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Layer 3 IP CLI

clear ioam rewrite


clear ioam rewrite.


This command clears all the In-band OAM (iOAM) features enabled by the 'set ioam rewrite' command. Use 'show ioam summary' to verify the configured settings cleared.

Example usage
Example of how to clear iOAM features:
vpp# clear ioam rewrite

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: ip6_clear_ioam_rewrite_cmd (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_hop_by_hop.c line 982)

Implementation: clear_ioam_rewrite_command_fn.

disable ip6 interface


disable ip6 interface <interface>.


This command is used to disable IPv6 on a given interface.

Example usage
Example of how disable IPv6 on a given interface:
vpp# disable ip6 interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: disable_ip6_interface_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_neighbor.c line 3449)

Implementation: disable_ip6_interface_cmd.

enable ip6 interface


enable ip6 interface <interface>.


This command is used to enable IPv6 on a given interface.

Example usage
Example of how enable IPv6 on a given interface:
vpp# enable ip6 interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: enable_ip6_interface_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_neighbor.c line 3410)

Implementation: enable_ip6_interface_cmd.



Internet protocol (IP) commands.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: vlib_cli_ip_command (vnet/vnet/ip/lookup.c line 722)

ip probe-neighbor


ip probe-neighbor <interface> <ip4-addr> | <ip6-addr> [retry nn].


The 'ip probe-neighbor' command ARPs for IPv4 addresses or attempts IPv6 neighbor discovery depending on the supplied IP address format.

This command will not immediately affect the indicated FIB; it is not suitable for use in establishing a FIB entry prior to adding recursive FIB entries. As in: don't use it in a script to probe a gateway prior to adding a default route. It won't work. Instead, configure a static ARP cache entry [see 'set ip arp'], or a static IPv6 neighbor [see 'set ip6 neighbor'].
Example usage
Example of probe for an IPv4 address:
vpp# ip probe-neighbor GigabitEthernet2/0/0

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: ip_probe_neighbor_command (vnet/vnet/ip/lookup.c line 968)

Implementation: probe_neighbor_address.

ip route


ip route [add|del] [count <n>] <dst-ip-addr>/<width> [table <table-id>] [via <next-hop-ip-addr> [<interface>] [weight <weight>]] | [via arp <interface> <adj-hop-ip-addr>] | [via drop|punt|local<id>|arp|classify <classify-idx>] [lookup in table <out-table-id>].


This command is used to add or delete IPv4 or IPv6 routes. All IP Addresses ('<dst-ip-addr>/<width>', '<next-hop-ip-addr>' and '<adj-hop-ip-addr>') can be IPv4 or IPv6, but all must be of the same form in a single command. To display the current set of routes, use the commands 'show ip fib' and 'show ip6 fib'.

Example usage
Example of how to add a straight forward static route:
vpp# ip route add via GigabitEthernet2/0/0
Example of how to delete a straight forward static route:
vpp# ip route del via GigabitEthernet2/0/0
Mainly for route add/del performance testing, one can add or delete multiple routes by adding 'count N' to the previous item:
vpp# ip route add count 10 via GigabitEthernet2/0/0
Add multiple routes for the same destination to create equal-cost multipath:
vpp# ip route add via GigabitEthernet2/0/0
vpp# ip route add via GigabitEthernet2/0/0
For unequal-cost multipath, specify the desired weights. This combination of weights results in 3/4 of the traffic following the second path, 1/4 following the first path:
vpp# ip route add via GigabitEthernet2/0/0 weight 1
vpp# ip route add via GigabitEthernet2/0/0 weight 3
To add a route to a particular FIB table (VRF), use:
vpp# ip route add table 7 via GigabitEthernet2/0/0

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: ip_route_command (vnet/vnet/ip/lookup.c line 777)

Implementation: vnet_ip_route_cmd.

ip urpf-accept


ip urpf-accept [table <table-id>] [add|del].


Add an exemption for a prefix to pass the Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF) loose check. This is for testing purposes only. If the 'table' is not enter it is defaulted to 0. Default is to 'add'. VPP always performs a loose uRPF check for for-us traffic.

