RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 routing with IEEE 802.1Q test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing. IEEE 802.1Q tagging is applied on link between DUT1 and DUT2.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and two static IPv4 /30 route entries. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 254 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf- dot1q-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 9.73 6.85 2. 19.68 13.85 3. 17 26 32 17 26 33 4. 29 37 43 28 35 41 5. 49 55 61 49 55 60
64b-4t2c-avf- dot1q-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 30.18 21.25 2. 37.35 26.29 3. 21 29 36 20 27 34 4. 27 31 33 26 29 33 5. 46 50 54 46 50 54
64b-8t4c-avf- dot1q-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 33.57 23.63 2. 34.33 24.17 3. 21 32 45 24 36 46 4. 23 27 32 23 27 31 5. 28 31 34 28 32 35
1518b-2t1c-avf- dot1q-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 3.87 47.79 2. 3.91 48.27 3. 20 22 33 20 40 49 4. 28 44 50 29 55 69 5. 42 50 56 35 45 55
1518b-4t2c-avf- dot1q-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 3.87 47.77 2. 3.91 48.25 3. 20 22 35 20 25 31 4. 28 45 57 29 51 60 5. 50 68 74 46 59 68
9000b-2t1c-avf- dot1q-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.69 2. 0.67 48.17 3. 36 53 59 35 56 64 4. 47 98 107 53 161 178 5. 103 143 155 187 236 260
imix-2t1c-avf- dot1q-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 16.13 48.76 2. 16.13 48.76
imix-4t2c-avf- dot1q-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 16.13 48.76 2. 16.13 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf- dot1q-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 16.13 48.76 2. 16.13 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 allowlist test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing, two static IPv4 /24 routes and IPv4 ADL security allowlist ingress /24 filter entries applied on links TG - DUT1 and DUT2 - TG. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 253 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 8.55 5.75 2. 18.99 12.76 3. 17 26 33 17 24 31 4. 29 36 43 27 33 37 5. 46 52 56 45 51 55
64b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 23.40 15.73 2. 37.20 25.00 3. 20 28 35 21 29 36 4. 28 33 36 26 29 33 5. 49 53 58 47 52 56
64b-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 33.67 22.62 2. 34.87 23.43 3. 24 38 48 22 31 43 4. 24 29 34 24 27 31 5. 28 32 35 29 32 35
1518b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 26 33 19 25 33 4. 27 38 51 27 51 59 5. 38 51 56 41 52 60
1518b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 28 34 20 23 29 4. 28 38 47 30 40 49 5. 49 69 77 42 54 64
9000b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.03 3. 36 55 60 36 66 84 4. 39 93 123 38 191 231 5. 167 237 281 123 233 243
imix-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.33 48.85 2. 16.33 48.85
imix-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 iAcl whitelist test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing, two static IPv4 /24 routes and IPv4 iAcl security whitelist ingress /24 filter entries applied on links TG - DUT1 and DUT2 - TG. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 253 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv6 header and generated payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 7.74 5.20 2. 14.98 10.07 3. 17 24 29 17 27 32 4. 28 33 38 28 37 42 5. 48 55 61 49 56 62
64b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.85 11.33 2. 20.57 13.82 3. 17 25 33 17 25 32 4. 26 31 36 26 32 37 5. 38 50 64 33 41 50
64b-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 25.59 17.19 2. 30.65 20.59 3. 21 33 45 25 40 51 4. 24 30 34 24 29 33 5. 39 53 71 37 50 66
1518b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 29 20 23 29 4. 27 40 48 26 39 46 5. 44 55 59 38 49 55
1518b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 29 40 20 30 37 4. 27 39 47 29 40 53 5. 47 57 68 41 51 58
9000b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.03 3. 36 37 39 35 41 49 4. 66 246 264 40 188 198 5. 140 256 266 193 266 301
imix-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 10.43 31.20 2. 16.33 48.83
imix-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 policer test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and two static IPv4 /24 route entries and policer with 2R3C color-aware configuration. Policer is applied on links TG - DUT1 and DUT2 - TG. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 253 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv6 header and generated payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544, RFC2698.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 7.66 5.15 2. 12.16 8.17 3. 17 27 34 17 25 30 4. 27 38 45 25 34 39 5. 49 57 64 50 57 64
64b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 14.31 9.62 2. 19.72 13.25 3. 18 27 34 17 27 34 4. 27 33 39 27 36 43 5. 63 115 152 51 73 122
64b-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 22.79 15.31 2. 25.57 17.19 3. 22 35 45 23 36 49 4. 25 31 35 25 30 34 5. 38 50 64 39 52 67
1518b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 26 37 20 20 28 4. 28 41 49 27 38 49 5. 41 52 59 43 52 58
1518b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 23 31 20 29 37 4. 28 40 52 30 40 51 5. 44 56 63 46 55 62
9000b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.55 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 39 42 35 56 64 4. 39 136 154 42 124 194 5. 155 189 220 141 211 234
imix-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 9.84 29.42 2. 12.16 36.37
imix-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 routing test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and two static IPv4 /24 route entries. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 253 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 10.02 6.74 2. 23.66 15.90 3. 22 28 34 17 17 18 4. 28 34 39 28 34 40 5. 53 59 65 53 60 67
64b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 36.76 24.70 2. 37.31 25.07 3. 19 27 34 19 28 35 4. 27 34 38 26 31 35 5. 37 44 52 38 44 48
64b-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 32.58 21.90 2. 34.26 23.02 3. 22 33 48 21 34 46 4. 23 26 30 23 26 30 5. 29 33 36 29 32 35
1518b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 24 28 20 24 34 4. 27 37 47 30 42 54 5. 43 50 55 46 64 70
1518b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 19 24 33 19 20 21 4. 29 37 42 32 49 60 5. 47 61 72 44 61 69
9000b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.55 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 37 39 35 46 57 4. 43 148 163 47 234 248 5. 94 131 145 166 254 274
imix-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 routing test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and 2x100k static IPv4 /32 route entries. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 10.55 7.09 2. 21.43 14.40 3. 17 27 34 17 27 31 4. 28 34 39 27 32 36 5. 49 56 63 46 53 60
64b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 31.18 20.95 2. 37.34 25.09 3. 19 28 35 21 29 35 4. 26 30 33 25 29 32 5. 40 45 49 39 43 49
64b-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 32.99 22.17 2. 35.52 23.87 3. 24 37 48 24 36 47 4. 23 27 31 23 27 32 5. 77 98 113 60 83 97
1518b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 28 33 20 27 39 4. 24 36 46 27 36 44 5. 45 59 71 42 56 65
