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Vector Packet Processing
create pppoe cp if-name <intfc> [del].
Declaration: create_pppoe_cp_cmd (src/plugins/pppoe/pppoe_cp.c line 74)
Implementation: pppoe_add_del_cp_command_fn.
create pppoe session client-ip <client-ip> session-id <nn> client-mac <client-mac> [decap-vrf-id <nn>] [del].
Add or delete a PPPoE Session.
vpp# create pppoe session client-ip session-id 13
client-mac 00:01:02:03:04:05
Example of how to delete a PPPoE Session: vpp# create pppoe session client-ip session-id 13
client-mac 00:01:02:03:04:05 del
Declaration: create_pppoe_session_command (src/plugins/pppoe/pppoe.c line 583)
Implementation: pppoe_add_del_session_command_fn.
show pppoe fib.
This command dispays the MAC Address entries of the PPPoE FIB table. Output can be filtered to just get the number of MAC Addresses or display each MAC Address.
vpp# show pppoe fib
Mac Address session_id Interface sw_if_index session_index
52:54:00:53:18:33 1 GigabitEthernet0/8/0 2 0
52:54:00:53:18:55 2 GigabitEthernet0/8/1 3 1
Declaration: show_pppoe_fib_command (src/plugins/pppoe/pppoe.c line 705)
Implementation: show_pppoe_fib_command_fn.
show pppoe session.
Display all the PPPoE Session entries.
vpp# show pppoe session
[0] client-ip session_id 13 encap-if-index 0 decap-vrf-id 13 sw_if_index 5
local-mac a0:b0:c0:d0:e0:f0 client-mac 00:01:02:03:04:05
Declaration: show_pppoe_session_command (src/plugins/pppoe/pppoe.c line 624)
Implementation: show_pppoe_session_command_fn.