Example usage
Example of how to add a uRPF exception to a FIB table to pass the loose RPF tests:
vpp# ip urpf-accept table 7 add

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: ip_source_check_accept_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip4_source_check.c line 550)

Implementation: ip_source_check_accept.



Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) commands.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: vlib_cli_ip6_command (vnet/vnet/ip/lookup.c line 729)

ip6 nd


ip6 nd <interface> ...


This command is used to configure the neighbor discovery parameters on a given interface. Use the 'show ip6 interface' command to display some of the current neighbor discovery parameters on a given interface. This command has three formats:

Format 1 - Router Advertisement Options: (Only one can be entered in a single command)

'ip6 nd <interface> [no] [ra-managed-config-flag] | [ra-other-config-flag] | [ra-suppress] | [ra-suppress-link-layer] | [ra-send-unicast] | [ra-lifetime <lifetime>] | [ra-initial <cnt> <interval>] | [ra-interval <max-interval> [<min-interval>]] | [ra-cease]'


[no] ra-managed-config-flag - Advertises in ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages to use stateful address auto-configuration to obtain address information (sets the M-bit). Default is the M-bit is not set and the 'no' option returns it to this default state.

[no] ra-other-config-flag - Indicates in ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages that hosts use stateful auto configuration to obtain nonaddress related information (sets the O-bit). Default is the O-bit is not set and the 'no' option returns it to this default state.

[no] ra-suppress - Disables sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. The 'no' option implies to enable sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages.

[no] ra-suppress-link-layer - Indicates not to include the optional source link-layer address in the ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. Default is to include the optional source link-layer address and the 'no' option returns it to this default state.

[no] ra-send-unicast - Use the source address of the router-solicitation message if availiable. The default is to use multicast address of all nodes, and the 'no' option returns it to this default state.

[no] ra-lifetime <lifetime> - Advertises the lifetime of a default router in ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. The range is from 0 to 9000 seconds. '<lifetime>' must be greater than '<max-interval>'. The default value is 600 seconds and the 'no' option returns it to this default value.

[no] ra-initial <cnt> <interval> - Number of initial ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages sent and the interval between each message. Range for count is 1 - 3 and default is 3. Range for interval is 1 to 16 seconds, and default is 16 seconds. The 'no' option returns both to their default value.

[no] ra-interval <max-interval> [<min-interval>] - Configures the interval between sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. The range for max-interval is from 4 to 200 seconds. min-interval can not be more than 75% of max-interval. If not set, min-interval will be set to 75% of max-interval. The range for min-interval is from 3 to 150 seconds. The 'no' option returns both to their default value.

[no] ra-cease - Cease sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages. The 'no' options implies to start (or restart) sending ICMPv6 router-advertisement messages.

Format 2 - Prefix Options:

'ip6 nd <interface> [no] prefix <ip6-address>/<width> [<valid-lifetime> <pref-lifetime> | infinite] [no-advertise] [off-link] [no-autoconfig] [no-onlink]'


no - All additional flags are ignored and the prefix is deleted.

<valid-lifetime> <pref-lifetime> - '<valid-lifetime>' is the length of time in seconds during what the prefix is valid for the purpose of on-link determination. Range is 7203 to 2592000 seconds and default is 2592000 seconds (30 days). '<pref-lifetime>' is the prefered-lifetime and is the length of time in seconds during what addresses generated from the prefix remain preferred. Range is 0 to 604800 seconds and default is 604800 seconds (7 days).

infinite - Both '<valid-lifetime>' and '<<pref-lifetime>' are inifinte, no timeout.

no-advertise - Do not send full router address in prefix advertisement. Default is to advertise (i.e. - This flag is off by default).

off-link - Prefix is off-link, clear L-bit in packet. Default is on-link (i.e. - This flag is off and L-bit in packet is set by default and this prefix can be used for on-link determination). 'no-onlink' also controls the L-bit.

no-autoconfig - Do not use prefix for autoconfiguration, clear A-bit in packet. Default is autoconfig (i.e. - This flag is off and A-bit in packet is set by default.

no-onlink - Do not use prefix for onlink determination, clear L-bit in packet. Default is on-link (i.e. - This flag is off and L-bit in packet is set by default and this prefix can be used for on-link determination). 'off-link' also controls the L-bit.

