,
2938  ARRAY_LEN (charmode_option));
2940  if (cm->new_session_process_node_index == ~0)
2941  {
2942  /* Create thw new session deadline process */
2944  vlib_process_create (um->vlib_main, "unix-cli-new-session",
2946  16 /* log2_n_stack_bytes */ );
2947  }
2949  /* In case the client doesn't negotiate terminal type, register
2950  * our session with a process that will emit the prompt if
2951  * a deadline passes */
2956  }
2958  return error;
2959 }
2961 /** The system terminal has informed us that the window size
2962  * has changed.
2963  */
2964 static void
2966 {
2970  cm->stdin_cli_file_index);
2972  struct winsize ws;
2973  (void) signum;
2975  /* Terminal resized, fetch the new size */
2976  if (ioctl (STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) < 0)
2977  {
2978  /* "Should never happen..." */
2979  clib_unix_warning ("TIOCGWINSZ");
2980  /* We can't trust ws.XXX... */
2981  return;
2982  }
2984  cf->width = ws.ws_col;
2987  if (cf->width == 0)
2990  cf->height = ws.ws_row;
2993  if (cf->height == 0)
2996  /* Reindex the pager buffer */
2999  /* Redraw the page */
3000  unix_cli_pager_redraw (cf, uf);
3001 }
3003 /** Handle configuration directives in the @em unix section. */
3004 static clib_error_t *
3006 {
3007  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
3010  int flags;
3011  clib_error_t *error = 0;
3012  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
3013  u32 cf_index;
3014  struct termios tio;
3015  struct sigaction sa;
3016  struct winsize ws;
3017  u8 *term;
3019  /* We depend on unix flags being set. */
3020  if ((error = vlib_call_config_function (vm, unix_config)))
3021  return error;
3023  if (um->flags & UNIX_FLAG_INTERACTIVE)
3024  {
3025  /* Set stdin to be non-blocking. */
3026  if ((flags = fcntl (STDIN_FILENO, F_GETFL, 0)) < 0)
3027  flags = 0;
3028  (void) fcntl (STDIN_FILENO, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
3030  cf_index = unix_cli_file_add (cm, "stdin", STDIN_FILENO);
3031  cf = pool_elt_at_index (cm->cli_file_pool, cf_index);
3032  cm->stdin_cli_file_index = cf_index;
3034  /* If stdin is a tty and we are using chacracter mode, enable
3035  * history on the CLI and set the tty line discipline accordingly. */
3036  if (isatty (STDIN_FILENO) && um->cli_line_mode == 0)
3037  {
3038  /* Capture terminal resize events */
3039  clib_memset (&sa, 0, sizeof (sa));
3040  sa.sa_handler = unix_cli_resize_interrupt;
3041  if (sigaction (SIGWINCH, &sa, 0) < 0)
3042  clib_panic ("sigaction");
3044  /* Retrieve the current terminal size */
3045  ioctl (STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws);
3046  cf->width = ws.ws_col;
3047  cf->height = ws.ws_row;
3049  if (cf->width == 0 || cf->height == 0)
3050  {
3051  /*
3052  * We have a tty, but no size. Use defaults.
3053  * vpp "unix interactive" inside emacs + gdb ends up here.
3054  */
3057  }
3059  /* Setup the history */
3060  cf->history_limit = um->cli_history_limit;
3061  cf->has_history = cf->history_limit != 0;
3063  /* Setup the pager */
3064  cf->no_pager = um->cli_no_pager;
3066  /* This is an interactive session until we decide otherwise */
3067  cf->is_interactive = 1;
3069  /* We're going to be in char by char mode */
3070  cf->line_mode = 0;
3072  /* Save the original tty state so we can restore it later */
3073  tcgetattr (STDIN_FILENO, &um->tio_stdin);
3074  um->tio_isset = 1;
3076  /* Tweak the tty settings */
3077  tio = um->tio_stdin;
3078  /* echo off, canonical mode off, ext'd input processing off */
3079  tio.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN);
3080  /* disable XON/XOFF, so ^S invokes the history search */
3081  tio.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF);
3082  tio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; /* 1 byte at a time */
3083  tio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* no timer */
3084  tio.c_cc[VSTOP] = _POSIX_VDISABLE; /* not ^S */
3085  tio.c_cc[VSTART] = _POSIX_VDISABLE; /* not ^Q */
3086  tcsetattr (STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &tio);
3088  /* See if we can do ANSI/VT100 output */
3089  term = (u8 *) getenv ("TERM");
3090  if (term != NULL)
3091  {
3092  int len = strlen ((char *) term);
3093  cf->ansi_capable = unix_cli_terminal_type_ansi (term, len);
3094  if (unix_cli_terminal_type_noninteractive (term, len))
3096  }
3097  }
3098  else
3099  {
3100  /* No tty, so make sure the session doesn't have tty-like features */
3102  }
3104  /* Send banner and initial prompt */
3105  unix_cli_file_welcome (cm, cf);
3106  }
3108  /* If we have socket config, LISTEN, otherwise, don't */
3109  clib_socket_t *s = &um->cli_listen_socket;
3110  if (s->config && s->config[0] != 0)
3111  {
3112  /* CLI listen. */
3113  clib_file_t template = { 0 };
3115  /* mkdir of file socketu, only under /run */
3116  if (strncmp (s->config, "/run", 4) == 0)
3117  {
3118  u8 *tmp = format (0, "%s", s->config);
3119  int i = vec_len (tmp);
3120  while (i && tmp[--i] != '/')
3121  ;
3123  tmp[i] = 0;
3125  if (i)
3126  vlib_unix_recursive_mkdir ((char *) tmp);
3127  vec_free (tmp);
3128  }
3130  s->flags = CLIB_SOCKET_F_IS_SERVER | /* listen, don't connect */
3132  error = clib_socket_init (s);
3134  if (error)
3135  return error;
3137  template.read_function = unix_cli_listen_read_ready;
3138  template.file_descriptor = s->fd;
3139  template.description = format (0, "cli listener %s", s->config);
3141  clib_file_add (fm, &template);
3142  }
3144  /* Set CLI prompt. */
3145  if (!cm->cli_prompt)
3146  cm->cli_prompt = format (0, "VLIB: ");
3148  return 0;
3149 }
3151 /*?
3152  * This module has no configurable parameters.
3153 ?*/
3156 /** Called when VPP is shutting down, this restores the system
3157  * terminal state if previously saved.
3158  */
3159 static clib_error_t *
3161 {
3162  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
3164  /* If stdin is a tty and we saved the tty state, reset the tty state */
3165  if (isatty (STDIN_FILENO) && um->tio_isset)
3166  tcsetattr (STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &um->tio_stdin);
3168  return 0;
3169 }
3173 /** Set the CLI prompt.
