6.12. srv6

6.12.1. 2n1l-10ge2p1x710-ethip6ip6-ip6base-srv6enc1sid-scapy suite

Segment routing over IPv6 dataplane with one SID (SRH not inserted) test suite.

  • [Top] Network topologies: TG-DUT1 2-node topology with one link between nodes.

  • [Cfg] DUT configuration: On DUT1 configure physical interface IPv6 addresses, static ARP record, route and IPv6 forwarding over SRv6 with one SID - Segment Routing Header not inserted.

  • [Ver] TG verification: ETH-IP6 packet is sent from TG to DUT1 in one direction. Packet is received and verified for correctness on TG. Then ETH-IP6-IP6 packet is sent from TG in opposite direction. Packet is received and verified for correctness on TG.

  • [Ref] Applicable standard specifications: SRv6 Network Programming - draft 3.

*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/default.robot
| ... | NIC_Intel-X710 | ETH | IP6FWD | FEATURE | SRv6 | SRv6_1SID
| ... | ethip6ip6-ip6base-srv6enc1sid
| Suite Setup | Setup suite topology interfaces | scapy
| Test Setup | Setup test
| Test Teardown | Tear down test | packet_trace | telemetry
| Test Template | Local Template
*** Variables ***
| @{plugins_to_enable}= | dpdk_plugin.so | perfmon_plugin.so
| ${crypto_type}= | ${None}
| ${nic_name}= | Intel-X710
| ${nic_driver}= | vfio-pci
| ${nic_rxq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_txq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_pfs}= | 2
| ${nic_vfs}= | 0
| ${overhead}= | ${40}
# SIDs
| ${dut1_sid1}= | 2002:1::
| ${dut1_sid2}= | 2003:2::
| ${dut1_bsid}= | 2002:1::1
| ${dut2_sid1}= | 2002:2::
| ${dut2_sid2}= | 2003:1::
| ${sid_prefix}= | ${64}
# IP settings
| ${tg_if1_ip6_subnet}= | 2001:1::
| ${tg_if2_ip6_subnet}= | 2001:2::
| ${dst_addr_nr}= | ${1}
| ${dut1_if1_ip6}= | 2001:1::1
| ${dut1_if2_ip6}= | 2001:3::1
| ${dut2_if1_ip6}= | 2001:3::2
| ${dut2_if2_ip6}= | 2001:2::1
| ${prefix}= | ${64}
# Telemetry
| ${telemetry_profile}= | vpp_test_teardown Local Template

  • [Cfg] DUT1 is configured with IPv6 routing and static route, SR policy and steering policy for one direction and one SR behaviour (function) - End.DX6 - for other direction.

  • [Ver] Make TG send IPv6 packets routed over DUT1 interfaces. Make TG verify IPv6 packets are correct.

Arguments: - frame_size - Framesize in Bytes in integer. Type: integer - phy_cores - Number of physical cores. Type: integer - rxq - Number of RX queues, default value: ${None}. Type: integer

Set Test Variable  \${frame_size}
Given Set Max Rate And Jumbo
  And Add worker threads to all DUTs  ${phy_cores}  ${rxq}
  And Pre-initialize layer driver  ${nic_driver}
  And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs  with_trace=${True}
 When Initialize layer driver  ${nic_driver}
  And Initialize layer interface
  And Initialize SRv6 encapsulation with '1' x SID 'with' decapsulation
 Then Send IPv6 Packet and verify SRv6 encapsulation in received packet  ${tg}  ${TG_pf1}[0]  ${TG_pf2}[0]  ${DUT1_${int}1_mac}[0]  ${DUT1_${int}2_mac}[0]  ${tg_if1_ip6_subnet}2  ${tg_if2_ip6_subnet}2  ${dut1_sid1}  ${dut1_sid2}  ${dut2_sid2}  ${dut2_sid1} 78B-0c-ethip6ip6-ip6base-srv6enc1sid-scapy

frame_size=${78}  phy_cores=${0}

6.12.2. 2n1l-10ge2p1x710-ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6enc2sids-nodecaps-scapy suite

Segment routing over IPv6 dataplane with two SIDs (SRH inserted) test suite.