1518b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 29 19 20 27 4. 28 40 52 30 45 55 5. 45 60 70 45 53 61
9000b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 48 55 35 38 41 4. 39 94 106 45 174 187 5. 104 171 204 154 229 241
imix-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 routing test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and 2x10k static IPv4 /32 route entries. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 10.46 7.03 2. 21.70 14.58 3. 17 25 32 19 26 32 4. 27 34 39 27 33 38 5. 49 55 61 49 55 60
64b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 35.49 23.85 2. 37.31 25.07 3. 20 28 35 20 28 35 4. 25 29 32 25 29 32 5. 39 43 47 38 43 47
64b-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 32.68 21.96 2. 35.03 23.54 3. 24 38 48 23 34 46 4. 23 27 32 23 27 32 5. 73 95 109 65 86 98
1518b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 26 32 19 28 36 4. 26 34 41 29 52 67 5. 47 56 65 40 63 68
1518b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 26 19 27 32 4. 27 40 49 28 37 46 5. 45 59 71 44 55 62
9000b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 38 43 35 49 57 4. 41 187 204 66 216 234 5. 177 293 302 198 314 325
imix-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 routing test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and 2x1M static IPv4 /32 route entries. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 1M flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 8.03 5.39 2. 17.81 11.97 3. 17 28 35 17 25 32 4. 28 36 45 27 33 39 5. 50 57 64 46 53 61
64b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 21.21 14.25 2. 31.36 21.07 3. 22 29 35 22 29 36 4. 26 31 34 25 30 35 5. 48 53 60 48 53 60
64b-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 35.15 23.62 2. 36.41 24.47 3. 24 36 49 25 35 45 4. 25 31 34 25 31 34 5. 32 36 40 31 35 39
1518b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 25 37 19 21 22 4. 29 50 59 25 41 50 5. 43 51 61 37 47 53
1518b-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 28 32 20 36 61 4. 27 38 50 28 61 76 5. 52 62 69 42 51 56
9000b-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 38 44 35 40 49 4. 40 165 182 45 308 328 5. 142 208 222 227 306 317
imix-2t1c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-4t2c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 13.15 8.84 2. 13.49 9.06 3. 17 28 34 17 23 30 4. 26 36 42 25 33 39 5. 50 59 67 49 57 65
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 26.30 17.67 2. 26.70 17.94 3. 19 28 34 20 28 36 4. 26 31 34 26 31 34 5. 45 50 56 45 51 56
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 33.20 22.31 2. 34.31 23.06 3. 24 35 44 24 37 47 4. 24 27 32 24 27 31 5. 30 33 37 30 33 36
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 29 35 20 28 37 4. 25 40 46 27 36 43 5. 41 48 52 40 53 61
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 20 21 20 21 30 4. 30 41 49 30 47 59 5. 44 53 58 42 52 57
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 37 53 35 37 39 4. 39 228 238 51 281 298 5. 168 236 307 217 333 342
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 13.03 38.96 2. 13.46 40.26
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 11.73 7.88 2. 12.11 8.14 3. 19 37 41 17 18 40 4. 29 39 46 29 41 48 5. 52 61 70 53 63 74
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.85 15.36 2. 23.56 15.83 3. 25 35 44 23 30 35 4. 29 37 43 28 36 41 5. 47 54 62 47 55 62
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 33.00 22.18 2. 34.87 23.43 3. 24 36 48 23 33 44 4. 25 30 34 25 28 32 5. 49 66 77 45 60 72
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.04 2. 3.92 48.28 3. 20 42 53 20 23 34 4. 26 56 66 24 45 55 5. 52 70 78 43 64 70
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.89 47.90 2. 3.91 48.14 3. 20 30 38 20 21 26 4. 28 38 48 26 58 73 5. 51 64 73 56 67 72
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 71 79 35 39 45 4. 60 211 226 72 308 321 5. 170 304 324 220 334 344
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.81 32.33 2. 11.49 34.35
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.79 44.23 2. 16.33 48.82
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 12.96 8.71 2. 13.56 9.11 3. 17 29 36 17 26 36 4. 27 38 44 27 32 37 5. 54 64 71 55 65 74
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 25.52 17.15 2. 26.00 17.47 3. 18 29 37 19 27 34 4. 27 32 36 26 31 35 5. 44 49 54 46 51 56
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 33.02 22.19 2. 34.89 23.45 3. 28 37 46 27 35 45 4. 26 32 35 26 32 35 5. 46 60 69 40 50 59
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 32 42 20 22 28 4. 27 41 51 28 38 44 5. 49 54 58 40 47 52
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 22 27 20 27 37 4. 30 41 48 29 44 55 5. 47 57 61 44 58 65
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 38 40 35 57 64 4. 56 243 258 44 167 181 5. 181 235 248 152 235 245
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 12.61 37.70 2. 13.09 39.16
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 10.42 7.00 2. 10.72 7.20 3. 17 24 34 17 31 40 4. 27 40 47 29 40 47 5. 54 65 73 52 61 70
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 17.20 11.56 2. 18.09 12.15 3. 17 27 33 17 27 34 4. 27 35 44 28 38 42 5. 46 58 74 47 65 85
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 23.48 15.78 2. 25.19 16.93 3. 25 36 46 27 40 51 4. 25 30 34 25 30 35 5. 38 48 60 39 51 64
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 32 43 20 36 43 4. 25 42 51 24 51 65 5. 50 59 66 59 72 77
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 26 32 20 20 21 4. 30 41 50 30 56 69 5. 52 64 73 53 63 69
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 38 47 35 37 38 4. 49 135 154 40 166 191 5. 122 239 257 159 266 273
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 10.42 31.17 2. 10.85 32.44
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.35 6.96 2. 10.67 7.17 3. 17 29 41 17 31 43 4. 27 41 48 28 43 50 5. 53 64 72 54 64 75
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 15.40 10.35 2. 18.09 12.16 3. 17 25 30 17 25 30 4. 28 37 44 23 31 35 5. 60 95 135 48 69 91
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 23.36 15.70 2. 24.62 16.55 3. 25 37 49 25 38 50 4. 24 33 37 25 31 36 5. 40 52 68 34 43 52
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 24 32 20 20 20 4. 30 48 56 27 39 49 5. 43 52 57 40 48 58
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 27 31 20 20 29 4. 28 44 56 32 57 68 5. 57 79 85 48 74 78
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 37 39 35 37 38 4. 41 112 122 40 243 262 5. 110 153 178 121 251 260
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.39 31.09 2. 10.68 31.94
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.39 6.98 2. 10.71 7.20 3. 17 31 37 17 21 32 4. 28 39 45 26 43 49 5. 53 64 73 55 65 77
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 17.14 11.52 2. 18.87 12.68 3. 17 28 35 17 27 34 4. 30 37 42 26 31 36 5. 56 82 115 49 70 94
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 24.06 16.17 2. 25.34 17.03 3. 21 34 46 22 35 47 4. 25 33 41 26 34 42 5. 37 50 64 38 55 73
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 23 20 28 36 4. 30 45 53 27 36 47 5. 40 56 65 49 59 66
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 29 36 20 28 40 4. 29 38 45 28 41 48 5. 49 62 69 46 54 60