3174  * @param prompt The C string to set the prompt to.
3175  * @note This setting is global; it impacts all current
3176  * and future CLI sessions.
3177  */
3178 void
3180 {
3181  char *fmt = (prompt[strlen (prompt) - 1] == ' ') ? "%s" : "%s ";
3183  if (cm->cli_prompt)
3184  vec_free (cm->cli_prompt);
3185  cm->cli_prompt = format (0, fmt, prompt);
3186 }
3188 /** CLI command to quit the terminal session.
3189  * @note If this is a stdin session then this will
3190  * shutdown VPP also.
3191  */
3192 static clib_error_t *
3194  unformat_input_t * input, vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
3195 {
3200  /* Cosmetic: suppress the final prompt from appearing before we die */
3201  cf->is_interactive = 0;
3202  cf->started = 1;
3205  vlib_current_process (vm),
3208  return 0;
3209 }
3211 /*?
3212  * Terminates the current CLI session.
3213  *
3214  * If VPP is running in @em interactive mode and this is the console session
3215  * (that is, the session on @c stdin) then this will also terminate VPP.
3216 ?*/
3217 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
3218 VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (unix_cli_quit_command, static) = {
3219  .path = "quit",
3220  .short_help = "Exit CLI",
3221  .function = unix_cli_quit,
3222 };
3223 /* *INDENT-ON* */
3225 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
3226 VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (unix_cli_q_command, static) = {
3227  .path = "q",
3228  .short_help = "Exit CLI",
3229  .function = unix_cli_quit,
3230 };
3231 /* *INDENT-ON* */
3233 /** CLI command to execute a VPP command script. */
3234 static clib_error_t *
3236  unformat_input_t * input, vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
3237 {
3238  char *file_name;
3239  int fd;
3240  unformat_input_t sub_input;
3241  clib_error_t *error;
3243  file_name = 0;
3244  fd = -1;
3245  error = 0;
3247  if (!unformat (input, "%s", &file_name))
3248  {
3249  error = clib_error_return (0, "expecting file name, got `%U'",
3250  format_unformat_error, input);
3251  goto done;
3252  }
3254  fd = open (file_name, O_RDONLY);
3255  if (fd < 0)
3256  {
3257  error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "failed to open `%s'", file_name);
3258  goto done;
3259  }
3261  /* Make sure its a regular file. */
3262  {
3263  struct stat s;
3265  if (fstat (fd, &s) < 0)
3266  {
3267  error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "failed to stat `%s'", file_name);
3268  goto done;
3269  }
3271  if (!(S_ISREG (s.st_mode) || S_ISLNK (s.st_mode)))
3272  {
3273  error = clib_error_return (0, "not a regular file `%s'", file_name);
3274  goto done;
3275  }
3276  }
3278  unformat_init_clib_file (&sub_input, fd);
3280  vlib_cli_input (vm, &sub_input, 0, 0);
3281  unformat_free (&sub_input);
3283 done:
3284  if (fd > 0)
3285  close (fd);
3286  vec_free (file_name);
3288  return error;
3289 }
3291 /*?
3292  * Executes a sequence of CLI commands which are read from a file. If
3293  * a command is unrecognised or otherwise invalid then the usual CLI
3294  * feedback will be generated, however execution of subsequent commands
3295  * from the file will continue.
3296  *
3297  * The VPP code is indifferent to the file location. However, if SELinux
3298  * is enabled, then the file needs to have an SELinux label the VPP
3299  * process is allowed to access. For example, if a file is created in
3300  * '<em>/usr/share/vpp/</em>', it will be allowed. However, files manually
3301  * created in '/tmp/' or '/home/<user>/' will not be accessible by the VPP
3302  * process when SELinux is enabled.
3303  *
3304  * @cliexpar
3305  * Sample file:
3306  * @clistart
3307  * <b><em>$ cat /usr/share/vpp/scripts/gigup.txt</em></b>
3308  * set interface state GigabitEthernet0/8/0 up
3309  * set interface state GigabitEthernet0/9/0 up
3310  * @cliend
3311  * Example of how to execute a set of CLI commands from a file:
3312  * @cliexcmd{exec /usr/share/vpp/scripts/gigup.txt}
3313 ?*/
3314 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
3315 VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (cli_exec, static) = {
3316  .path = "exec",
3317  .short_help = "exec <filename>",
3318  .function = unix_cli_exec,
3319  .is_mp_safe = 1,
3320 };
3321 /* *INDENT-ON* */
3323 /** CLI command to show various unix error statistics. */
3324 static clib_error_t *
3326  unformat_input_t * input, vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
3327 {
3328  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
3329  clib_error_t *error = 0;
3330  int i, n_errors_to_show;
3331  unix_error_history_t *unix_errors = 0;
3333  n_errors_to_show = 1 << 30;
3336  {
3337  if (!unformat (input, "%d", &n_errors_to_show))
3338  {
3339  error =
3340  clib_error_return (0,
3341  "expecting integer number of errors to show, got `%U'",
3342  format_unformat_error, input);
3343  goto done;
3344  }
3345  }
3347  n_errors_to_show =
3348  clib_min (ARRAY_LEN (um->error_history), n_errors_to_show);
3350  i =
3351  um->error_history_index >
3352  0 ? um->error_history_index - 1 : ARRAY_LEN (um->error_history) - 1;
3354  while (n_errors_to_show > 0)
3355  {
3356  unix_error_history_t *eh = um->error_history + i;
3358  if (!eh->error)
3359  break;
3361  vec_add1 (unix_errors, eh[0]);
3362  n_errors_to_show -= 1;
3363  if (i == 0)
3364  i = ARRAY_LEN (um->error_history) - 1;
3365  else
3366  i--;
3367  }
3369  if (vec_len (unix_errors) == 0)
3370  vlib_cli_output (vm, "no Unix errors so far");
3371  else
3372  {
3373  vlib_cli_output (vm, "%Ld total errors seen", um->n_total_errors);
3374  for (i = vec_len (unix_errors) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
3375  {
3376  unix_error_history_t *eh = vec_elt_at_index (unix_errors, i);
3377  vlib_cli_output (vm, "%U: %U",
3378  format_time_interval, "h:m:s:u", eh->time,
3379  format_clib_error, eh->error);
3380  }
3381  vlib_cli_output (vm, "%U: time now",
3382  format_time_interval, "h:m:s:u", vlib_time_now (vm));
3383  }
3385 done:
3386  vec_free (unix_errors);
3387  return error;
3388 }