Format 3: - Default of Prefix:

'ip6 nd <interface> [no] prefix <ip6-address>/<width> default'

When a new prefix is added (or existing one is being overwritten) default uses default values for the prefix. If no is used, the default is ignored and the prefix is deleted.

Example usage
Example of how set a router advertisement option:
vpp# ip6 nd GigabitEthernet2/0/0 ra-interval 100 20
Example of how to add a prefix:
vpp# ip6 nd GigabitEthernet2/0/0 prefix fe80::fe:28ff:fe9c:75b3/64 infinite no-advertise
Example of how to delete a prefix:
vpp# ip6 nd GigabitEthernet2/0/0 no prefix fe80::fe:28ff:fe9c:75b3/64

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: ip6_nd_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_neighbor.c line 3573)

Implementation: ip6_neighbor_cmd.



ping {<ip-addr> | ipv4 <ip4-addr> | ipv6 <ip6-addr>} [ipv4 <ip4-addr> | ipv6 <ip6-addr>] [source <interface>] [size <pktsize>] [interval <sec>] [repeat <cnt>] [table-id <id>] [verbose].


This command sends an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts. The address can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address (or both at the same time).

Example usage

Example of how ping an IPv4 address:

vpp# ping source GigabitEthernet2/0/0 repeat 2

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=.1090 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=.0914 ms

Statistics: 2 sent, 2 received, 0% packet loss

Example of how ping both an IPv4 address and IPv6 address at the same time:

vpp# ping ipv6 fe80::24a5:f6ff:fe9c:3a36 source GigabitEthernet2/0/0 repeat 2 verbose

Adjacency index: 10, sw_if_index: 1
Adj: ip6-discover-neighbor
Adj Interface: 0
Forced set interface: 1
Adjacency index: 0, sw_if_index: 4294967295
Adj: ip4-miss
Adj Interface: 0
Forced set interface: 1
Source address:
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=.1899 ms
Adjacency index: 10, sw_if_index: 1
Adj: ip6-discover-neighbor
Adj Interface: 0
Forced set interface: 1
Adjacency index: 0, sw_if_index: 4294967295
Adj: ip4-miss
Adj Interface: 0
Forced set interface: 1
Source address:
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=.0910 ms

Statistics: 4 sent, 2 received, 50% packet loss

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: ping_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ping.c line 857)

Implementation: ping_ip_address.

set interface ip


IP4/IP6 commands.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_interface_ip_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip46_cli.c line 73)

set interface ip address


set interface ip address <interface> [<ip-addr>/<mask> [del]] | [del all].


Add an IP Address to an interface or remove and IP Address from an interface. The IP Address can be an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. Interfaces may have multiple IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. There is no concept of primary vs. secondary interface addresses; they're just addresses.

To display the addresses associated with a given interface, use the command 'show interface address <interface>'.

Note that the debug CLI does not enforce classful mask-width / addressing constraints.

Example usage

An example of how to add an IPv4 address to an interface:

vpp# set interface ip address GigabitEthernet2/0/0

An example of how to add an IPv6 address to an interface:

vpp# set interface ip address GigabitEthernet2/0/0 ::a:1:1:0:7/126

To delete a specific interface ip address:

vpp# set interface ip address GigabitEthernet2/0/0 del

To delete all interfaces addresses (IPv4 and IPv6):

vpp# set interface ip address GigabitEthernet2/0/0 del all

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_interface_ip_address_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip46_cli.c line 214)

Implementation: add_del_ip_address.

set interface ip source-and-port-range-check


set interface ip source-and-port-range-check <interface> [tcp-out-vrf <table-id>] [udp-out-vrf <table-id>] [tcp-in-vrf <table-id>] [udp-in-vrf <table-id>] [del].


Add the 'ip4-source-and-port-range-check-rx' or 'ip4-source-and-port-range-check-tx' graph node for a given interface. 'tcp-out-vrf' and 'udp-out-vrf' will add to the RX path. 'tcp-in-vrf' and 'udp-in-vrf' will add to the TX path. A graph node will be inserted into the chain when the range check is added to the first interface. It will not be removed from when range check is removed from the last interface.