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 39 42 35 43 56 4. 47 97 111 61 123 142 5. 71 151 168 142 224 234
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.40 31.11 2. 10.66 31.89
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 13.13 8.83 2. 13.46 9.05 3. 17 29 36 17 25 39 4. 26 39 47 28 40 47 5. 49 57 64 48 57 66
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 25.54 17.16 2. 25.83 17.36 3. 19 28 34 17 26 33 4. 25 30 35 25 29 33 5. 42 50 56 42 50 56
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 33.18 22.30 2. 34.19 22.98 3. 17 27 41 21 33 43 4. 24 29 34 25 30 35 5. 30 33 36 30 34 38
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 32 39 20 53 64 4. 27 41 48 27 56 69 5. 47 67 75 53 65 80
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 28 19 20 27 4. 23 48 62 31 53 62 5. 56 73 82 48 73 77
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 38 39 35 37 38 4. 40 139 187 52 213 233 5. 136 195 208 113 145 169
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 13.04 38.99 2. 13.50 40.39
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 11.70 7.86 2. 12.09 8.12 3. 17 22 32 17 36 43 4. 29 38 43 27 42 47 5. 50 60 67 55 66 76
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.80 15.32 2. 23.50 15.79 3. 25 31 36 17 18 30 4. 27 34 38 27 32 37 5. 46 52 60 47 54 61
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 32.71 21.98 2. 34.56 23.22 3. 21 37 48 23 37 50 4. 24 29 32 25 29 33 5. 43 53 62 40 49 56
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 47.99 2. 3.92 48.23 3. 20 31 38 20 37 48 4. 23 52 62 28 56 67 5. 46 56 61 48 59 70
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.89 47.91 2. 3.91 48.15 3. 20 23 29 20 28 39 4. 28 42 50 31 52 65 5. 47 55 63 37 49 59
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 37 44 35 37 48 4. 38 312 343 38 260 281 5. 188 310 322 150 282 289
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.89 32.56 2. 11.37 34.00
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.77 44.17 2. 16.33 48.85
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 12.89 8.66 2. 13.17 8.85 3. 17 31 36 17 27 45 4. 27 34 39 28 39 47 5. 48 57 65 49 57 66
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 25.04 16.83 2. 25.68 17.25 3. 17 28 35 20 28 35 4. 26 31 34 28 33 38 5. 43 49 54 45 51 57
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 33.10 22.25 2. 34.70 23.32 3. 21 32 47 23 37 49 4. 24 27 30 26 29 31 5. 34 39 45 33 38 42
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 27 34 20 21 29 4. 26 34 42 28 37 45 5. 41 56 62 43 57 62
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 35 44 20 29 36 4. 26 46 55 28 56 69 5. 47 58 64 39 49 61
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 38 41 35 52 63 4. 43 129 181 41 232 245 5. 162 248 266 206 345 353
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 12.61 37.71 2. 13.09 39.14
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 10.44 7.01 2. 10.80 7.26 3. 17 30 40 17 33 44 4. 29 41 48 28 38 47 5. 54 64 72 56 66 75
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 16.17 10.86 2. 18.42 12.38 3. 17 27 34 17 24 32 4. 25 33 38 26 33 39 5. 42 52 65 53 80 122
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 23.47 15.77 2. 24.55 16.50 3. 24 35 44 23 33 45 4. 25 30 34 24 30 35 5. 38 48 59 37 46 55
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 20 22 20 34 47 4. 31 43 51 29 54 64 5. 45 52 60 45 71 78
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 23 27 20 31 43 4. 29 46 58 27 54 63 5. 55 68 80 45 60 69
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 37 45 35 37 39 4. 58 142 198 51 111 128 5. 158 213 229 164 247 255
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 10.44 31.23 2. 10.70 32.00
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.38 49.00
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.39 6.98 2. 10.64 7.15 3. 17 26 34 17 31 46 4. 26 42 49 26 44 52 5. 55 67 78 51 61 71
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 16.25 10.92 2. 17.11 11.50 3. 17 26 32 17 27 32 4. 26 33 40 26 31 35 5. 46 64 84 39 52 65
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.51 15.13 2. 23.79 15.99 3. 25 34 49 17 17 30 4. 25 31 35 23 29 35 5. 37 48 64 32 41 49
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 26 32 20 20 24 4. 29 51 59 32 52 61 5. 45 56 66 43 56 67
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 29 20 28 34 4. 29 42 51 30 38 45 5. 44 69 75 45 57 64
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 39 44 35 45 53 4. 41 148 163 50 121 128 5. 150 191 236 178 237 247
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.41 31.13 2. 10.74 32.13
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.33 6.94 2. 10.69 7.18 3. 17 32 38 17 23 34 4. 30 43 50 31 45 51 5. 53 63 72 54 65 76
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 16.57 11.14 2. 18.42 12.38 3. 17 28 35 17 26 32 4. 26 33 38 25 32 37 5. 54 83 119 45 59 78
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 23.01 15.46 2. 24.19 16.26 3. 26 37 48 22 35 47 4. 24 33 38 24 34 38 5. 36 47 61 34 45 54
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 27 20 51 65 4. 26 34 40 24 55 68 5. 46 53 61 52 64 76
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 28 34 20 28 37 4. 29 39 46 30 45 55 5. 49 61 67 50 64 70
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 39 47 35 41 55 4. 57 218 236 57 138 161 5. 179 223 233 126 209 221
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.43 31.20 2. 10.74 32.11
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.78 44.22 2. 16.31 48.79
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 13.13 8.82 2. 13.46 9.05 3. 17 29 35 17 24 41 4. 26 32 37 30 39 46 5. 47 54 62 50 59 66
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 25.70 17.27 2. 26.46 17.78 3. 20 28 34 21 29 36 4. 26 30 34 26 31 35 5. 45 53 60 44 49 55
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 33.21 22.31 2. 34.74 23.34 3. 21 39 49 23 35 46 4. 24 28 32 24 28 32 5. 45 60 70 42 55 64
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 26 20 25 31 4. 27 56 67 29 48 60 5. 44 54 57 42 53 60
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 22 29 20 36 47 4. 29 40 48 29 46 57 5. 49 68 74 50 63 72
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 51 60 35 59 68 4. 40 180 190 65 254 276 5. 185 276 310 150 205 219
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 13.05 39.03 2. 13.52 40.42
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 11.34 7.62 2. 12.13 8.15 3. 17 21 31 17 22 32 4. 28 38 47 26 34 40 5. 50 59 66 50 58 66
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.91 15.40 2. 23.49 15.79 3. 24 31 36 21 30 35 4. 27 33 38 26 32 36 5. 46 52 59 46 53 59
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 33.04 22.20 2. 34.73 23.34 3. 23 38 51 23 33 46 4. 26 30 35 25 29 33 5. 46 56 64 41 49 56
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 47.97 2. 3.92 48.21 3. 20 21 29 20 22 33 4. 26 36 47 25 39 46 5. 49 55 62 43 62 67
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.89 47.87 2. 3.91 48.12 3. 20 21 27 20 28 36 4. 29 40 49 29 38 47 5. 42 66 73 46 59 66
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 38 40 35 46 52 4. 64 224 240 53 167 203 5. 187 239 247 134 173 196
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.79 32.26 2. 11.40 34.09
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.79 44.22 2. 16.34 48.85