3390 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
3391 VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (cli_unix_show_errors, static) = {
3392  .path = "show unix errors",
3393  .short_help = "Show Unix system call error history",
3394  .function = unix_show_errors,
3395 };
3396 /* *INDENT-ON* */
3398 /** CLI command to show various unix error statistics. */
3399 static clib_error_t *
3401  unformat_input_t * input, vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
3402 {
3403  clib_error_t *error = 0;
3405  clib_file_t *f;
3406  char path[PATH_MAX];
3407  u8 *s = 0;
3409  vlib_cli_output (vm, "%3s %6s %12s %12s %12s %-32s %s", "FD", "Thread",
3410  "Read", "Write", "Error", "File Name", "Description");
3412  /* *INDENT-OFF* */
3413  pool_foreach (f, fm->file_pool,(
3414  {
3415  int rv;
3416  s = format (s, "/proc/self/fd/%d%c", f->file_descriptor, 0);
3417  rv = readlink((char *) s, path, PATH_MAX - 1);
3419  path[rv < 0 ? 0 : rv] = 0;
3421  vlib_cli_output (vm, "%3d %6d %12d %12d %12d %-32s %v",
3422  f->file_descriptor, f->polling_thread_index,
3423  f->read_events, f->write_events, f->error_events,
3424  path, f->description);
3425  vec_reset_length (s);
3426  }));
3427  /* *INDENT-ON* */
3428  vec_free (s);
3430  return error;
3431 }
3433 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
3434 VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (cli_unix_show_files, static) = {
3435  .path = "show unix files",
3436  .short_help = "Show Unix files in use",
3437  .function = unix_show_files,
3438 };
3439 /* *INDENT-ON* */
3441 /** CLI command to show session command history. */
3442 static clib_error_t *
3444  unformat_input_t * input, vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
3445 {
3447  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
3448  int i, j;
3452  if (!cf->is_interactive)
3453  return clib_error_return (0, "invalid for non-interactive sessions");
3455  if (cf->has_history && cf->history_limit)
3456  {
3457  i = 1 + cf->command_number - vec_len (cf->command_history);
3458  for (j = 0; j < vec_len (cf->command_history); j++)
3459  vlib_cli_output (vm, "%d %v\n", i + j, cf->command_history[j]);
3460  }
3461  else
3462  {
3463  vlib_cli_output (vm, "History not enabled.\n");
3464  }
3466  return 0;
3467 }
3469 /*?
3470  * Displays the command history for the current session, if any.
3471 ?*/
3472 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
3473 VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (cli_unix_cli_show_history, static) = {
3474  .path = "history",
3475  .short_help = "Show current session command history",
3476  .function = unix_cli_show_history,
3477 };
3478 /* *INDENT-ON* */
3480 /** CLI command to show terminal status. */
3481 static clib_error_t *
3483  unformat_input_t * input, vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
3484 {
3485  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
3487  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
3488  vlib_node_t *n;
3491  n = vlib_get_node (vm, cf->process_node_index);
3493  vlib_cli_output (vm, "Terminal name: %v\n", n->name);
3494  vlib_cli_output (vm, "Terminal mode: %s\n", cf->line_mode ?
3495  "line-by-line" : "char-by-char");
3496  vlib_cli_output (vm, "Terminal width: %d\n", cf->width);
3497  vlib_cli_output (vm, "Terminal height: %d\n", cf->height);
3498  vlib_cli_output (vm, "ANSI capable: %s\n",
3499  cf->ansi_capable ? "yes" : "no");
3500  vlib_cli_output (vm, "Interactive: %s\n",
3501  cf->is_interactive ? "yes" : "no");
3502  vlib_cli_output (vm, "History enabled: %s%s\n",
3503  cf->has_history ? "yes" : "no", !cf->has_history
3504  || cf->history_limit ? "" :
3505  " (disabled by history limit)");
3506  if (cf->has_history)
3507  vlib_cli_output (vm, "History limit: %d\n", cf->history_limit);
3508  vlib_cli_output (vm, "Pager enabled: %s%s%s\n",
3509  cf->no_pager ? "no" : "yes",
3510  cf->no_pager
3511  || cf->height ? "" : " (disabled by terminal height)",
3512  cf->no_pager
3513  || um->cli_pager_buffer_limit ? "" :
3514  " (disabled by buffer limit)");
3515  if (!cf->no_pager)
3516  vlib_cli_output (vm, "Pager limit: %d\n", um->cli_pager_buffer_limit);
3517  vlib_cli_output (vm, "CRLF mode: %s\n",
3518  cf->crlf_mode ? "CR+LF" : "LF");
3520  return 0;
3521 }
3523 /*?
3524  * Displays various information about the state of the current terminal
3525  * session.
3526  *
3527  * @cliexpar
3528  * @cliexstart{show terminal}
3529  * Terminal name: unix-cli-stdin
3530  * Terminal mode: char-by-char
3531  * Terminal width: 123
3532  * Terminal height: 48
3533  * ANSI capable: yes
3534  * Interactive: yes
3535  * History enabled: yes
3536  * History limit: 50
3537  * Pager enabled: yes
3538  * Pager limit: 100000
3539  * CRLF mode: LF
3540  * @cliexend
3541 ?*/
3542 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
3543 VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (cli_unix_cli_show_terminal, static) = {
3544  .path = "show terminal",
3545  .short_help = "Show current session terminal settings",
3546  .function = unix_cli_show_terminal,
3547 };
3548 /* *INDENT-ON* */
3550 /** CLI command to display a list of CLI sessions. */
3551 static clib_error_t *
3553  unformat_input_t * input,
3554  vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
3555 {
3558  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
3559  clib_file_t *uf;
3560  vlib_node_t *n;
3562  vlib_cli_output (vm, "%-5s %-5s %-20s %s", "PNI", "FD", "Name", "Flags");
3564 #define fl(x, y) ( (x) ? toupper((y)) : tolower((y)) )
3565  /* *INDENT-OFF* */
3566  pool_foreach (cf, cm->cli_file_pool, ({
3567  uf = pool_elt_at_index (fm->file_pool, cf->clib_file_index);
3568  n = vlib_get_node (vm, cf->process_node_index);
3569  vlib_cli_output (vm,
3570  "%-5d %-5d %-20v %c%c%c%c%c\n",
3571  cf->process_node_index,
3572  uf->file_descriptor,
3573  n->name,
3574  fl (cf->is_interactive, 'i'),
3575  fl (cf->is_socket, 's'),
3576  fl (cf->line_mode, 'l'),
3577  fl (cf->has_epipe, 'p'),
3578  fl (cf->ansi_capable, 'a'));
3579  }));
3580  /* *INDENT-ON* */
3581 #undef fl
3583  return 0;
3584 }
3586 /*?