By adding the range check graph node to the interface, incoming or outgoing TCP/UDP packets will be validated using the provided IPv4 FIB table (VRF).

'ip4-source-and-port-range-check-rx' and 'ip4-source-and-port-range-check-tx' strings are too long, so they are truncated on the 'show vlib graph' output.
This content needs to be validated and potentially more detail added.
Example usage

Example of graph node before range checking is enabled:

vpp# show vlib graph ip4-source-and-port-range-check-tx

           Name                      Next                    Previous
ip4-source-and-port-range-      error-drop [0]

Example of how to enable range checking on TX:

vpp# set interface ip source-and-port-range-check GigabitEthernet2/0/0 udp-in-vrf 7

Example of graph node after range checking is enabled:

vpp# show vlib graph ip4-source-and-port-range-check-tx

           Name                      Next                    Previous
ip4-source-and-port-range-      error-drop [0]              ip4-rewrite
                             interface-output [1]

Example of how to display the features enabed on an interface:

vpp# show ip interface features GigabitEthernet2/0/0

IP feature paths configured on GigabitEthernet2/0/0...

ipv4 unicast:

ipv4 multicast:

ipv4 multicast:

ipv6 unicast:

ipv6 multicast:

ipv6 multicast:

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_interface_ip_source_and_port_range_check_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip4_source_and_port_range_check.c line 817)

Implementation: set_ip_source_and_port_range_check_fn.

set interface ip source-check


set interface ip source-check <interface> [strict|loose] [del].


This command adds the 'ip4-source-check-via-rx' graph node for a given interface. By adding the IPv4 source check graph node to an interface, the code verifies that the source address of incoming unicast packets are reachable over the incoming interface. Two flavours are supported (the default is strict):

  • loose: accept ingress packet if there is a route to reach the source
  • strict: accept ingress packet if it arrived on an interface which the route to the source uses. i.e. an interface that the source is reachable via.
Example usage

Example of graph node before range checking is enabled:

vpp# show vlib graph ip4-source-check-via-rx

           Name                      Next                    Previous
ip4-source-check-via-rx         error-drop [0]

Example of how to enable unicast source checking on an interface:

vpp# set interface ip source-check GigabitEthernet2/0/0 loose

Example of graph node after range checking is enabled:

vpp# show vlib graph ip4-source-check-via-rx

           Name                      Next                    Previous
ip4-source-check-via-rx         error-drop [0]         ip4-input-no-checksum
                          ip4-source-and-port-range-         ip4-input

Example of how to display the feature enabed on an interface:

vpp# show ip interface features GigabitEthernet2/0/0

IP feature paths configured on GigabitEthernet2/0/0...

ipv4 unicast:

ipv4 multicast:

ipv4 multicast:

ipv6 unicast:

ipv6 multicast:

ipv6 multicast:

Example of how to disable unicast source checking on an interface:

vpp# set interface ip source-check GigabitEthernet2/0/0 del

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_interface_ip_source_check_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip4_source_check.c line 463)

Implementation: set_ip_source_check.

set interface ip table


set interface ip table <interface> <table-id>.


Place the indicated interface into the supplied IPv4 FIB table (also known as a VRF). If the FIB table does not exist, this command creates it. To display the current IPv4 FIB table, use the command 'show ip fib'. FIB table will only be displayed if a route has been added to the table, or an IP Address is assigned to an interface in the table (which adds a route automatically).

IP addresses added after setting the interface IP table end up in the indicated FIB table. If the IP address is added prior to adding the interface to the FIB table, it will NOT be part of the FIB table. Predictable but potentially counter-intuitive results occur if you provision interface addresses in multiple FIBs. Upon RX, packets will be processed in the last IP table ID provisioned. It might be marginally useful to evade source RPF drops to put an interface address into multiple FIBs.
Example usage
Example of how to add an interface to an IPv4 FIB table (where 2 is the table-id):
vpp# set interface ip table GigabitEthernet2/0/0 2

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_interface_ip_table_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip4_forward.c line 2717)

Implementation: add_del_interface_table.

set interface ip6 table


set interface ip6 table <interface> <table-id>.