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 12.95 8.70 2. 13.21 8.88 3. 17 28 38 17 27 35 4. 30 41 46 28 41 47 5. 49 58 64 47 55 63
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 25.45 17.10 2. 25.83 17.36 3. 18 27 34 17 26 34 4. 26 32 37 26 34 38 5. 43 49 55 46 52 58
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 33.07 22.22 2. 34.53 23.20 3. 21 33 43 20 35 48 4. 24 29 33 24 29 33 5. 31 35 39 32 36 39
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 23 20 23 32 4. 26 39 49 30 61 69 5. 52 63 72 49 65 74
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 26 37 20 43 58 4. 30 49 61 25 57 70 5. 51 61 71 43 54 60
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 43 49 35 64 76 4. 41 154 172 61 162 205 5. 178 299 325 120 176 183
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 12.68 37.93 2. 13.20 39.49
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 10.39 6.98 2. 10.72 7.20 3. 17 31 39 17 32 43 4. 28 41 47 29 48 56 5. 55 66 75 57 68 79
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 16.78 11.27 2. 17.96 12.07 3. 17 26 33 17 27 34 4. 29 39 45 25 33 37 5. 44 55 70 44 60 80
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 23.95 16.10 2. 24.93 16.75 3. 21 35 46 21 33 43 4. 25 29 35 25 29 34 5. 39 51 68 35 45 54
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 28 44 20 22 34 4. 29 43 52 26 35 43 5. 41 51 56 40 57 69
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 27 20 27 34 4. 31 47 58 29 46 54 5. 45 72 78 42 59 65
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 41 47 35 38 41 4. 40 189 246 39 158 179 5. 178 318 328 97 205 217
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 10.42 31.17 2. 10.72 32.07
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.35 6.96 2. 10.73 7.21 3. 17 26 35 17 33 44 4. 28 39 46 28 43 51 5. 54 65 73 56 68 78
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 15.87 10.67 2. 16.41 11.03 3. 17 25 32 17 26 33 4. 25 30 35 25 32 37 5. 40 53 63 37 49 61
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 23.61 15.87 2. 24.70 16.60 3. 22 35 47 17 32 41 4. 26 30 34 24 28 33 5. 37 48 61 35 45 55
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 30 40 20 21 29 4. 31 51 59 26 58 70 5. 45 57 66 58 72 77
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 29 20 20 26 4. 30 44 51 28 35 43 5. 48 56 60 47 64 70
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 40 48 35 56 65 4. 39 248 257 57 289 304 5. 243 294 320 237 351 359
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.40 31.12 2. 10.65 31.86
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.38 49.00
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.35 6.96 2. 10.78 7.24 3. 17 30 38 17 32 43 4. 29 41 48 29 43 50 5. 54 64 73 54 64 73
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 15.89 10.68 2. 16.93 11.38 3. 17 28 34 17 27 32 4. 25 33 39 27 33 37 5. 41 53 69 38 49 60
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 24.29 16.32 2. 25.66 17.25 3. 18 30 45 21 33 43 4. 25 31 36 25 30 35 5. 38 48 60 36 47 59
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 23 32 20 26 36 4. 26 42 53 31 53 65 5. 43 67 72 39 52 57
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 28 33 20 25 34 4. 30 41 47 30 41 56 5. 52 65 73 43 53 60
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 38 39 35 49 59 4. 59 243 261 40 145 163 5. 172 245 301 149 202 212
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.39 31.07 2. 10.69 31.96
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 13.24 8.89 2. 13.44 9.03 3. 17 29 34 17 26 39 4. 28 39 47 29 42 53 5. 50 58 64 49 56 62
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 26.10 17.54 2. 26.70 17.94 3. 21 29 35 17 28 34 4. 27 31 35 26 31 35 5. 47 52 58 47 53 58
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 33.20 22.31 2. 34.74 23.34 3. 27 38 50 24 34 46 4. 25 28 32 24 27 29 5. 37 46 54 36 42 49
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 27 33 20 30 38 4. 27 38 47 29 41 47 5. 42 53 59 39 54 66
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 30 34 20 21 28 4. 29 39 46 30 37 45 5. 48 56 63 48 63 71
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 38 41 35 45 54 4. 39 324 346 39 243 255 5. 197 317 329 240 328 352
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 13.04 39.00 2. 13.45 40.21
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.38 49.00
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 11.53 7.75 2. 11.89 7.99 3. 22 31 37 18 43 48 4. 28 37 42 28 37 43 5. 53 64 72 55 65 76
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.61 15.20 2. 23.14 15.55 3. 18 29 34 17 27 34 4. 31 37 40 30 36 42 5. 49 57 65 48 56 63
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 33.14 22.27 2. 34.67 23.30 3. 22 34 41 23 36 50 4. 26 29 32 25 29 32 5. 41 49 56 39 46 52
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.02 2. 3.92 48.26 3. 20 31 45 20 34 44 4. 26 49 58 28 49 61 5. 40 49 55 46 56 64
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.89 47.90 2. 3.91 48.14 3. 20 38 47 20 29 36 4. 34 51 58 28 40 50 5. 56 72 80 52 66 72
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 63 81 35 60 72 4. 48 196 210 47 159 245 5. 226 283 324 134 193 212
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.70 32.00 2. 11.20 33.48
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.80 44.27 2. 15.97 47.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 12.89 8.66 2. 13.22 8.88 3. 17 28 36 17 26 35 4. 29 38 41 28 43 51 5. 52 60 66 52 60 69
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 25.49 17.13 2. 25.85 17.37 3. 17 27 33 17 25 31 4. 28 32 37 27 34 37 5. 45 50 55 47 54 60
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 33.48 22.50 2. 34.50 23.18 3. 21 31 43 26 36 45 4. 24 28 31 24 28 31 5. 33 38 41 34 38 43
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 20 21 20 20 22 4. 29 48 63 27 34 41 5. 39 53 65 46 57 61
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 22 37 20 29 35 4. 27 51 65 33 47 56 5. 49 72 78 48 71 76
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 46 54 35 56 68 4. 40 167 186 40 247 262 5. 119 244 263 170 273 288
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 12.70 37.97 2. 13.05 39.03
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.38 49.00
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 10.41 7.00 2. 10.61 7.13 3. 17 28 36 17 33 49 4. 28 41 48 27 44 51 5. 53 62 71 54 65 75
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 17.42 11.71 2. 18.25 12.26 3. 17 28 35 17 27 34 4. 26 31 35 24 30 36 5. 44 55 68 42 52 60
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 23.39 15.72 2. 24.49 16.46 3. 24 35 43 23 36 49 4. 26 33 41 26 33 40 5. 36 45 54 37 48 60
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 36 20 20 21 4. 29 39 48 28 44 50 5. 49 63 75 53 66 71
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 20 29 20 29 37 4. 31 45 57 33 44 50 5. 46 60 67 46 66 73
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 43 55 35 38 53 4. 38 243 263 38 188 218 5. 184 258 274 184 244 257
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 10.36 30.97 2. 10.58 31.64
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.38 49.00
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.38 6.97 2. 10.53 7.08 3. 17 29 37 17 25 35 4. 30 40 46 26 40 48 5. 51 62 71 53 64 74