3587  * Displays a summary of all the current CLI sessions.
3588  *
3589  * Typically used to diagnose connection issues with the CLI
3590  * socket.
3591  *
3592  * @cliexpar
3593  * @cliexstart{show cli-sessions}
3594  * PNI FD Name Flags
3595  * 343 0 unix-cli-stdin IslpA
3596  * 344 7 unix-cli-local:20 ISlpA
3597  * 346 8 unix-cli-local:21 iSLpa
3598  * @cliexend
3600  * In this example we have the debug console of the running process
3601  * on stdin/out, we have an interactive socket session and we also
3602  * have a non-interactive socket session.
3603  *
3604  * Fields:
3605  *
3606  * - @em PNI: Process node index.
3607  * - @em FD: Unix file descriptor.
3608  * - @em Name: Name of the session.
3609  * - @em Flags: Various flags that describe the state of the session.
3610  *
3611  * @em Flags have the following meanings; lower-case typically negates
3612  * upper-case:
3613  *
3614  * - @em I Interactive session.
3615  * - @em S Connected by socket.
3616  * - @em s Not a socket, likely stdin.
3617  * - @em L Line-by-line mode.
3618  * - @em l Char-by-char mode.
3619  * - @em P EPIPE detected on connection; it will close soon.
3620  * - @em A ANSI-capable terminal.
3621 ?*/
3622 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
3623 VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (cli_unix_cli_show_cli_sessions, static) = {
3624  .path = "show cli-sessions",
3625  .short_help = "Show current CLI sessions",
3626  .function = unix_cli_show_cli_sessions,
3627 };
3628 /* *INDENT-ON* */
3630 /** CLI command to set terminal pager settings. */
3631 static clib_error_t *
3633  unformat_input_t * input,
3634  vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
3635 {
3636  unix_main_t *um = &unix_main;
3638  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
3639  unformat_input_t _line_input, *line_input = &_line_input;
3640  clib_error_t *error = 0;
3644  if (!cf->is_interactive)
3645  return clib_error_return (0, "invalid for non-interactive sessions");
3647  if (!unformat_user (input, unformat_line_input, line_input))
3648  return 0;
3650  while (unformat_check_input (line_input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT)
3651  {
3652  if (unformat (line_input, "on"))
3653  cf->no_pager = 0;
3654  else if (unformat (line_input, "off"))
3655  cf->no_pager = 1;
3656  else if (unformat (line_input, "limit %u", &um->cli_pager_buffer_limit))
3657  vlib_cli_output (vm,
3658  "Pager limit set to %u lines; note, this is global.\n",
3660  else
3661  {
3662  error = clib_error_return (0, "unknown parameter: `%U`",
3663  format_unformat_error, line_input);
3664  goto done;
3665  }
3666  }
3668 done:
3669  unformat_free (line_input);
3671  return error;
3672 }
3674 /*?
3675  * Enables or disables the terminal pager for this session. Generally
3676  * this defaults to enabled.
3677  *
3678  * Additionally allows the pager buffer size to be set; though note that
3679  * this value is set globally and not per session.
3680 ?*/
3681 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
3682 VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (cli_unix_cli_set_terminal_pager, static) = {
3683  .path = "set terminal pager",
3684  .short_help = "set terminal pager [on|off] [limit <lines>]",
3685  .function = unix_cli_set_terminal_pager,
3686 };
3687 /* *INDENT-ON* */
3689 /** CLI command to set terminal history settings. */
3690 static clib_error_t *
3692  unformat_input_t * input,
3693  vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
3694 {
3696  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
3697  unformat_input_t _line_input, *line_input = &_line_input;
3698  u32 limit;
3699  clib_error_t *error = 0;
3703  if (!cf->is_interactive)
3704  return clib_error_return (0, "invalid for non-interactive sessions");
3706  if (!unformat_user (input, unformat_line_input, line_input))
3707  return 0;
3709  while (unformat_check_input (line_input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT)
3710  {
3711  if (unformat (line_input, "on"))
3712  cf->has_history = 1;
3713  else if (unformat (line_input, "off"))
3714  cf->has_history = 0;
3715  else if (unformat (line_input, "limit %u", &cf->history_limit))
3716  ;
3717  else
3718  {
3719  error = clib_error_return (0, "unknown parameter: `%U`",
3720  format_unformat_error, line_input);
3721  goto done;
3722  }
3724  }
3726  /* If we reduced history size, or turned it off, purge the history */
3727  limit = cf->has_history ? cf->history_limit : 0;
3728  if (limit < vec_len (cf->command_history))
3729  {
3730  u32 i;
3732  /* How many items to remove from the start of history */
3733  limit = vec_len (cf->command_history) - limit;
3735  for (i = 0; i < limit; i++)
3736  vec_free (cf->command_history[i]);
3738  vec_delete (cf->command_history, limit, 0);
3739  }
3741 done:
3742  unformat_free (line_input);
3744  return error;
3745 }
3747 /*?
3748  * Enables or disables the command history function of the current
3749  * terminal. Generally this defaults to enabled.
3750  *
3751  * This command also allows the maximum size of the history buffer for
3752  * this session to be altered.
3753 ?*/
3754 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
3755 VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (cli_unix_cli_set_terminal_history, static) = {
3756  .path = "set terminal history",
3757  .short_help = "set terminal history [on|off] [limit <lines>]",
3758  .function = unix_cli_set_terminal_history,
3759 };
3760 /* *INDENT-ON* */
3762 /** CLI command to set terminal ANSI settings. */
3763 static clib_error_t *
3765  unformat_input_t * input,
3766  vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
3767 {
3769  unix_cli_file_t *cf;
3773  if (!cf->is_interactive)
3774  return clib_error_return (0, "invalid for non-interactive sessions");
3776  if (unformat (input, "on"))
3777  cf->ansi_capable = 1;
3778  else if (unformat (input, "off"))
3779  cf->ansi_capable = 0;
3780  else
3781  return clib_error_return (0, "unknown parameter: `%U`",
3782  format_unformat_error, input);
3784  return 0;
3785 }
3787 /*?
3788  * Enables or disables the use of ANSI control sequences by this terminal.
3789  * The default will vary based on terminal detection at the start of the
3790  * session.
3791  *
3792  * ANSI control sequences are used in a small number of places to provide,
3793  * for example, color text output and to control the cursor in the pager.