Place the indicated interface into the supplied IPv6 FIB table (also known as a VRF). If the FIB table does not exist, this command creates it. To display the current IPv6 FIB table, use the command 'show ip6 fib'. FIB table will only be displayed if a route has been added to the table, or an IP Address is assigned to an interface in the table (which adds a route automatically).

IP addresses added after setting the interface IP table end up in the indicated FIB table. If the IP address is added prior to adding the interface to the FIB table, it will NOT be part of the FIB table. Predictable but potentially counter-intuitive results occur if you provision interface addresses in multiple FIBs. Upon RX, packets will be processed in the last IP table ID provisioned. It might be marginally useful to evade source RPF drops to put an interface address into multiple FIBs.
Example usage
Example of how to add an interface to an IPv6 FIB table (where 2 is the table-id):
vpp# set interface ip6 table GigabitEthernet2/0/0 2

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_interface_ip6_table_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_forward.c line 2979)

Implementation: add_del_ip6_interface_table.

set ioam rewrite


set ioam [trace] [pot] [seqno] [analyse].


This command is used to enable In-band OAM (iOAM) features on IPv6. 'trace' is used to enable iOAM trace feature. 'pot' is used to enable the Proof Of Transit feature. 'ppc' is used to indicate the Per Packet Counter feature for Edge to Edge processing. 'ppc' is used to indicate if this node is an 'encap' node (iOAM edge node where packet enters iOAM domain), a 'decap' node (iOAM edge node where packet leaves iOAM domain) or 'none' (iOAM node where packet is in-transit through the iOAM domain). 'ppc' can only be set if 'trace' or 'pot' is enabled.

Use 'clear ioam rewrite' to disable all features enabled by this command. Use 'show ioam summary' to verify the configured settings.

Example usage
Example of how to enable trace and pot with ppc set to encap:
vpp# set ioam rewrite trace pot ppc encap

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: ip6_set_ioam_rewrite_cmd (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_hop_by_hop.c line 1089)

Implementation: ip6_set_ioam_rewrite_command_fn.

set ip classify


set ip classify intfc <interface> table-index <classify-idx>.


Assign a classification table to an interface. The classification table is created using the 'classify table' and 'classify session' commands. Once the table is create, use this command to filter packets on an interface.

Example usage
Example of how to assign a classification table to an interface:
vpp# set ip classify intfc GigabitEthernet2/0/0 table-index 1

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_ip_classify_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip4_forward.c line 3330)

Implementation: set_ip_classify_command_fn.

set ip flow-hash


set ip flow-hash table <table-id> [src] [dst] [sport] [dport] [proto] [reverse].


Configure the set of IPv4 fields used by the flow hash.

Example usage
Example of how to set the flow hash on a given table:
vpp# set ip flow-hash table 7 dst sport dport proto
Example of display the configured flow hash:
vpp# show ip fib
ipv4-VRF:0, fib_index 0, flow hash: src dst sport dport proto
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:0 buckets:1 uRPF:0 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@0]: dpo-drop ip6
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:1 buckets:1 uRPF:1 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@0]: dpo-drop ip6
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:3 buckets:1 uRPF:3 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@0]: dpo-drop ip6
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:30 buckets:1 uRPF:29 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@3]: arp-ipv4: via af_packet0
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:31 buckets:4 uRPF:30 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@3]: arp-ipv4: via af_packet0
    [1] [@3]: arp-ipv4: via af_packet0
    [2] [@3]: arp-ipv4: via af_packet0
    [3] [@3]: arp-ipv4: via af_packet0
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:2 buckets:1 uRPF:2 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@0]: dpo-drop ip6
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:4 buckets:1 uRPF:4 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@0]: dpo-drop ip6
ipv4-VRF:7, fib_index 1, flow hash: dst sport dport proto
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:12 buckets:1 uRPF:11 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@0]: dpo-drop ip6
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:13 buckets:1 uRPF:12 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@0]: dpo-drop ip6
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:17 buckets:1 uRPF:16 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@4]: ipv4-glean: af_packet0
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:18 buckets:1 uRPF:17 to:[1:84]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive: on af_packet0
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:21 buckets:1 uRPF:20 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@5]: ipv4 via af_packet0: IP4: 02:fe:9e:70:7a:2b -> 26:a5:f6:9c:3a:36
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:19 buckets:1 uRPF:18 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@4]: ipv4-glean: af_packet1
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:20 buckets:1 uRPF:19 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive: on af_packet1
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:15 buckets:1 uRPF:14 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@0]: dpo-drop ip6
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:14 buckets:1 uRPF:13 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@0]: dpo-drop ip6
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:16 buckets:1 uRPF:15 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@0]: dpo-drop ip6