  • [Top] Network topologies: TG-DUT1 2-node topology with one link between nodes.

  • [Cfg] DUT configuration: On DUT1 configure physical interface IPv6 addresses, static ARP record, route and IPv6 forwarding over SRv6 with two SIDs - Segment Routing Header inserted.

  • [Ver] TG verification: ETH-IP6 packet is sent from TG to DUT1 in one direction. Packet is received and verified for correctness on TG. Then ETH-IP6-IP6 packet is sent from TG in opposite direction. Packet is received and verified for correctness on TG.

  • [Ref] Applicable standard specifications: SRv6 Network Programming - draft 3.

*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/default.robot
| ... | NIC_Intel-X710 | ETH | IP6FWD | FEATURE | SRv6 | SRv6_2SID_NODECAP
| ... | DRV_VFIO_PCI
| ... | RXQ_SIZE_0 | TXQ_SIZE_0
| ... | ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6enc2sids-nodecaps
| Suite Setup | Setup suite topology interfaces | scapy
| Test Setup | Setup test
| Test Teardown | Tear down test | packet_trace | telemetry
| Test Template | Local Template
*** Variables ***
| @{plugins_to_enable}= | dpdk_plugin.so | perfmon_plugin.so
| ${crypto_type}= | ${None}
| ${nic_name}= | Intel-X710
| ${nic_driver}= | vfio-pci
| ${nic_rxq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_txq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_pfs}= | 2
| ${nic_vfs}= | 0
| ${overhead}= | ${80}
# SIDs
| ${dut1_sid1}= | 2002:1::
| ${dut1_sid2_1}= | 2003:2::
| ${dut1_sid2_2}= | 2003:3::
| ${dut1_bsid}= | 2002:1::1
| ${dut2_sid1_1}= | 2002:2::
| ${dut2_sid1_2}= | 2002:3::
| ${dut2_sid2}= | 2003:1::
| ${sid_prefix}= | ${64}
# IP settings
| ${tg_if1_ip6_subnet}= | 2001:1::
| ${tg_if2_ip6_subnet}= | 2001:2::
| ${dst_addr_nr}= | ${1}
| ${dut1_if1_ip6}= | 2001:1::1
| ${dut1_if2_ip6}= | 2001:3::1
| ${dut2_if1_ip6}= | 2001:3::2
| ${dut2_if2_ip6}= | 2001:2::1
| ${prefix}= | ${64}
# Telemetry
| ${telemetry_profile}= | vpp_test_teardown Local Template

  • [Cfg] DUT1 is configured with IPv6 routing and static route, SR policy and steering policy for one direction and one SR behaviour (function) - End - for other direction.

  • [Ver] Make TG send IPv6 packets routed over DUT1 interfaces. Make TG verify IPv6 packets are correct.

Arguments: - frame_size - Framesize in Bytes in integer. Type: integer - phy_cores - Number of physical cores. Type: integer - rxq - Number of RX queues, default value: ${None}. Type: integer

Set Test Variable  \${frame_size}
Given Set Max Rate And Jumbo
  And Add worker threads to all DUTs  ${phy_cores}  ${rxq}
  And Pre-initialize layer driver  ${nic_driver}
  And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs  with_trace=${True}
 When Initialize layer driver  ${nic_driver}
  And Initialize layer interface
  And Initialize SRv6 encapsulation with '2' x SID 'without' decapsulation
 Then Send IPv6 Packet and verify SRv6 encapsulation in received packet  ${tg}  ${TG_pf1}[0]  ${TG_pf2}[0]  ${DUT1_${int}1_mac}[0]  ${DUT1_${int}2_mac}[0]  ${tg_if1_ip6_subnet}2  ${tg_if2_ip6_subnet}2  ${dut1_sid1}  ${dut1_sid2_1}  ${dut2_sid2}  ${dut2_sid1_1}  ${dut1_sid2_2}  ${dut2_sid1_2}  decap=${False} 78B-0c-ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6enc2sids-nodecaps-scapy

frame_size=${78}  phy_cores=${0}

6.12.3. 2n1l-10ge2p1x710-ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6enc2sids-scapy suite

Segment routing over IPv6 dataplane with two SIDs (SRH inserted) test suite.