3794 ?*/
3795 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
3796 VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (cli_unix_cli_set_terminal_ansi, static) = {
3797  .path = "set terminal ansi",
3798  .short_help = "set terminal ansi [on|off]",
3799  .function = unix_cli_set_terminal_ansi,
3800 };
3801 /* *INDENT-ON* */
3803 static clib_error_t *
3805 {
3808  /* Breadcrumb to indicate the new session process
3809  * has not been started */
3812  return 0;
3813 }
3817 /*
3818  * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON
3819  *
3820  * Local Variables:
3821  * eval: (c-set-style "gnu")
3822  * End:
3823  */
#define vec_validate(V, I)
Make sure vector is long enough for given index (no header, unspecified alignment) ...
Definition: vec.h:439
u32 history_limit
Maximum number of history entries this session will store.
Definition: cli.c:170
u32 command_number
Current command line counter.
Definition: cli.c:173
uword output_function_arg
Definition: node.h:610
u32 error_history_index
Definition: unix.h:68
unix_main_t unix_main
Definition: main.c:62
#define vec_foreach_index(var, v)
Iterate over vector indices.
u8 * format_clib_error(u8 *s, va_list *va)
Definition: error.c:191
static void clib_file_del(clib_file_main_t *um, clib_file_t *f)
Definition: file.h:109
static void unix_cli_ansi_cursor(unix_cli_file_t *cf, clib_file_t *uf, u16 x, u16 y)
Uses an ANSI escape sequence to move the cursor.
Definition: cli.c:859
Maximum depth into a byte stream from which to compile a Telnet protocol message. ...
Definition: cli.c:94
u32 flags
Definition: vhost_user.h:141
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_error_detected(clib_file_t *uf)
Called when a CLI session file descriptor has an error condition.
Definition: cli.c:2750
#define clib_min(x, y)
Definition: clib.h:295
u8 is_interactive
Whether the session is interactive or not.
Definition: cli.c:203
u32 pager_start
Line number of top of page.
Definition: cli.c:220
static void unix_vlib_cli_output_raw(unix_cli_file_t *cf, clib_file_t *uf, u8 *buffer, uword buffer_bytes)
Send a buffer to the CLI stream if possible, enqueue it otherwise.
Definition: cli.c:636
Action parser found a partial match.
Definition: cli.c:314
Carriage return, newline or enter.
Definition: cli.c:282
Telnet control code.
Definition: cli.c:300
static f64 vlib_process_wait_for_event_or_clock(vlib_main_t *vm, f64 dt)
Suspend a cooperative multi-tasking thread Waits for an event, or for the indicated number of seconds...
Definition: node_funcs.h:673
Search forwards in command history.
Definition: cli.c:298
static u8 unix_cli_terminal_type_noninteractive(u8 *term, uword len)
Identify whether a terminal type is non-interactive.
Definition: cli.c:1191
CLI session events.
Definition: cli.c:448
Definition: bitmap.h:538
Exit the pager session.
Definition: cli.c:303
u8 * input_vector
Vector of input saved by Unix input node to be processed by CLI process.
Definition: cli.c:158
static void unix_cli_pager_message(unix_cli_file_t *cf, clib_file_t *uf, char *message, char *postfix)
Output a pager "skipping" message.
Definition: cli.c:821
static uword * vlib_process_wait_for_event(vlib_main_t *vm)
Definition: node_funcs.h:593
static void unix_cli_del_pending_output(clib_file_t *uf, unix_cli_file_t *cf, uword n_bytes)
Delete all bytes from the output vector and flag the I/O system that no more bytes are available to b...
Definition: cli.c:579
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_show_terminal(vlib_main_t *vm, unformat_input_t *input, vlib_cli_command_t *cmd)
CLI command to show terminal status.
Definition: cli.c:3482
static uword vlib_current_process(vlib_main_t *vm)
Definition: node_funcs.h:400
#define CTL(c)
Given a capital ASCII letter character return a NUL terminated string with the control code for that ...
Definition: cli.c:338
static unix_cli_parse_action_t unix_cli_match_action(unix_cli_parse_actions_t *a, u8 *input, u32 ilen, i32 *matched)
Search for a byte sequence in the action list.
Definition: cli.c:521
u8 * line
The line to print.
Definition: cli.c:108
u32 flags
Definition: unix.h:58
u32 width
Terminal width.
Definition: cli.c:223
Erase cursor right.
Definition: cli.c:285
u8 * cli_prompt
Prompt string for CLI.
Definition: cli.c:473
Default terminal width.
Definition: cli.c:103
static void unix_cli_set_session_noninteractive(unix_cli_file_t *cf)
Set a session to be non-interactive.
Definition: cli.c:1206
u32 cli_pager_buffer_limit
Definition: unix.h:97
static clib_error_t * unix_show_files(vlib_main_t *vm, unformat_input_t *input, vlib_cli_command_t *cmd)
CLI command to show various unix error statistics.
Definition: cli.c:3400
#define NULL
Definition: clib.h:58
u8 ** command_history
Array of vectors of commands in the history.
Definition: cli.c:163
static void unix_vlib_cli_output(uword cli_file_index, u8 *buffer, uword buffer_bytes)
VLIB CLI output function.
Definition: cli.c:1071
u32 index
Definition: node.h:279
void vlib_unix_cli_set_prompt(char *prompt)
Set the CLI prompt.
Definition: cli.c:3179
static f64 vlib_time_now(vlib_main_t *vm)
Definition: main.h:258
Scroll to last line.
Definition: cli.c:308
static void unix_cli_pager_redraw(unix_cli_file_t *cf, clib_file_t *uf)
Redraw the currently displayed page of text.
Definition: cli.c:875
unix_cli_new_session_t * new_sessions
List of new sessions.
Definition: cli.c:491
struct termios tio_stdin
Definition: unix.h:103
static void unix_cli_file_free(unix_cli_file_t *f)
Release storage used by a CLI session.
Definition: cli.c:271
u32 file_descriptor
Definition: file.h:54
static u32 unix_cli_file_add(unix_cli_main_t *cm, char *name, int fd)
Store a new CLI session.
Definition: cli.c:2772
Scroll to first line.
Definition: cli.c:307
#define vec_add1(V, E)
Add 1 element to end of vector (unspecified alignment).
Definition: vec.h:522
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_set_terminal_ansi(vlib_main_t *vm, unformat_input_t *input, vlib_cli_command_t *cmd)
CLI command to set terminal ANSI settings.
Definition: cli.c:3764
Unix CLI session.
Definition: cli.c:148
unix_cli_pager_index_t * pager_index
Index of line fragments in the pager buffer.
Definition: cli.c:217
u8 * current_command
The command currently pointed at by the history cursor.