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 15.88 10.67 2. 16.63 11.17 3. 17 29 36 17 26 34 4. 26 33 38 26 33 38 5. 38 50 60 43 62 84
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 21.89 14.71 2. 23.18 15.58 3. 20 31 45 22 28 42 4. 29 35 42 26 32 40 5. 37 48 61 35 47 57
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 28 35 20 28 34 4. 29 40 47 30 40 48 5. 48 56 71 49 62 68
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 22 26 20 23 31 4. 30 44 55 30 44 56 5. 49 59 65 49 64 78
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 38 42 35 37 56 4. 43 169 183 54 125 155 5. 173 223 245 197 279 287
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.40 31.11 2. 10.51 31.42
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.42 7.00 2. 10.58 7.11 3. 17 30 43 17 29 40 4. 32 43 50 28 40 47 5. 53 64 72 54 63 73
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 16.24 10.91 2. 16.98 11.41 3. 17 28 37 17 25 32 4. 28 34 40 26 32 36 5. 42 57 75 38 50 60
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 23.87 16.04 2. 25.20 16.93 3. 17 28 38 17 29 40 4. 25 29 33 24 29 34 5. 39 51 66 37 48 60
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 30 41 20 26 37 4. 26 39 50 28 45 58 5. 49 54 63 40 50 54
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 22 30 20 35 41 4. 30 46 58 28 57 72 5. 44 53 61 49 62 71
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 41 48 35 51 55 4. 40 137 160 62 209 233 5. 128 195 216 109 241 263
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.43 31.19 2. 10.59 31.66
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 8.05 5.41 2. 13.43 9.02 3. 17 28 32 17 24 30 4. 29 37 45 28 38 47 5. 49 57 64 50 59 66
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 18.83 12.65 2. 25.82 17.35 3. 20 29 36 17 27 33 4. 27 33 36 26 32 36 5. 46 55 61 45 54 61
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 33.14 22.27 2. 34.50 23.18 3. 21 32 46 27 38 47 4. 25 30 35 25 29 33 5. 34 39 42 33 38 42
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 20 21 20 20 21 4. 27 37 48 24 59 71 5. 40 56 66 50 59 64
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 25 39 20 34 48 4. 29 48 58 31 52 60 5. 44 56 62 48 60 68
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.55 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 37 39 35 60 68 4. 40 124 146 40 178 194 5. 174 254 265 103 242 255
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 10.11 30.24 2. 13.49 40.34
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 7.91 5.31 2. 11.87 7.98 3. 18 30 37 19 29 34 4. 29 37 42 29 40 48 5. 49 58 65 49 58 66
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 16.24 10.91 2. 22.90 15.39 3. 21 29 34 17 23 31 4. 26 31 35 26 31 35 5. 45 52 57 47 55 61
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 32.11 21.58 2. 34.27 23.03 3. 22 34 44 22 33 38 4. 25 29 32 25 28 31 5. 34 38 42 34 38 42
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.54 2. 3.92 48.26 3. 20 22 27 20 21 33 4. 28 35 41 29 42 52 5. 39 46 52 43 59 67
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.49 2. 3.92 48.21 3. 20 30 37 20 29 35 4. 29 41 51 28 36 44 5. 50 63 72 45 57 67
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.55 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 41 46 35 51 56 4. 41 197 221 52 114 129 5. 121 226 236 175 259 266
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 8.81 26.34 2. 11.17 33.42
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.77 44.18 2. 16.33 48.85
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 8.33 5.60 2. 13.18 8.86 3. 17 27 34 17 27 33 4. 28 35 40 27 33 38 5. 52 61 69 51 60 67
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 17.98 12.08 2. 25.63 17.23 3. 18 27 34 18 28 34 4. 26 31 35 26 31 34 5. 45 51 56 48 54 59
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 33.08 22.23 2. 34.44 23.14 3. 21 33 47 23 33 44 4. 24 28 33 25 29 33 5. 32 36 40 32 35 39
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 26 36 20 27 36 4. 25 34 41 27 38 47 5. 46 54 63 43 55 64
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 25 31 20 28 33 4. 31 43 55 29 40 48 5. 50 58 64 45 57 65
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.31 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 40 47 35 41 48 4. 39 241 281 39 243 279 5. 198 318 327 153 260 267
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.76 32.18 2. 13.12 39.23
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.38 49.00
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 7.54 5.07 2. 10.58 7.11 3. 17 24 32 17 30 36 4. 28 35 42 28 40 48 5. 52 62 70 50 60 69
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 13.57 9.12 2. 17.68 11.88 3. 18 27 34 17 26 34 4. 26 32 38 26 32 37 5. 43 56 69 39 48 55
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 17.05 11.45 2. 20.32 13.66 3. 21 33 45 19 32 44 4. 24 30 35 25 32 37 5. 27 32 36 36 51 69
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 31 37 20 27 33 4. 26 35 41 26 33 41 5. 49 60 68 44 65 73
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 29 34 20 27 34 4. 29 45 56 27 37 46 5. 45 54 61 44 67 75
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.55 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 37 38 35 37 39 4. 38 315 335 64 296 310 5. 182 307 315 243 347 360
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 8.74 26.13 2. 10.58 31.63
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 7.31 4.92 2. 10.56 7.10 3. 17 27 34 17 25 34 4. 26 37 45 28 36 42 5. 51 62 70 50 59 69
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.19 9.53 2. 18.38 12.35 3. 17 28 34 17 26 33 4. 25 33 38 28 34 39 5. 66 117 168 48 66 88
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 21.52 14.46 2. 23.12 15.54 3. 20 23 32 17 27 36 4. 26 31 35 25 30 35 5. 37 48 60 34 43 52
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 29 34 20 33 39 4. 27 34 39 29 41 49 5. 47 62 77 44 68 77
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 23 20 30 38 4. 31 44 57 31 50 59 5. 43 61 75 47 63 69
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.03 3. 36 50 57 35 66 74 4. 46 117 126 42 267 283 5. 84 144 152 190 301 353
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 8.29 24.79 2. 10.58 31.63
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.32 48.82
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 7.83 5.26 2. 10.60 7.12 3. 17 25 35 17 25 34 4. 27 37 42 25 35 41 5. 50 58 66 51 59 67
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.64 9.84 2. 15.60 10.48 3. 17 25 34 17 26 33 4. 27 33 39 26 34 39 5. 37 48 58 33 42 50
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.51 15.13 2. 24.97 16.78 3. 26 39 51 26 39 50 4. 26 32 36 25 30 35 5. 39 50 65 36 46 57
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 26 35 20 25 31 4. 27 39 51 27 44 55 5. 49 58 66 42 51 62
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 30 36 20 37 49 4. 30 40 48 30 40 46 5. 44 54 63 44 62 71
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 47 54 35 46 57 4. 39 94 102 69 302 322 5. 140 197 247 160 225 259
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 8.46 25.31 2. 10.57 31.61
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.38 49.00
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 13.15 8.83 2. 13.41 9.01 3. 17 27 35 17 28 42 4. 32 41 49 26 40 47 5. 50 58 63 50 57 64