  • [Top] Network topologies: TG-DUT1 2-node topology with one link between nodes.

  • [Cfg] DUT configuration: On DUT1 configure physical interface IPv6 addresses, static ARP record, route and IPv6 forwarding over SRv6 with two SIDs - Segment Routing Header inserted.

  • [Ver] TG verification: ETH-IP6 packet is sent from TG to DUT1 in one direction. Packet is received and verified for correctness on TG. Then ETH-IP6-IP6 packet is sent from TG in opposite direction. Packet is received and verified for correctness on TG.

  • [Ref] Applicable standard specifications: SRv6 Network Programming - draft 3.

*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/default.robot
| ... | NIC_Intel-X710 | ETH | IP6FWD | FEATURE | SRv6 | SRv6_2SID_DECAP
| ... | DRV_VFIO_PCI
| ... | RXQ_SIZE_0 | TXQ_SIZE_0
| ... | ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6enc2sids
| Suite Setup | Setup suite topology interfaces | scapy
| Test Setup | Setup test
| Test Teardown | Tear down test | packet_trace | telemetry
| Test Template | Local Template
*** Variables ***
| @{plugins_to_enable}= | dpdk_plugin.so | perfmon_plugin.so
| ${crypto_type}= | ${None}
| ${nic_name}= | Intel-X710
| ${nic_driver}= | vfio-pci
| ${nic_rxq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_txq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_pfs}= | 2
| ${nic_vfs}= | 0
| ${overhead}= | ${80}
# SIDs
| ${dut1_sid1}= | 2002:1::
| ${dut1_sid2_1}= | 2003:2::
| ${dut1_sid2_2}= | 2003:3::
| ${dut1_bsid}= | 2002:1::1
| ${dut2_sid1_1}= | 2002:2::
| ${dut2_sid1_2}= | 2002:3::
| ${dut2_sid2}= | 2003:1::
| ${sid_prefix}= | ${64}
# IP settings
| ${tg_if1_ip6_subnet}= | 2001:1::
| ${tg_if2_ip6_subnet}= | 2001:2::
| ${dst_addr_nr}= | ${1}
| ${dut1_if1_ip6}= | 2001:1::1
| ${dut1_if2_ip6}= | 2001:3::1
| ${dut2_if1_ip6}= | 2001:3::2
| ${dut2_if2_ip6}= | 2001:2::1
| ${prefix}= | ${64}
# Telemetry
| ${telemetry_profile}= | vpp_test_teardown Local Template

  • [Cfg] DUT1 is configured with IPv6 routing and static route, SR policy and steering policy for one direction and two SR behaviours (functions) - End and End.DX6 - for other direction.

  • [Ver] Make TG send IPv6 packets routed over DUT1 interfaces. Make TG verify IPv6 packets are correct.