Definition: cli.c:165
int i
clib_error_t * clib_socket_init(clib_socket_t *s)
Definition: socket.c:384
uword unformat_user(unformat_input_t *input, unformat_function_t *func,...)
Definition: unformat.c:989
Definition: main.h:116
clib_memset(h->entries, 0, sizeof(h->entries[0])*entries)
#define vlib_call_config_function(vm, x)
Definition: init.h:304
void clib_longjmp(clib_longjmp_t *save, uword return_value)
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_listen_read_ready(clib_file_t *uf)
Telnet listening socket has a new connection.
Definition: cli.c:2861
u8 * format(u8 *s, const char *fmt,...)
Definition: format.c:424
Maximum terminal width we will accept.
Definition: cli.c:97
u8 data[128]
Definition: ipsec.api:249
u32 cursor
Position of the insert cursor on the current input line.
Definition: cli.c:184
clib_socket_t cli_listen_socket
Definition: unix.h:64
#define pool_get(P, E)
Allocate an object E from a pool P (unspecified alignment).
Definition: pool.h:236
vlib_main_t ** vlib_mains
Definition: buffer.c:321
unix_cli_parse_action_t action
Action to take when matched.
Definition: cli.c:326
unsigned char u8
Definition: types.h:56
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_init(vlib_main_t *vm)
Definition: cli.c:3804
CLI session telnet negotiation timer events.
Definition: cli.c:455
static uword vlib_process_suspend_time_is_zero(f64 dt)
Returns TRUE if a process suspend time is less than 10us.
Definition: node_funcs.h:410
void unformat_init_clib_file(unformat_input_t *input, int file_descriptor)
Definition: unformat.c:1064
int log_fd
Definition: unix.h:85
Clear the terminal.
Definition: cli.c:296
#define vec_reset_length(v)
Reset vector length to zero NULL-pointer tolerant.
double f64
Definition: types.h:142
#define vlib_worker_thread_barrier_sync(X)
Definition: threads.h:204
#define fm
#define clib_memcpy(d, s, n)
Definition: string.h:180
#define vec_add(V, E, N)
Add N elements to end of vector V (no header, unspecified alignment)
Definition: vec.h:598
Definition: socket.h:58
clib_file_t * file_pool
Definition: file.h:88
u8 has_epipe
If EPIPE has been detected, prevent further write-related activity on the descriptor.
Definition: cli.c:211
u8 ansi_capable
Can we do ANSI output?
Definition: cli.c:193
u8 * format_timeval(u8 *s, va_list *args)
Definition: unix-formats.c:771
static void unix_cli_pager_reindex(unix_cli_file_t *cf)
Reindex entire pager buffer.
Definition: cli.c:998
A CLI session wants to close.
Definition: cli.c:451
#define pool_foreach(VAR, POOL, BODY)
Iterate through pool.
Definition: pool.h:493
i64 word
Definition: types.h:111
void vlib_worker_thread_node_runtime_update(void)
Definition: threads.c:1190
u8 * output_vector
Vector of output pending write to file descriptor.
Definition: cli.c:154
Definition: init.h:173
static uword vlib_process_get_events(vlib_main_t *vm, uword **data_vector)
Return the first event type which has occurred and a vector of per-event data of that type...
Definition: node_funcs.h:516
#define always_inline
Definition: clib.h:98
End key (jump to end of line)
Definition: cli.c:291
#define vec_new(T, N)
Create new vector of given type and length (unspecified alignment, no header).
Definition: vec.h:311
u8 is_socket
Whether the session is attached to a socket.
Definition: cli.c:206
Jump cursor to start of right word.
Definition: cli.c:293
Undo last erase action.
Definition: cli.c:299
u32 len
Length of input without final NUL.
Definition: cli.c:325
Mapping of input buffer strings to action values.
Definition: cli.c:322
vlib_parse_match_t vlib_parse_eval(u8 *input)
Default terminal height.
Definition: cli.c:101
#define vec_elt_at_index(v, i)
Get vector value at index i checking that i is in bounds.
#define clib_error_return(e, args...)
Definition: error.h:99
ANSI scroll screen down one line.
Definition: cli.c:86
clib_file_main_t file_main
Definition: main.c:63
u32 process_node_index
Process node identifier.
Definition: cli.c:229
#define vec_resize(V, N)
Resize a vector (no header, unspecified alignment) Add N elements to end of given vector V...
Definition: vec.h:242
u32 offset
Offset of the string in the line.
Definition: cli.c:140
unsigned int u32
Definition: types.h:88
u32 length
Length of the string in the line.
Definition: cli.c:143
vlib_main_t * vlib_main
Definition: unix.h:56
Erase line to right & including cursor.
Definition: cli.c:295
ANSI clear line cursor is on.
Definition: cli.c:84
static void unix_vlib_cli_output_cursor_left(unix_cli_file_t *cf, clib_file_t *uf)
Moves the terminal cursor one character to the left, with special handling when it reaches the left e...
Definition: cli.c:740
static i32 unix_cli_process_telnet(unix_main_t *um, unix_cli_file_t *cf, clib_file_t *uf, u8 *input_vector, uword len)
A mostly no-op Telnet state machine.
Definition: cli.c:1376
u32 * unused_cli_process_node_indices
Vec pool of unused session indices.
Definition: cli.c:479
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_quit(vlib_main_t *vm, unformat_input_t *input, vlib_cli_command_t *cmd)
CLI command to quit the terminal session.
Definition: cli.c:3193
static void unix_cli_pager_prompt(unix_cli_file_t *cf, clib_file_t *uf)
Output a pager prompt and show number of buffered lines.
Definition: cli.c:798
unformat_function_t unformat_line_input
Definition: format.h:283
unix_cli_file_t * cli_file_pool
Vec pool of CLI sessions.
Definition: cli.c:476
vnet_crypto_main_t * cm
Definition: quic_crypto.c:41
u32 vlib_process_create(vlib_main_t *vm, char *name, vlib_node_function_t *f, u32 log2_n_stack_bytes)
Create a vlib process.
Definition: node.c:761
int search_mode
If non-zero then the CLI is searching in the history array.
Definition: cli.c:181
#define pool_elt_at_index(p, i)
Returns pointer to element at given index.
Definition: pool.h:514
ANSI restore cursor position if previously saved.
Definition: cli.c:90
int cli_line_mode
Definition: unix.h:88
static void vlib_process_signal_event(vlib_main_t *vm, uword node_index, uword type_opaque, uword data)
Definition: node_funcs.h:934
clib_error_t * clib_socket_accept(clib_socket_t *server, clib_socket_t *client)
Definition: socket.c:524
static void unix_cli_pager_reset(unix_cli_file_t *f)
Resets the pager buffer and other data.