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 25.25 16.97 2. 25.89 17.40 3. 20 29 35 19 27 34 4. 28 36 38 28 34 38 5. 44 52 58 43 51 57
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 33.26 22.35 2. 34.73 23.34 3. 23 34 46 21 36 52 4. 25 28 32 24 27 30 5. 42 52 61 38 45 53
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 20 25 20 24 37 4. 30 54 61 29 50 58 5. 53 71 78 53 73 78
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 22 37 20 25 31 4. 27 40 52 30 51 66 5. 53 62 71 43 53 59
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 79 91 35 58 70 4. 39 275 313 39 293 330 5. 198 315 324 224 347 373
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 12.98 38.83 2. 13.51 40.42
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 11.61 7.80 2. 11.96 8.04 3. 17 23 33 17 17 18 4. 29 38 46 31 45 53 5. 51 60 67 53 62 71
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.22 14.93 2. 22.90 15.39 3. 17 18 29 17 28 34 4. 27 32 35 26 32 36 5. 45 51 58 48 55 64
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 33.04 22.21 2. 34.74 23.35 3. 22 31 37 25 41 51 4. 25 28 31 25 28 32 5. 51 65 75 45 57 66
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 47.99 2. 3.92 48.23 3. 20 26 33 20 21 32 4. 26 44 51 31 44 53 5. 44 55 67 41 57 64
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.89 47.90 2. 3.91 48.14 3. 20 21 24 20 27 32 4. 29 36 42 29 39 49 5. 49 56 61 41 53 60
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.03 3. 36 42 49 35 46 53 4. 39 199 210 46 138 157 5. 207 286 306 122 180 191
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.29 30.78 2. 11.16 33.36
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.78 44.21 2. 16.33 48.83
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 12.95 8.70 2. 13.20 8.87 3. 17 29 37 17 28 34 4. 28 37 42 26 36 44 5. 54 63 71 51 59 67
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 25.30 17.00 2. 25.69 17.26 3. 18 29 36 21 29 36 4. 27 31 35 26 31 35 5. 45 51 56 46 53 59
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 32.91 22.12 2. 34.49 23.17 3. 21 31 38 21 36 51 4. 24 29 33 24 28 31 5. 33 37 41 33 38 43
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 33 44 20 22 34 4. 24 40 50 29 44 52 5. 52 68 80 37 50 58
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 24 20 25 32 4. 31 51 58 31 43 51 5. 56 72 80 49 65 78
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 38 42 35 60 71 4. 46 129 142 41 158 194 5. 120 209 223 121 183 190
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 12.62 37.73 2. 13.08 39.11
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 10.40 6.99 2. 10.61 7.13 3. 17 32 41 17 25 34 4. 29 40 47 25 41 50 5. 53 63 70 53 65 76
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 16.93 11.38 2. 18.53 12.45 3. 17 28 38 17 26 32 4. 28 34 40 26 31 35 5. 42 50 59 55 82 113
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 23.20 15.59 2. 24.16 16.24 3. 24 36 46 24 37 48 4. 25 31 35 25 30 35 5. 34 42 51 35 46 58
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 29 20 31 38 4. 29 42 51 28 41 50 5. 50 66 75 42 54 62
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 25 20 27 34 4. 30 45 58 29 38 46 5. 45 59 65 49 58 64
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 39 45 35 53 61 4. 51 120 157 63 248 266 5. 144 197 205 138 247 254
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 10.43 31.19 2. 10.59 31.66
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.32 48.82
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.37 6.97 2. 10.53 7.08 3. 17 30 40 17 31 45 4. 29 41 48 33 46 52 5. 52 62 71 54 64 73
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 15.66 10.52 2. 16.22 10.90 3. 17 28 37 17 27 34 4. 26 33 37 25 30 35 5. 41 54 67 36 46 55
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 23.17 15.57 2. 24.24 16.29 3. 26 40 51 25 36 45 4. 23 32 36 23 29 35 5. 38 49 62 36 47 58
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 30 51 20 21 22 4. 25 59 69 32 59 72 5. 55 74 79 55 79 87
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 22 26 20 32 53 4. 24 52 70 30 40 48 5. 57 77 84 48 57 63
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 71 88 35 48 59 4. 39 232 244 67 300 315 5. 200 321 333 203 319 327
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.35 30.96 2. 10.52 31.47
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.33 6.95 2. 10.54 7.09 3. 17 29 37 17 33 44 4. 28 40 48 27 45 51 5. 51 62 71 53 64 76
64b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 16.38 11.01 2. 17.06 11.47 3. 17 26 31 17 26 32 4. 26 33 38 27 33 38 5. 44 59 75 43 58 73
64b-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 23.39 15.72 2. 24.72 16.61 3. 23 37 49 24 35 46 4. 24 29 33 24 28 31 5. 39 51 66 35 46 56
1518b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 21 28 20 23 30 4. 25 47 54 27 49 57 5. 40 49 53 44 65 73
1518b-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 23 31 20 36 48 4. 26 41 49 32 61 76 5. 43 61 68 48 65 71
9000b-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 40 44 35 51 60 4. 39 221 261 41 180 204 5. 161 210 227 202 305 314
imix-2t1c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.32 30.88 2. 10.53 31.50
imix-4t2c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-avf-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 routing with IEEE 802.1Q test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing. IEEE 802.1Q tagging is applied on link between DUT1 and DUT2.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and two static IPv4 /30 route entries. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 254 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
1. 14.22 10.01 2. 15.48 10.90 3. 23 43 55 29 36 46 4. 32 42 49 28 37 42 5. 52 60 67 50 58 66
1. 29.76 20.95 2. 30.67 21.59 3. 24 35 45 29 42 56 4. 27 34 38 26 32 37 5. 50 57 64 51 58 65
1. 35.34 24.88 2. 35.87 25.25 3. 25 37 50 27 40 50 4. 23 27 30 24 29 32 5. 32 36 40 31 35 38
1518b-2t1c- dot1q-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 3.87 47.79 2. 3.91 48.27 3. 20 45 74 20 47 61 4. 32 48 75 34 50 65 5. 48 65 73 39 48 53
1518b-4t2c- dot1q-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 3.85 47.55 2. 3.91 48.28 3. 20 41 62 20 38 56 4. 33 55 81 32 45 57 5. 43 56 60 42 54 62
9000b-2t1c- dot1q-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.73 2. 0.67 48.21 3. 36 42 55 35 50 84 4. 54 85 108 62 123 152 5. 91 175 201 132 209 232
1. 12.18 36.82 2. 12.42 37.55
1. 16.13 48.76 2. 16.13 48.76
1. 16.13 48.76 2. 16.13 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 allowlist test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing, two static IPv4 /24 routes and IPv4 ADL security allowlist ingress /24 filter entries applied on links TG - DUT1 and DUT2 - TG. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 253 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4- ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 13.93 9.36 2. 14.87 9.99 3. 31 51 67 27 46 66 4. 28 35 41 28 37 43 5. 47 55 62 47 56 63
64b-4t2c-ethip4- ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 28.29 19.01 2. 29.75 19.99 3. 25 48 57 29 47 59 4. 26 31 35 26 30 34 5. 47 52 58 47 52 59
64b-8t4c-ethip4- ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 35.45 23.82 2. 36.08 24.25 3. 25 46 59 25 42 53 4. 23 27 31 24 27 31 5. 29 33 37 29 33 38
