4. DPDK Performance Tests¶
4.1. 10ge2p1x710-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr suite¶
Raw results L2 routing test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for L2 frame forwarding.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 run the DPDK testpmd application and use the io forwarding mode. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with ${nic_name}.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library.
Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 254 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with static payload MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/default.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/dpdk/default.robot
| Library | resources.libraries.python.DPDK.DPDKTools
| ... | NIC_Intel-X710 | DPDK | ETH | L2XCFWD | BASE
| ... | DRV_VFIO_PCI
| ... | RXQ_SIZE_1024 | TXQ_SIZE_1024
| ... | eth-l2xcbase-testpmd
| Suite Setup | Setup suite topology interfaces | performance | dpdk
| Suite Teardown | Tear down suite | performance | dpdk
| Test Setup | Start Test Export
| Test Teardown | Finalize Test Export
| Test Template | Local Template
*** Variables ***
| ${crypto_type}= | ${None}
| ${nic_name}= | Intel-X710
| ${nic_driver}= | vfio-pci
| ${nic_rxq_size}= | 1024
| ${nic_txq_size}= | 1024
| ${nic_pfs}= | 2
| ${nic_vfs}= | 0
| ${osi_layer}= | L2
| ${overhead}= | ${0}
# Traffic profile:
| ${traffic_profile}= | trex-stl-3n-ethip4-ip4src254
4.1.1. Local Template¶
[Cfg] DUT runs L2 frame forwarding config. Each DUT uses ${phy_cores} physical core(s) for worker threads.
[Ver] Measure NDR and PDR values using MLRsearch algorithm.
Set Test Variable \${frame_size}
Given Set Max Rate And Jumbo
And Pre-initialize layer driver ${nic_driver}
When Start testpmd on all DUTs ${phy_cores} ${rxq} ${jumbo}
Then Find NDR and PDR intervals using optimized search
4.1.2. 64B-1c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${64} phy_cores=${1}
4.1.3. 64B-2c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${64} phy_cores=${2}
4.1.4. 64B-4c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${64} phy_cores=${4}
4.1.5. 1518B-1c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${1518} phy_cores=${1}
4.1.6. 1518B-2c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${1518} phy_cores=${2}
4.1.7. 1518B-4c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${1518} phy_cores=${4}
4.1.8. 9000B-1c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${9000} phy_cores=${1}
4.1.9. 9000B-2c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${9000} phy_cores=${2}
4.1.10. 9000B-4c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${9000} phy_cores=${4}
4.1.11. IMIX-1c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 phy_cores=${1}
4.1.12. IMIX-2c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 phy_cores=${2}
4.1.13. IMIX-4c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 phy_cores=${4}
4.2. 10ge2p1x710-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr suite¶
Raw results IPv4 routing test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for L3 IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 run the DPDK l3fwd application. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with ${nic_name}.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library.
Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 253 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/default.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/dpdk/default.robot
| Library | resources.libraries.python.DPDK.DPDKTools
| ... | NIC_Intel-X710 | DPDK | IP4FWD | BASE | ETH
| ... | DRV_VFIO_PCI
| ... | RXQ_SIZE_1024 | TXQ_SIZE_1024
| ... | ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd
| Suite Setup | Setup suite topology interfaces | performance | dpdk
| Suite Teardown | Tear down suite | performance | dpdk
| Test Setup | Start Test Export
| Test Teardown | Finalize Test Export
| Test Template | Local Template
*** Variables ***
| ${crypto_type}= | ${None}
| ${nic_name}= | Intel-X710
| ${nic_driver}= | vfio-pci
| ${nic_rxq_size}= | 1024
| ${nic_txq_size}= | 1024
| ${nic_pfs}= | 2
| ${nic_vfs}= | 0
| ${osi_layer}= | L3
| ${overhead}= | ${0}
# Traffic profile:
| ${traffic_profile}= | trex-stl-3n-ethip4-ip4dst253_l3fwd
4.2.1. Local Template¶
[Cfg] DUT runs L3 IPv4 routing config. Each DUT uses ${phy_cores} physical core(s) for worker threads.
[Ver] Measure NDR and PDR values using MLRsearch algorithm.
Set Test Variable \${frame_size}
Given Set Max Rate And Jumbo
And Pre-initialize layer driver ${nic_driver}
When Start L3FWD on all DUTs ${phy_cores} ${rxq} ${jumbo}
Then Find NDR and PDR intervals using optimized search
4.2.2. 64B-1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${64} phy_cores=${1}
4.2.3. 64B-2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${64} phy_cores=${2}
4.2.4. 64B-4c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${64} phy_cores=${4}
4.2.5. 1518B-1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${1518} phy_cores=${1}
4.2.6. 1518B-2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${1518} phy_cores=${2}
4.2.7. 1518B-4c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${1518} phy_cores=${4}
4.2.8. 9000B-1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${9000} phy_cores=${1}
4.2.9. 9000B-2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${9000} phy_cores=${2}
4.2.10. 9000B-4c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${9000} phy_cores=${4}
4.2.11. IMIX-1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 phy_cores=${1}
4.2.12. IMIX-2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 phy_cores=${2}
4.2.13. IMIX-4c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 phy_cores=${4}
4.3. 2n1l-10ge2p1x710-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr suite¶
Raw results L2 routing test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-TG 2-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for L2 frame forwarding.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 run the DPDK testpmd application and use the io forwarding mode. DUT1 tested with with ${nic_name}.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library.
Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 254 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with static payload MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/default.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/dpdk/default.robot
| Library | resources.libraries.python.DPDK.DPDKTools
| ... | NIC_Intel-X710 | DPDK | ETH | L2XCFWD | BASE
| ... | DRV_VFIO_PCI
| ... | RXQ_SIZE_1024 | TXQ_SIZE_1024
| ... | eth-l2xcbase-testpmd
| Suite Setup | Setup suite topology interfaces | performance | dpdk
| Suite Teardown | Tear down suite | performance | dpdk
| Test Setup | Start Test Export
| Test Teardown | Finalize Test Export
| Test Template | Local Template
*** Variables ***
| ${crypto_type}= | ${None}
| ${nic_name}= | Intel-X710
| ${nic_driver}= | vfio-pci
| ${nic_rxq_size}= | 1024
| ${nic_txq_size}= | 1024
| ${nic_pfs}= | 2
| ${nic_vfs}= | 0
| ${osi_layer}= | L2
| ${overhead}= | ${0}
# Traffic profile:
| ${traffic_profile}= | trex-stl-3n-ethip4-ip4src254
4.3.1. Local Template¶
[Cfg] DUT runs L2 frame forwarding config. Each DUT uses ${phy_cores} physical core(s) for worker threads.
[Ver] Measure NDR and PDR values using MLRsearch algorithm.
Set Test Variable \${frame_size}
Given Set Max Rate And Jumbo
And Pre-initialize layer driver ${nic_driver}
When Start testpmd on all DUTs ${phy_cores} ${rxq} ${jumbo}
Then Find NDR and PDR intervals using optimized search
4.3.2. 64B-1c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${64} phy_cores=${1}
4.3.3. 64B-2c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${64} phy_cores=${2}
4.3.4. 64B-4c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${64} phy_cores=${4}
4.3.5. 1518B-1c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${1518} phy_cores=${1}
4.3.6. 1518B-2c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${1518} phy_cores=${2}
4.3.7. 1518B-4c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${1518} phy_cores=${4}
4.3.8. 9000B-1c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${9000} phy_cores=${1}
4.3.9. 9000B-2c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${9000} phy_cores=${2}
4.3.10. 9000B-4c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${9000} phy_cores=${4}
4.3.11. IMIX-1c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 phy_cores=${1}
4.3.12. IMIX-2c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 phy_cores=${2}
4.3.13. IMIX-4c-eth-l2xcbase-testpmd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 phy_cores=${4}
4.4. 2n1l-10ge2p1x710-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr suite¶
Raw results IPv4 routing test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for L3 IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 run the DPDK l3fwd application DUT1 tested with ${nic_name}.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library.
Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 253 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/default.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/dpdk/default.robot
| Library | resources.libraries.python.DPDK.DPDKTools
| ... | NIC_Intel-X710 | DPDK | IP4FWD | BASE | ETH
| ... | DRV_VFIO_PCI
| ... | RXQ_SIZE_1024 | TXQ_SIZE_1024
| ... | ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd
| Suite Setup | Setup suite topology interfaces | performance | dpdk
| Suite Teardown | Tear down suite | performance | dpdk
| Test Setup | Start Test Export
| Test Teardown | Finalize Test Export
| Test Template | Local Template
*** Variables ***
| ${crypto_type}= | ${None}
| ${nic_name}= | Intel-X710
| ${nic_driver}= | vfio-pci
| ${nic_rxq_size}= | 1024
| ${nic_txq_size}= | 1024
| ${nic_pfs}= | 2
| ${nic_vfs}= | 0
| ${osi_layer}= | L3
| ${overhead}= | ${0}
# Traffic profile:
| ${traffic_profile}= | trex-stl-3n-ethip4-ip4dst253_l3fwd
4.4.1. Local Template¶
[Cfg] DUT runs L3 IPv4 routing config. Each DUT uses ${phy_cores} physical core(s) for worker threads.
[Ver] Measure NDR and PDR values using MLRsearch algorithm.
Set Test Variable \${frame_size}
Given Set Max Rate And Jumbo
And Pre-initialize layer driver ${nic_driver}
When Start L3FWD on all DUTs ${phy_cores} ${rxq} ${jumbo}
Then Find NDR and PDR intervals using optimized search
4.4.2. 64B-1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${64} phy_cores=${1}
4.4.3. 64B-2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${64} phy_cores=${2}
4.4.4. 64B-4c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${64} phy_cores=${4}
4.4.5. 1518B-1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${1518} phy_cores=${1}
4.4.6. 1518B-2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${1518} phy_cores=${2}
4.4.7. 1518B-4c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${1518} phy_cores=${4}
4.4.8. 9000B-1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${9000} phy_cores=${1}
4.4.9. 9000B-2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${9000} phy_cores=${2}
4.4.10. 9000B-4c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=${9000} phy_cores=${4}
4.4.11. IMIX-1c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 phy_cores=${1}
4.4.12. IMIX-2c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 phy_cores=${2}
4.4.13. IMIX-4c-ethip4-ip4base-l3fwd-ndrpdr¶
frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 phy_cores=${4}