Arguments: - frame_size - Framesize in Bytes in integer. Type: integer - phy_cores - Number of physical cores. Type: integer - rxq - Number of RX queues, default value: ${None}. Type: integer

Set Test Variable  \${frame_size}
Given Set Max Rate And Jumbo
  And Add worker threads to all DUTs  ${phy_cores}  ${rxq}
  And Pre-initialize layer driver  ${nic_driver}
  And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs  with_trace=${True}
 When Initialize layer driver  ${nic_driver}
  And Initialize layer interface
  And Initialize SRv6 encapsulation with '2' x SID 'with' decapsulation
 Then Send IPv6 Packet and verify SRv6 encapsulation in received packet  ${tg}  ${TG_pf1}[0]  ${TG_pf2}[0]  ${DUT1_${int}1_mac}[0]  ${DUT1_${int}2_mac}[0]  ${tg_if1_ip6_subnet}2  ${tg_if2_ip6_subnet}2  ${dut1_sid1}  ${dut1_sid2_1}  ${dut2_sid2}  ${dut2_sid1_1}  ${dut1_sid2_2}  ${dut2_sid1_2} 78B-0c-ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6enc2sids-scapy

frame_size=${78}  phy_cores=${0}

6.12.4. 2n1l-10ge2p1x710-ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6proxy-dyn-scapy suite

Segment routing over IPv6 dataplane with Dynamic SRv6 proxy test suite.

  • [Top] Network topologies: TG-DUT1 2-node topology with one link between nodes.

  • [Cfg] DUT configuration: On DUT1 configure physical interface IPv6 addresses, static ARP record, route and IPv6 forwarding over SRv6 with three SIDs - Segment Routing Header inserted.

  • [Ver] TG verification: ETH-IP6 packet is sent from TG to DUT1 in one direction. Packet is received and verified for correctness on TG. Then ETH-IP6-IP6 packet is sent from TG in opposite direction. Packet is received and verified for correctness on TG.

  • [Ref] Applicable standard specifications: SRv6 Network Programming - draft 3.

*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/default.robot
| ... | NIC_Intel-X710 | ETH | IP6FWD | FEATURE | SRv6 | SRv6_PROXY
| ... | RXQ_SIZE_0 | TXQ_SIZE_0
| ... | ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6proxy-dyn
| Suite Setup | Setup suite topology interfaces | scapy
| Test Setup | Setup test
| Test Teardown | Tear down test | packet_trace | telemetry | container
| Test Template | Local Template
*** Variables ***
| @{plugins_to_enable}= | dpdk_plugin.so | perfmon_plugin.so | memif_plugin.so
| ... | srv6ad_plugin.so
| ${crypto_type}= | ${None}
| ${nic_name}= | Intel-X710
| ${nic_driver}= | vfio-pci
| ${nic_rxq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_txq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_pfs}= | 2
| ${nic_vfs}= | 0
| ${overhead}= | ${80}
# SIDs
| ${dut1_sid1}= | 2002:1::
| ${dut1_sid2}= | 2003:2::
| ${dut1_bsid}= | 2002:1::1
| ${dut2_sid1}= | 2002:2::
| ${dut2_sid2}= | 2003:1::
| ${out_sid1_1}= | 2002:3::
| ${out_sid1_2}= | 2002:4::
| ${out_sid2_1}= | 2003:3::
| ${out_sid2_2}= | 2003:4::
| ${sid_prefix}= | ${64}
# IP settings
| ${tg_if1_ip6_subnet}= | 2001:1::
| ${tg_if2_ip6_subnet}= | 2001:2::
| ${dst_addr_nr}= | ${1}
| ${dut1_if1_ip6}= | 2001:1::1
| ${dut1_if2_ip6}= | 2001:3::1
| ${dut1-memif-1-if1_ip6}= | 3001:1::1
| ${dut1-memif-1-if2_ip6}= | 3001:1::2
| ${dut1_nh}= | 4002::
| ${dut2_if1_ip6}= | 2001:3::2
| ${dut2_if2_ip6}= | 2001:2::1
| ${dut2-memif-1-if1_ip6}= | 3002:1::1
| ${dut2-memif-1-if2_ip6}= | 3002:1::2
| ${dut2_nh}= | 4001::
| ${prefix}= | ${64}
| ${mem_prefix}= | ${128}
# Container
| ${container_engine}= | Docker
| ${container_chain_topology}= | chain_functional
# Telemetry
| ${telemetry_profile}= | vpp_test_teardown Local Template

  • [Cfg] DUT1 is configured with IPv6 routing and static route, SR policy and steering policy for one direction and one SR behaviour (function) - End.AD - for other direction.