1518b-2t1c-ethip4- ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 21 42 61 20 45 63 4. 31 44 59 38 64 88 5. 46 56 63 39 51 60
1518b-4t2c-ethip4- ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 42 70 20 40 81 4. 36 52 63 33 52 72 5. 48 61 73 40 54 61
9000b-2t1c-ethip4- ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 53 83 35 60 112 4. 49 176 217 69 292 310 5. 188 261 276 263 369 385
imix-2t1c-ethip4- ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-4t2c-ethip4- ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4- ip4base-adlalwlistbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 iAcl whitelist test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing, two static IPv4 /24 routes and IPv4 iAcl security whitelist ingress /24 filter entries applied on links TG - DUT1 and DUT2 - TG. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 253 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv6 header and generated payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4- ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 12.39 8.33 2. 12.52 8.41 3. 28 47 64 33 57 74 4. 30 41 48 29 38 48 5. 49 58 66 49 58 67
64b-4t2c-ethip4- ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 19.92 13.38 2. 22.80 15.32 3. 23 35 38 27 50 78 4. 26 32 37 28 34 39 5. 80 145 190 88 149 191
64b-8t4c-ethip4- ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 26.97 18.12 2. 29.37 19.73 3. 29 47 62 27 45 64 4. 27 34 39 27 34 39 5. 39 54 76 42 57 83
1518b-2t1c-ethip4- ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 29 49 20 49 69 4. 32 53 74 30 47 65 5. 39 51 61 43 54 65
1518b-4t2c-ethip4- ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 46 75 22 59 77 4. 36 54 66 36 58 74 5. 47 58 63 45 56 72
9000b-2t1c-ethip4- ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.55 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 38 46 36 65 90 4. 55 127 179 50 153 164 5. 120 147 154 84 195 208
imix-2t1c-ethip4- ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 12.41 37.12 2. 12.61 37.71
imix-4t2c-ethip4- ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4- ip4base-iacldstbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 policer test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and two static IPv4 /24 route entries and policer with 2R3C color-aware configuration. Policer is applied on links TG - DUT1 and DUT2 - TG. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 253 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv6 header and generated payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544, RFC2698.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4- ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 10.19 6.85 2. 10.24 6.88 3. 18 49 70 18 50 75 4. 29 40 47 26 35 41 5. 41 51 59 44 53 60
64b-4t2c-ethip4- ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.86 11.33 2. 18.74 12.59 3. 32 53 74 30 51 67 4. 28 37 45 28 38 46 5. 97 170 216 92 165 213
64b-8t4c-ethip4- ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 23.42 15.74 2. 25.25 16.97 3. 27 48 61 31 49 64 4. 27 34 41 28 35 42 5. 43 59 77 43 57 76
1518b-2t1c-ethip4- ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 41 71 20 33 64 4. 36 52 61 36 58 79 5. 47 64 71 38 50 56
1518b-4t2c-ethip4- ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 21 52 73 20 45 74 4. 34 48 63 34 56 67 5. 44 54 65 42 62 71
9000b-2t1c-ethip4- ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.03 3. 37 56 93 36 53 91 4. 51 129 146 54 256 268 5. 129 201 221 196 315 340
imix-2t1c-ethip4- ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 10.30 30.81 2. 10.60 31.70
imix-4t2c-ethip4- ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4- ip4base-ipolicemarkbase-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 routing test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and two static IPv4 /24 route entries. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 253 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
1. 14.29 9.60 2. 18.08 12.15 3. 27 46 57 27 54 73 4. 27 35 43 26 33 38 5. 53 61 69 53 61 70
1. 33.70 22.65 2. 34.73 23.34 3. 32 45 62 25 44 54 4. 26 30 34 26 30 34 5. 50 56 62 49 55 62
1. 34.72 23.33 2. 35.60 23.92 3. 29 43 53 27 39 50 4. 23 26 30 23 26 31 5. 29 33 37 29 32 37
1518b-2t1c- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 43 70 20 50 76 4. 30 45 67 32 52 76 5. 35 49 59 48 66 72
1518b-4t2c- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 39 51 19 44 75 4. 34 48 59 32 48 67 5. 45 57 68 48 61 73
9000b-2t1c- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 0.65 47.07 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 54 74 38 62 92 4. 68 110 136 60 116 141 5. 119 172 186 161 219 232
imix-2t1c- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-4t2c- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c- ethip4-ip4base-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 routing test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and 2x100k static IPv4 /32 route entries. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 14.39 9.67 2. 16.31 10.96 3. 22 43 74 27 49 66 4. 29 35 41 29 38 45 5. 55 64 72 57 66 76
64b-4t2c- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 28.51 19.16 2. 30.28 20.35 3. 23 44 53 28 44 56 4. 28 35 38 27 35 38 5. 45 51 58 46 53 60
64b-8t4c- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 35.73 24.01 2. 36.27 24.37 3. 29 47 63 25 44 58 4. 25 32 35 25 32 35 5. 30 33 38 30 34 39
1518b-2t1c- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 37 49 19 29 50 4. 29 41 55 30 49 63 5. 38 46 51 39 47 53
1518b-4t2c- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 21 44 75 21 51 79 4. 35 51 61 31 48 93 5. 56 78 85 47 68 73
9000b-2t1c- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 40 85 36 39 85 4. 54 155 184 71 269 278 5. 147 219 234 259 305 330
imix-2t1c- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 16.22 48.51 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-4t2c- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c- ethip4-ip4scale200k-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 routing test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and 2x10k static IPv4 /32 route entries. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 13.82 9.29 2. 16.47 11.07 3. 24 44 72 27 54 74 4. 30 39 46 27 35 41 5. 56 65 73 54 62 71
64b-4t2c- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 29.36 19.73 2. 31.65 21.27 3. 27 39 51 28 40 50 4. 26 32 36 26 32 36 5. 51 59 66 52 59 68
64b-8t4c- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 35.41 23.80 2. 35.95 24.16 3. 25 38 50 26 43 55 4. 23 27 32 23 27 32 5. 30 34 38 29 34 39
1518b-2t1c- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 24 48 72 22 66 80 4. 35 54 80 34 64 80 5. 43 54 65 44 59 67
1518b-4t2c- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 30 72 20 45 60 4. 36 58 77 32 48 65 5. 53 63 71 45 60 71
9000b-2t1c- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 59 90 35 46 55 4. 62 128 157 73 217 242 5. 154 218 228 142 222 238
imix-2t1c- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-4t2c- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c- ethip4-ip4scale20k-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Pkt throughput IPv4 routing test cases