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_ip_flow_hash_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip4_forward.c line 3207)

Implementation: set_ip_flow_hash_command_fn.

set ip source-and-port-range-check


set ip source-and-port-range-check vrf <table-id> <ip-addr>/<mask> {port nn | range <nn> - <nn>} [del].


This command adds an IP Subnet and range of ports to be validated by an IP FIB table (VRF).

This is incomplete. This needs a detailed description and a practical example.
Example usage
Example of how to add an IPv4 subnet and single port to an IPv4 FIB table:
vpp# set ip source-and-port-range-check vrf 7 port 23
Example of how to add an IPv4 subnet and range of ports to an IPv4 FIB table:
vpp# set ip source-and-port-range-check vrf 7 range 23 - 100
Example of how to delete an IPv4 subnet and single port from an IPv4 FIB table:
vpp# set ip source-and-port-range-check vrf 7 port 23 del
Example of how to delete an IPv4 subnet and range of ports from an IPv4 FIB table:
vpp# set ip source-and-port-range-check vrf 7 range 23 - 100 del

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: ip_source_and_port_range_check_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip4_source_and_port_range_check.c line 1275)

Implementation: ip_source_and_port_range_check_command_fn.

set ip6 classify


set ip6 classify intfc <interface> table-index <classify-idx>.


Assign a classification table to an interface. The classification table is created using the 'classify table' and 'classify session' commands. Once the table is create, use this command to filter packets on an interface.

Example usage
Example of how to assign a classification table to an interface:
vpp# set ip6 classify intfc GigabitEthernet2/0/0 table-index 1

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_ip6_classify_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_forward.c line 3354)

Implementation: set_ip6_classify_command_fn.

set ip6 flow-hash


set ip6 flow-hash table <table-id> [src] [dst] [sport] [dport] [proto] [reverse].


Configure the set of IPv6 fields used by the flow hash.

Example usage

Example of how to set the flow hash on a given table:

vpp# set ip6 flow-hash table 8 dst sport dport proto

Example of display the configured flow hash:

vpp# show ip6 fib

ipv6-VRF:0, fib_index 0, flow hash: src dst sport dport proto
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:5 buckets:1 uRPF:5 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@0]: dpo-drop ip6
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:10 buckets:1 uRPF:10 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:8 buckets:1 uRPF:8 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:7 buckets:1 uRPF:7 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:9 buckets:1 uRPF:9 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:6 buckets:1 uRPF:6 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive
ipv6-VRF:8, fib_index 1, flow hash: dst sport dport proto
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:21 buckets:1 uRPF:20 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@0]: dpo-drop ip6
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:27 buckets:1 uRPF:26 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@4]: ipv6-glean: af_packet0
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:28 buckets:1 uRPF:27 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive: ::a:1:1:0:7 on af_packet0
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:26 buckets:1 uRPF:25 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:29 buckets:1 uRPF:28 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive: fe80::fe:3eff:fe3e:9222 on af_packet0
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:24 buckets:1 uRPF:23 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:23 buckets:1 uRPF:22 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:25 buckets:1 uRPF:24 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive
  [@0]: dpo-load-balance: [index:22 buckets:1 uRPF:21 to:[0:0]]
    [0] [@2]: dpo-receive

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_ip6_flow_hash_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_forward.c line 3190)

Implementation: set_ip6_flow_hash_command_fn.

set ip6 link-local address


set ip6 link-local address <interface> <ip6-address>/<width>.


This command is used to assign an IPv6 Link-local address to an interface. This command will enable IPv6 on an interface if it is not already enabled. Use the 'show ip6 interface' command to display the assigned Link-local address.