  • [Ver] Make TG send IPv6 packets routed over DUT1 interfaces. Make TG verify IPv6 packets are correct.

Arguments: - frame_size - Framesize in Bytes in integer. Type: integer - phy_cores - Number of physical cores. Type: integer - rxq - Number of RX queues, default value: ${None}. Type: integer

Set Test Variable  \${frame_size}
Given Set Max Rate And Jumbo
  And Add worker threads to all DUTs  ${phy_cores}  ${rxq}
  And Pre-initialize layer driver  ${nic_driver}
  And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs  with_trace=${True}
 When Initialize layer driver  ${nic_driver}
  And Initialize layer interface
  And Start containers for test  auto_scale=${False}  pinning=${False}
  And Initialize SRv6 with 'dynamic_proxy' SR-unaware Service Function
 Then Send IPv6 Packet and verify SRv6 encapsulation in received packet  ${tg}  ${TG_pf1}[0]  ${TG_pf2}[0]  ${DUT1_${int}1_mac}[0]  ${DUT1_${int}2_mac}[0]  ${tg_if1_ip6_subnet}2  ${tg_if2_ip6_subnet}2  ${dut1_sid1}  ${dut1_sid2}  ${dut2_sid2}  ${dut2_sid1}  ${out_sid2_1}  ${out_sid1_1}  decap=${False}  tg_dstsid3=${out_sid1_2}  dut_dstsid3=${out_sid2_2} 78B-0c-ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6proxy-dyn-scapy

frame_size=${78}  phy_cores=${0}

6.12.5. 2n1l-10ge2p1x710-ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6proxy-masq-scapy suite

Segment routing over IPv6 dataplane with Masquerading SRv6 proxy test cases

  • [Top] Network topologies: TG-DUT1 2-node topology with one link between nodes.

  • [Cfg] DUT configuration: On DUT1 configure physical interface IPv6 addresses, static ARP record, route and IPv6 forwarding over SRv6 with three SIDs - Segment Routing Header inserted.

  • [Ver] TG verification: ETH-IP6 packet is sent from TG to DUT1 in one direction. Packet is received and verified for correctness on TG. Then ETH-IP6-IP6 packet is sent from TG in opposite direction. Packet is received and verified for correctness on TG.

  • [Ref] Applicable standard specifications: SRv6 Network Programming - draft 3.

*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/default.robot
| ... | NIC_Intel-X710 | ETH | IP6FWD | FEATURE | SRv6 | SRv6_PROXY
| ... | RXQ_SIZE_0 | TXQ_SIZE_0
| ... | ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6proxy-masq
| Suite Setup | Setup suite topology interfaces | scapy
| Test Setup | Setup test
| Test Teardown | Tear down test | packet_trace | telemetry | container
| Test Template | Local Template
*** Variables ***
| @{plugins_to_enable}= | dpdk_plugin.so | perfmon_plugin.so | memif_plugin.so
| ... | srv6am_plugin.so
| ${crypto_type}= | ${None}
| ${nic_name}= | Intel-X710
| ${nic_driver}= | vfio-pci
| ${nic_rxq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_txq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_pfs}= | 2
| ${nic_vfs}= | 0
| ${overhead}= | ${80}
# SIDs
| ${dut1_sid1}= | 2002:1::
| ${dut1_sid2}= | 2003:2::
| ${dut1_bsid}= | 2002:1::1
| ${dut2_sid1}= | 2002:2::
| ${dut2_sid2}= | 2003:1::
| ${out_sid1_1}= | 2002:3::
| ${out_sid1_2}= | 2002:4::
| ${out_sid2_1}= | 2003:3::
| ${out_sid2_2}= | 2003:4::
| ${sid_prefix}= | ${64}
# IP settings
| ${tg_if1_ip6_subnet}= | 2001:1::
| ${tg_if2_ip6_subnet}= | 2001:2::
| ${dst_addr_nr}= | ${1}
| ${dut1_if1_ip6}= | 2001:1::1
| ${dut1_if2_ip6}= | 2001:3::1
| ${dut1-memif-1-if1_ip6}= | 3001:1::1
| ${dut1-memif-1-if2_ip6}= | 3001:1::2
| ${dut1_nh}= | 4002::
| ${dut2_if1_ip6}= | 2001:3::2
| ${dut2_if2_ip6}= | 2001:2::1
| ${dut2-memif-1-if1_ip6}= | 3002:1::1
| ${dut2-memif-1-if2_ip6}= | 3002:1::2
| ${dut2_nh}= | 4001::
| ${prefix}= | ${64}
| ${mem_prefix}= | ${128}
# Container
| ${container_engine}= | Docker
| ${container_chain_topology}= | chain_functional
# Telemetry
| ${telemetry_profile}= | vpp_test_teardown Local Template

