FD.io VPP  v19.08-27-gf4dcae4
Vector Packet Processing
Image Version Information

show version


show version [verbose] [cmdline].


This command displays image version and command line arguments

Example usage
How to display the image version string:
vpp# show version
vpp v18.07-rc0~509-gb9124828 built by vppuser on vppbuild at date
Example usage
How to display verbose image version information:
vpp# show version verbose
Version:                  v18.07-rc0~509-gb9124828
Compiled by:              vppuser
Compile host:             vppbuild
Compile date:             Fri Jul 13 09:05:37 EDT 2018
Compile location:         /scratch/vpp-showversion
Compiler:                 GCC 7.3.0
Current PID:              5334
Example usage
How to display the vpp command line arguments:
vpp# show version cmdline
vpp# show version cmdline
Command line arguments:

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: show_vpe_version_command (src/vpp/app/version.c line 137)

Implementation: show_vpe_version_command_fn.