Example usage
Example of how to assign an IPv6 Link-local address to an interface:
vpp# set ip6 link-local address GigabitEthernet2/0/0 FE80::AB8/64

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_ip6_link_local_address_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_neighbor.c line 3675)

Implementation: set_ip6_link_local_address_cmd.

set ip6 neighbor


set ip6 neighbor [del] <interface> <ip6-address> <mac-address> [static].


This command is used to manually add an entry to the IPv6 neighbor adjacency table. Optionally, the entry can be added as static. It is also used to remove an entry from the table. Use the 'show ip6 neighbors' command to display all learned and manually entered entries.

Example usage
Example of how to add a static entry to the IPv6 neighbor adjacency table:
vpp# set ip6 neighbor GigabitEthernet2/0/0 ::1:1:c:0:9 02:fe:e4:45:27:5b static
Example of how to delete an entry from the IPv6 neighbor adjacency table:
vpp# set ip6 neighbor del GigabitEthernet2/0/0 ::1:1:c:0:9 02:fe:e4:45:27:5b

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_ip6_neighbor_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_neighbor.c line 844)

Implementation: set_ip6_neighbor.

set punt udp


set punt udp [del] <all | port-num1 [port-num2 ...]>.


The set of 'set punt' commands allows specific IP traffic to be punted to the host TCP/IP stack


  • UDP is the only protocol supported in the current implementation
  • All TCP traffic is currently punted to the host by default
Example usage

Example of how to request NTP traffic to be punted

vpp# set punt udp 125

Example of how to request all 'unknown' UDP traffic to be punted

vpp# set punt udp all

Example of how to stop all 'unknown' UDP traffic to be punted

vpp# set punt udp del all

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: punt_udp_command (vnet/vnet/ip/punt.c line 310)

Implementation: udp_punt_cli.

show ioam summary


show ioam summary.


This command displays the current configuration data for In-band OAM (iOAM).

Example usage
Example to show the iOAM configuration:
vpp# show ioam summary
              REWRITE FLOW CONFIGS -
               Destination Address : ff02::1
                    Flow operation : 2 (Pop)
                        TRACE OPTION - 1 (Enabled)
Try 'show ioam trace and show ioam-trace profile' for more information
                        POT OPTION - 1 (Enabled)
Try 'show ioam pot and show pot profile' for more information
         EDGE TO EDGE - PPC OPTION - 1 (Encap)

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: ip6_show_ioam_run_cmd (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_hop_by_hop.c line 1173)

Implementation: ip6_show_ioam_summary_cmd_fn.

show ip


Internet protocol (IP) show commands.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: vlib_cli_show_ip_command (vnet/vnet/ip/lookup.c line 736)

show ip local


show ip local.


Display the set of protocols handled by the local IPv4 stack.

Example usage
Example of how to display local protocol table:
vpp# show ip local
Protocols handled by ip4_local

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: show_ip_local (vnet/vnet/ip/ip4_forward.c line 1899)

Implementation: show_ip_local_command_fn.

show ip source-and-port-range-check


show ip source-and-port-range-check vrf <table-id> <ip-addr> [port <n>].


Display the range of ports being validated by an IPv4 FIB for a given IP or subnet, or test if a given IP and port are being validated.

This is incomplete. This needs a detailed description and a practical example.
Example usage
Example of how to display the set of ports being validated for a given IPv4 subnet:
vpp# show ip source-and-port-range-check vrf 7 23 - 101
Example of how to test to determine of a given Pv4 address and port are being validated:
vpp# show ip source-and-port-range-check vrf 7 port 23 port 23 PASS
vpp# show ip source-and-port-range-check vrf 7 port 250 port 250 FAIL

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: show_source_and_port_range_check (vnet/vnet/ip/ip4_source_and_port_range_check.c line 1401)

Implementation: show_source_and_port_range_check_fn.

show ip6


Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) show commands.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: vlib_cli_show_ip6_command (vnet/vnet/ip/lookup.c line 743)

show ip6 interface


show ip6 interface <interface>.


This command is used to display various IPv6 attributes on a given interface.