Definition: cli.c:250
Scroll to previous page.
Definition: cli.c:310
u8 ** vlib_cli_get_possible_completions(u8 *str)
Definition: cli.c:256
struct _unformat_input_t unformat_input_t
unsigned short u16
Definition: types.h:57
#define clib_error_return_unix(e, args...)
Definition: error.h:102
static u8 unix_cli_terminal_type_ansi(u8 *term, uword len)
Identify whether a terminal type is ANSI capable.
Definition: cli.c:1159
int cli_no_banner
Definition: unix.h:94
Home key (jump to start of line)
Definition: cli.c:290
#define pool_put(P, E)
Free an object E in pool P.
Definition: pool.h:286
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_read_ready(clib_file_t *uf)
Called when a CLI session file descriptor has data to be read.
Definition: cli.c:2711
#define ANSI_BOLD
ANSI Start bold text.
Definition: cli.c:76
static unix_cli_banner_t unix_cli_banner[]
Plain welcome banner.
Definition: cli.c:114
u32 flags
Definition: file.h:56
static clib_error_t * unix_show_errors(vlib_main_t *vm, unformat_input_t *input, vlib_cli_command_t *cmd)
CLI command to show various unix error statistics.
Definition: cli.c:3325
#define VLIB_CONFIG_FUNCTION(x, n,...)
Definition: init.h:182
Search backwards in command history.
Definition: cli.c:297
u8 * input
Input string to match.
Definition: cli.c:324
void(* file_update)(clib_file_t *file, clib_file_update_type_t update_type)
Definition: file.h:90
u32 node_index
Node index.
Definition: node.h:494
u8 name[64]
Definition: memclnt.api:152
static void unix_cli_cli_prompt(unix_cli_file_t *cf, clib_file_t *uf)
Output the CLI prompt.
Definition: cli.c:787
u32 cli_history_limit
Definition: unix.h:91
u8 len
Definition: ip_types.api:90
Scroll to next page.
Definition: cli.c:304
Erase line to left of cursor.
Definition: cli.c:294
u8 * name
Definition: node.h:263
u8 * format_sockaddr(u8 *s, va_list *args)
Definition: unix-formats.c:239
#define CSI
ANSI Control Sequence Introducer.
Definition: cli.c:69
void unformat_init_vector(unformat_input_t *input, u8 *vector_string)
Definition: unformat.c:1037
u8 ** pager_vector
Pager buffer.
Definition: cli.c:214
Definition: format.h:145
unix_error_history_t error_history[128]
Definition: unix.h:67
svmdb_client_t * c
u32 runtime_index
Definition: node.h:282
vlib_main_t * vm
Definition: buffer.c:312
static void unix_vlib_cli_output_cooked(unix_cli_file_t *cf, clib_file_t *uf, u8 *buffer, uword buffer_bytes)
Process a buffer for CRLF handling before outputting it to the CLI.
Definition: cli.c:687
static unix_cli_banner_t unix_cli_banner_color[]
ANSI color welcome banner.
Definition: cli.c:123
u32 current_input_file_index
File pool index of current input.
Definition: cli.c:485
#define vec_free(V)
Free vector&#39;s memory (no header).
Definition: vec.h:341
int cli_no_pager
Definition: unix.h:100
Definition: init.h:178
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_write_ready(clib_file_t *uf)
Called when a CLI session file descriptor can be written to without blocking.
Definition: cli.c:2669
#define clib_warning(format, args...)
Definition: error.h:59
ANSI save cursor position.
Definition: cli.c:88
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_set_terminal_history(vlib_main_t *vm, unformat_input_t *input, vlib_cli_command_t *cmd)
CLI command to set terminal history settings.
Definition: cli.c:3691
#define pool_is_free_index(P, I)
Use free bitmap to query whether given index is free.
Definition: pool.h:283
u32 line
Index into pager_vector.
Definition: cli.c:137
Down arrow.
Definition: cli.c:287
#define ARRAY_LEN(x)
Definition: clib.h:62
A file descriptor has data to be read.
Definition: cli.c:450
#define ESC
ANSI escape code.
Definition: cli.c:66
Jump cursor to start of left word.
Definition: cli.c:292
u8 no_pager
Disable the pager?
Definition: cli.c:199
int tio_isset
Definition: unix.h:104
Right arrow.
Definition: cli.c:289
#define VLIB_CLI_COMMAND(x,...)
Definition: cli.h:155
Enter pressed (CR, CRLF, LF, etc)
Definition: cli.c:302
signed int i32
Definition: types.h:77
Add a CLI session to the new session list.
Definition: cli.c:457
Up arrow.
Definition: cli.c:286
static void unix_cli_kill(unix_cli_main_t *cm, uword cli_file_index)
Destroy a CLI session.
Definition: cli.c:2590
#define vec_delete(V, N, M)
Delete N elements starting at element M.
Definition: vec.h:784
static word unix_vlib_findchr(u8 chr, u8 *str, word len)
A bit like strchr with a buffer length limit.
Definition: cli.c:609
CLI actions.
Definition: cli.c:279
static uword clib_file_add(clib_file_main_t *um, clib_file_t *template)
Definition: file.h:96
u32 vlib_register_node(vlib_main_t *vm, vlib_node_registration_t *r)
Definition: node.c:520
Definition: unix.h:60
Erase cursor left.
Definition: cli.c:284
u32 new_session_process_node_index
New session process node identifier.
Definition: cli.c:488
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_set_terminal_pager(vlib_main_t *vm, unformat_input_t *input, vlib_cli_command_t *cmd)
CLI command to set terminal pager settings.
Definition: cli.c:3632
uword cf_index
Session index of the new session.
Definition: cli.c:465
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_config(vlib_main_t *vm, unformat_input_t *input)
Handle configuration directives in the unix section.
Definition: cli.c:3005
#define vec_append(v1, v2)
Append v2 after v1.
Definition: vec.h:818
struct _socket_t clib_socket_t
static int unix_cli_line_process_one(unix_cli_main_t *cm, unix_main_t *um, unix_cli_file_t *cf, clib_file_t *uf, u8 input, unix_cli_parse_action_t action)
Process actionable input.
Definition: cli.c:1522
Definition: file.h:57
Scroll to next page.
Definition: cli.c:309
static void vlib_node_set_state(vlib_main_t *vm, u32 node_index, vlib_node_state_t new_state)
Set node dispatch state.
Definition: node_funcs.h:148
u8 has_history
This session has command history.
Definition: cli.c:161
A CLI banner line.