  • [Cfg] DUT1 is configured with IPv6 routing and static route, SR policy and steering policy for one direction and one SR behaviour (function) - End.AM - for other direction.

  • [Ver] Make TG send IPv6 packets routed over DUT1 interfaces. Make TG verify IPv6 packets are correct.

Arguments: - frame_size - Framesize in Bytes in integer. Type: integer - phy_cores - Number of physical cores. Type: integer - rxq - Number of RX queues, default value: ${None}. Type: integer

Set Test Variable  \${frame_size}
Given Set Max Rate And Jumbo
  And Add worker threads to all DUTs  ${phy_cores}  ${rxq}
  And Pre-initialize layer driver  ${nic_driver}
  And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs  with_trace=${True}
 When Initialize layer driver  ${nic_driver}
  And Initialize layer interface
  And Start containers for test  auto_scale=${False}  pinning=${False}
  And Initialize SRv6 with 'masquerading' SR-unaware Service Function
 Then Send IPv6 Packet and verify SRv6 encapsulation in received packet  ${tg}  ${TG_pf1}[0]  ${TG_pf2}[0]  ${DUT1_${int}1_mac}[0]  ${DUT1_${int}2_mac}[0]  ${tg_if1_ip6_subnet}2  ${tg_if2_ip6_subnet}2  ${dut1_sid1}  ${dut1_sid2}  ${dut2_sid2}  ${dut2_sid1}  ${out_sid2_1}  ${out_sid1_1}  decap=${False}  tg_dstsid3=${out_sid1_2}  dut_dstsid3=${out_sid2_2} 78B-0c-ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6proxy-masq-scapy

frame_size=${78}  phy_cores=${0}

6.12.6. 2n1l-10ge2p1x710-ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6proxy-stat-scapy suite

Segment routing over IPv6 dataplane with Static SRv6 proxy test cases.

  • [Top] Network topologies: TG-DUT1 2-node topology with one link between nodes.

  • [Cfg] DUT configuration: On DUT1 configure physical interface IPv6 addresses, static ARP record, route and IPv6 forwarding over SRv6 with three SIDs - Segment Routing Header inserted.

  • [Ver] TG verification: ETH-IP6 packet is sent from TG to DUT1 in one direction. Packet is received and verified for correctness on TG. Then ETH-IP6-IP6 packet is sent from TG in opposite direction. Packet is received and verified for correctness on TG.

  • [Ref] Applicable standard specifications: SRv6 Network Programming - draft 3.