Example usage
Example of how to display IPv6 settings:
vpp# show ip6 interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
GigabitEthernet2/0/0 is admin up
        Link-local address(es):
        Joined group address(es):
        Advertised Prefixes:
                prefix fe80::fe:28ff:fe9c:75b3,  length 64
        MTU is 1500
        ICMP error messages are unlimited
        ICMP redirects are disabled
        ICMP unreachables are not sent
        ND DAD is disabled
        ND advertised reachable time is 0
        ND advertised retransmit interval is 0 (msec)
        ND router advertisements are sent every 200 seconds (min interval is 150)
        ND router advertisements live for 600 seconds
        Hosts use stateless autoconfig for addresses
        ND router advertisements sent 19336
        ND router solicitations received 0
        ND router solicitations dropped 0
Example of output if IPv6 is not enabled on the interface:
vpp# show ip6 interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0
show ip6 interface: IPv6 not enabled on interface

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: show_ip6_interface_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_neighbor.c line 3233)

Implementation: show_ip6_interface_cmd.

show ip6 local


show ip6 local.


Display the set of protocols handled by the local IPv6 stack.

Example usage
Example of how to display local protocol table:
vpp# show ip6 local
Protocols handled by ip6_local

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: show_ip6_local (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_forward.c line 3232)

Implementation: show_ip6_local_command_fn.

show ip6 neighbors


show ip6 neighbors [<interface>].


This command is used to display the adjacent IPv6 hosts found via neighbor discovery. Optionally, limit the output to the specified interface.

Example usage
Example of how to display the IPv6 neighbor adjacency table:
vpp# show ip6 neighbors
    Time           Address       Flags     Link layer                     Interface
     34.0910     a:1:1:0:7            02:fe:6a:07:39:6f                GigabitEthernet2/0/0
    173.2916     ::b:5:1:c:2            02:fe:50:62:3a:94                GigabitEthernet2/0/0
    886.6654     ::1:1:c:0:9       S    02:fe:e4:45:27:5b                GigabitEthernet3/0/0
Example of how to display the IPv6 neighbor adjacency table for given interface:
vpp# show ip6 neighbors GigabitEthernet2/0/0
    Time           Address       Flags     Link layer                     Interface
     34.0910     a:1:1:0:7            02:fe:6a:07:39:6f                GigabitEthernet2/0/0
    173.2916     ::b:5:1:c:2            02:fe:50:62:3a:94                GigabitEthernet2/0/0

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: show_ip6_neighbors_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_neighbor.c line 782)

Implementation: show_ip6_neighbors.

test ip6 link


test ip6 link <mac-address>.


This command converts the given MAC Address into an IPv6 link-local address.

Example usage
Example of how to create an IPv6 link-local address:
vpp# test ip6 link 16:d9:e0:91:79:86
Link local address: fe80::14d9:e0ff:fe91:7986
Original MAC address: 16:d9:e0:91:79:86

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: test_link_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip6_forward.c line 3047)

Implementation: test_ip6_link_command_fn.

test lookup


test lookup <ipv4-addr> [table <fib-id>] [count <nn>].


Perform a lookup of an IPv4 Address (or range of addresses) in the given FIB table to determine if there is a conflict with the adjacency table. The fib-id can be determined by using the 'show ip fib' command. If fib-id is not entered, default value of 0 is used.

This command uses fib-id, other commands use table-id (not just a name, they are different indexes). Would like to change this to table-id for consistency.
Example usage
Example of how to run the test lookup command:
vpp# test lookup table 1 count 2
No errors in 2 lookups

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: lookup_test_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip4_forward.c line 3056)

Implementation: test_lookup_command_fn.

test route


test route [seed <seed-num>] [niter <num-iter>] [ninterfaces <num-iface>] [min-mask-bits <min-mask>] [max-mask-bits <max-mask>] [verbose].


This command in not in the build by default. It is an internal command used to test the route functonality.

Create test routes on IPv4 FIB table 11. Table will be created if it does not exist.

There are several optional attributes:

  • If not provided, <seed> defaults to 0xdeaddabe.
  • If not provided, <num-iter> defaults to 10.
  • If not provided, <num-iface> defaults to 4.
  • If not provided, <min-mask> defaults to 7.0.
  • If not provided, <max-mask> defaults to 32.0.
Example usage
Example of how to run:
vpp# test route

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: test_route_command (vnet/vnet/ip/ip4_test::c line 319)

Implementation: thrash.