Definition: cli.c:106
#define ANSI_CLEAR
ANSI clear screen.
Definition: cli.c:72
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_show_history(vlib_main_t *vm, unformat_input_t *input, vlib_cli_command_t *cmd)
CLI command to show session command history.
Definition: cli.c:3443
int vlib_cli_input(vlib_main_t *vm, unformat_input_t *input, vlib_cli_output_function_t *function, uword function_arg)
Definition: cli.c:726
static void clib_socket_free(clib_socket_t *s)
Definition: socket.h:165
Pager line index.
Definition: cli.c:134
Action parser did not find any match.
Definition: cli.c:315
u8 started
Has the session started?
Definition: cli.c:196
struct _vlib_node_registration vlib_node_registration_t
clib_error_t * vlib_unix_recursive_mkdir(char *path)
Definition: util.c:103
Scroll to next line.
Definition: cli.c:305
clib_error_t * error
Definition: unix.h:50
CLI global state.
Definition: cli.c:470
#define vec_len(v)
Number of elements in vector (rvalue-only, NULL tolerant)
#define ANSI_BRED
ANSI Start bright red text.
Definition: cli.c:82
u8 * search_key
The string being searched for in the history.
Definition: cli.c:176
u64 uword
Definition: types.h:112
static void unformat_free(unformat_input_t *i)
Definition: format.h:163
#define clib_unix_warning(format, args...)
Definition: error.h:68
u8 * format_time_interval(u8 *s, va_list *args)
Definition: std-formats.c:138
static uword unix_cli_process(vlib_main_t *vm, vlib_node_runtime_t *rt, vlib_frame_t *f)
Handle system events.
Definition: cli.c:2625
static void unix_cli_file_welcome(unix_cli_main_t *cm, unix_cli_file_t *cf)
Emit initial welcome banner and prompt on a connection.
Definition: cli.c:1218
static clib_error_t * unix_config(vlib_main_t *vm, unformat_input_t *input)
Definition: main.c:379
struct clib_bihash_value offset
template key/value backing page structure
static vlib_process_t * vlib_get_process_from_node(vlib_main_t *vm, vlib_node_t *node)
Definition: node_funcs.h:208
u8 * format_unformat_error(u8 *s, va_list *va)
Definition: unformat.c:91
void vlib_worker_thread_barrier_release(vlib_main_t *vm)
Definition: threads.c:1487
static void unix_cli_pager_prompt_erase(unix_cli_file_t *cf, clib_file_t *uf)
Erase the printed pager prompt.
Definition: cli.c:837
static void unix_cli_resize_interrupt(int signum)
The system terminal has informed us that the window size has changed.
Definition: cli.c:2965
Clear and redraw the page on the terminal.
Definition: cli.c:311
static int unix_cli_line_edit(unix_cli_main_t *cm, unix_main_t *um, clib_file_main_t *fm, unix_cli_file_t *cf)
Process input bytes on a stream to provide line editing and command history in the CLI...
Definition: cli.c:2386
static vlib_node_t * vlib_get_node(vlib_main_t *vm, u32 i)
Get vlib node by index.
Definition: node_funcs.h:59
#define vec_foreach(var, vec)
Vector iterator.
uword private_data
Definition: file.h:64
u8 cursor_direction
The current direction of cursor travel.
Definition: cli.c:242
u8 crlf_mode
Set if the CRLF mode wants CR + LF.
Definition: cli.c:190
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_exec(vlib_main_t *vm, unformat_input_t *input, vlib_cli_command_t *cmd)
CLI command to execute a VPP command script.
Definition: cli.c:3235
Definition: file.h:51
#define ANSI_RESET
ANSI reset color settings.
Definition: cli.c:74
clib_longjmp_t main_loop_exit
Definition: main.h:112
vlib_cli_output_function_t * output_function
Definition: node.h:609
static uword unix_cli_new_session_process(vlib_main_t *vm, vlib_node_runtime_t *rt, vlib_frame_t *f)
A failsafe manager that ensures CLI sessions issue an initial prompt if TELNET negotiation fails...
Definition: cli.c:1269
u32 clib_file_index
The file index held by unix.c.
Definition: cli.c:151
static unix_cli_main_t unix_cli_main
CLI global state.
Definition: cli.c:495
Definition: socket.h:62
i32 excursion
How far from the end of the history array the user has browsed.
Definition: cli.c:167
void vlib_start_process(vlib_main_t *vm, uword process_index)
Definition: main.c:1583
Search the pager buffer.
Definition: cli.c:312
u8 line_mode
Line mode or char mode.
Definition: cli.c:187
u32 length
The length of the line without terminating NUL.
Definition: cli.c:109
void vlib_cli_output(vlib_main_t *vm, char *fmt,...)
Definition: cli.c:768
f64 deadline
Deadline after which the new session must have a prompt.
Definition: cli.c:466
Left arrow.
Definition: cli.c:288
u32 stdin_cli_file_index
The session index of the stdin cli.
Definition: cli.c:482
static void unix_cli_add_pending_output(clib_file_t *uf, unix_cli_file_t *cf, u8 *buffer, uword buffer_bytes)
Add bytes to the output vector and then flagg the I/O system that bytes are available to be sent...
Definition: cli.c:559
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_show_cli_sessions(vlib_main_t *vm, unformat_input_t *input, vlib_cli_command_t *cmd)
CLI command to display a list of CLI sessions.
Definition: cli.c:3552
static void unix_cli_pager_add_line(unix_cli_file_t *cf, u8 *line, word len_or_index)
Process and add a line to the pager index.
Definition: cli.c:936
#define clib_panic(format, args...)
Definition: error.h:72
Maximum terminal height we will accept.
Definition: cli.c:99
uword unformat(unformat_input_t *i, const char *fmt,...)
Definition: unformat.c:978
Each new session is stored on a list with a deadline after which a prompt is issued, in case the session TELNET negotiation fails to complete.
Definition: cli.c:463
Scroll to previous line.
Definition: cli.c:306
u64 n_total_errors
Definition: unix.h:69
static uword unformat_check_input(unformat_input_t *i)
Definition: format.h:171
u32 height
Terminal height.
Definition: cli.c:226
static clib_error_t * unix_cli_exit(vlib_main_t *vm)
Called when VPP is shutting down, this restores the system terminal state if previously saved...
Definition: cli.c:3160
static void unix_cli_process_input(unix_cli_main_t *cm, uword cli_file_index)
Process input to a CLI session.
Definition: cli.c:2475
static unix_cli_parse_actions_t unix_cli_parse_strings[]
Patterns to match on a CLI input stream.
Definition: cli.c:345