*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/default.robot
| ... | NIC_Intel-X710 | ETH | IP6FWD | FEATURE | SRv6 | SRv6_PROXY
| ... | RXQ_SIZE_0 | TXQ_SIZE_0
| ... | ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6proxy-stat
| Suite Setup | Setup suite topology interfaces | scapy
| Test Setup | Setup test
| Test Teardown | Tear down test | packet_trace | telemetry | container
| Test Template | Local Template
*** Variables ***
| @{plugins_to_enable}= | dpdk_plugin.so | perfmon_plugin.so | memif_plugin.so
| ... | srv6as_plugin.so
| ${crypto_type}= | ${None}
| ${nic_name}= | Intel-X710
| ${nic_driver}= | vfio-pci
| ${nic_rxq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_txq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_pfs}= | 2
| ${nic_vfs}= | 0
| ${overhead}= | ${80}
# SIDs
| ${dut1_sid1}= | 2002:1::
| ${dut1_sid2}= | 2003:2::
| ${dut1_bsid}= | 2002:1::1
| ${dut2_sid1}= | 2002:2::
| ${dut2_sid2}= | 2003:1::
| ${out_sid1_1}= | 2002:3::
| ${out_sid1_2}= | 2002:4::
| ${out_sid2_1}= | 2003:3::
| ${out_sid2_2}= | 2003:4::
| ${sid_prefix}= | ${64}
# IP settings
| ${tg_if1_ip6_subnet}= | 2001:1::
| ${tg_if2_ip6_subnet}= | 2001:2::
| ${dst_addr_nr}= | ${1}
| ${dut1_if1_ip6}= | 2001:1::1
| ${dut1_if2_ip6}= | 2001:3::1
| ${dut1-memif-1-if1_ip6}= | 3001:1::1
| ${dut1-memif-1-if2_ip6}= | 3001:1::2
| ${dut1_nh}= | 4002::
| ${dut2_if1_ip6}= | 2001:3::2
| ${dut2_if2_ip6}= | 2001:2::1
| ${dut2-memif-1-if1_ip6}= | 3002:1::1
| ${dut2-memif-1-if2_ip6}= | 3002:1::2
| ${dut2_nh}= | 4001::
| ${prefix}= | ${64}
| ${mem_prefix}= | ${128}
# Container
| ${container_engine}= | Docker
| ${container_chain_topology}= | chain_functional
# Telemetry
| ${telemetry_profile}= | vpp_test_teardown Local Template

  • [Cfg] DUT1 is configured with IPv6 routing and static route, SR policy and steering policy for one direction and one SR behaviour (function) - End.AS - for other direction.

  • [Ver] Make TG send IPv6 packets routed over DUT1 interfaces. Make TG verify IPv6 packets are correct.

Arguments: - frame_size - Framesize in Bytes in integer. Type: integer - phy_cores - Number of physical cores. Type: integer - rxq - Number of RX queues, default value: ${None}. Type: integer

Set Test Variable  \${frame_size}
Given Set Max Rate And Jumbo
  And Add worker threads to all DUTs  ${phy_cores}  ${rxq}
  And Pre-initialize layer driver  ${nic_driver}
  And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs  with_trace=${True}
 When Initialize layer driver  ${nic_driver}
  And Initialize layer interface
  And Start containers for test  auto_scale=${False}  pinning=${False}
  And Initialize SRv6 with 'static_proxy' SR-unaware Service Function
 Then Send IPv6 Packet and verify SRv6 encapsulation in received packet  ${tg}  ${TG_pf1}[0]  ${TG_pf2}[0]  ${DUT1_${int}1_mac}[0]  ${DUT1_${int}2_mac}[0]  ${tg_if1_ip6_subnet}2  ${tg_if2_ip6_subnet}2  ${dut1_sid1}  ${dut1_sid2}  ${dut2_sid2}  ${dut2_sid1}  ${out_sid2_1}  ${out_sid1_1}  decap=${False}  tg_dstsid3=${out_sid1_2}  dut_dstsid3=${out_sid2_2}  static_proxy=${True} 78B-0c-ethip6srhip6-ip6base-srv6proxy-stat-scapy

frame_size=${78}  phy_cores=${0}