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4 for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and 2x1M static IPv4 /32 route entries. DUT1 and DUT2 tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 1M flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 13.14 8.83 2. 14.10 9.47 3. 28 53 67 30 50 70 4. 30 38 45 29 37 44 5. 54 64 73 55 65 75
64b-4t2c- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 24.24 16.29 2. 25.23 16.96 3. 29 51 68 27 50 73 4. 27 33 38 26 31 36 5. 50 57 66 51 59 67
64b-8t4c- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 36.52 24.54 2. 36.89 24.79 3. 23 37 49 26 39 49 4. 23 28 32 25 29 33 5. 32 36 41 32 37 44
1518b-2t1c- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 45 75 24 59 74 4. 30 46 67 30 45 78 5. 40 51 58 47 59 67
1518b-4t2c- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 21 37 77 23 57 71 4. 39 59 85 37 57 69 5. 49 58 64 39 47 55
9000b-2t1c- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.31 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 36 55 92 35 44 63 4. 58 139 165 57 167 192 5. 143 234 257 134 236 245
imix-2t1c- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 12.76 38.16 2. 13.13 39.28
imix-4t2c- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c- ethip4-ip4scale2m-ndrpdr
1. 16.30 48.76 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 11.32 7.61 2. 11.79 7.92 3. 17 35 48 16 28 46 4. 33 40 52 36 51 60 5. 64 78 93 65 80 91
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 20.13 13.53 2. 20.43 13.73 3. 29 47 66 22 46 71 4. 26 32 38 27 35 42 5. 36 42 47 43 56 64
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 35.07 23.57 2. 35.51 23.86 3. 27 51 62 30 47 62 4. 25 29 32 25 29 32 5. 33 39 43 33 42 48
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 43 73 20 30 41 4. 31 53 72 32 45 71 5. 42 53 57 47 60 69
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 43 75 26 59 80 4. 35 55 79 37 52 77 5. 43 50 57 44 58 68
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 46 86 35 51 81 4. 47 278 292 56 280 303 5. 163 224 281 268 368 380
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 11.70 35.00 2. 11.80 35.30
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.76 6.56 2. 10.15 6.82 3. 32 50 79 16 43 60 4. 44 59 70 36 49 59 5. 49 59 67 52 61 76
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 19.07 12.82 2. 19.56 13.14 3. 27 51 66 25 48 64 4. 28 34 40 26 31 37 5. 46 54 64 45 54 63
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 35.10 23.59 2. 36.37 24.44 3. 28 39 47 29 49 63 4. 27 31 35 27 32 36 5. 47 55 64 48 57 66
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.04 2. 3.92 48.28 3. 20 38 57 20 37 58 4. 39 55 73 36 53 74 5. 52 68 76 41 62 66
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 47.94 2. 3.92 48.18 3. 20 43 63 20 40 59 4. 38 55 81 38 63 94 5. 55 67 74 44 55 61
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 48 61 36 94 146 4. 41 132 155 42 282 321 5. 121 216 230 189 316 329
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.04 27.02 2. 9.49 28.37
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.79 44.24 2. 16.20 48.44
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.94 7.35 2. 11.27 7.57 3. 21 54 68 16 31 46 4. 34 44 55 33 45 53 5. 55 65 73 52 62 70
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 21.29 14.31 2. 21.72 14.60 3. 24 52 64 22 50 71 4. 28 34 40 27 32 38 5. 52 62 69 44 52 58
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 35.14 23.62 2. 35.50 23.86 3. 27 50 60 30 49 64 4. 26 32 36 25 31 35 5. 34 39 43 34 38 42
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 25 39 20 60 88 4. 38 66 107 35 53 79 5. 48 59 64 40 56 69
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 54 75 21 42 65 4. 37 58 77 37 58 76 5. 46 63 71 44 54 63
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 65 118 36 43 91 4. 54 109 187 39 324 336 5. 142 181 202 248 351 360
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.67 31.91 2. 10.89 32.58
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 9.62 6.46 2. 9.67 6.49 3. 24 47 68 17 47 69 4. 36 45 54 35 51 61 5. 64 79 94 65 80 90
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 15.12 10.16 2. 15.41 10.36 3. 22 52 67 35 58 70 4. 29 39 47 26 34 41 5. 45 57 67 40 55 67
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 22.59 15.18 2. 23.14 15.55 3. 21 37 47 38 51 60 4. 33 41 49 26 32 37 5. 35 44 53 31 41 51
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 52 87 20 54 77 4. 35 55 84 32 45 79 5. 45 61 67 44 58 72
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 49 83 20 42 73 4. 32 48 68 36 67 93 5. 47 62 70 50 65 72
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 75 93 36 40 85 4. 59 204 212 66 292 302 5. 200 276 291 204 318 325
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 9.59 28.69 2. 9.65 28.85
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 13.54 40.50 2. 14.90 44.55
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.26 6.22 2. 9.55 6.41 3. 26 58 79 16 45 65 4. 43 56 67 33 52 62 5. 61 74 83 66 83 93
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.73 9.90 2. 16.17 10.86 3. 27 51 76 27 49 72 4. 28 37 44 28 35 42 5. 50 74 113 47 70 122
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 21.02 14.13 2. 22.30 14.99 3. 23 43 52 36 57 71 4. 26 33 40 26 33 39 5. 32 39 47 43 56 75
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 43 74 20 49 78 4. 31 49 58 33 55 70 5. 43 50 53 40 57 63
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 35 41 21 57 84 4. 34 53 80 38 54 69 5. 42 55 60 44 55 66
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 66 84 36 60 95 4. 48 144 164 51 237 285 5. 142 219 237 192 327 338
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.39 28.07 2. 9.58 28.65
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.18 6.17 2. 9.60 6.45 3. 17 48 73 16 43 74 4. 42 55 65 35 47 56 5. 61 75 90 61 74 84
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.56 9.78 2. 15.87 10.66 3. 24 43 71 30 47 72 4. 29 36 45 27 34 41 5. 46 66 95 44 62 97
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 23.19 15.58 2. 24.26 16.30 3. 39 62 77 38 56 71 4. 26 31 37 25 31 37 5. 40 52 67 37 48 60
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 39 65 21 43 68 4. 33 58 83 34 50 69 5. 43 50 55 42 54 59
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 37 54 20 47 70 4. 32 43 57 45 70 91 5. 45 53 57 57 73 81
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 58 95 35 41 58 4. 49 122 143 59 189 249 5. 155 238 255 139 270 278
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.25 27.66 2. 9.58 28.66
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.60 43.66 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 11.76 7.90 2. 11.82 7.94 3. 32 62 80 16 22 45 4. 32 40 53 34 45 53 5. 64 77 91 61 75 87
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 20.17 13.56 2. 20.46 13.75 3. 20 50 67 21 45 72 4. 28 35 43 25 30 36 5. 35 42 49 41 55 65
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 34.87 23.44 2. 35.23 23.67 3. 29 48 64 26 46 54 4. 24 28 31 23 26 28 5. 33 38 44 33 41 48
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 43 78 25 52 66 4. 39 72 106 33 53 72 5. 55 69 75 38 57 61
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 21 50 76 20 42 74 4. 29 43 58 36 53 74 5. 45 56 62 41 57 67
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 60 94 35 41 84 4. 62 108 144 40 319 345 5. 117 168 186 174 353 366
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 11.73 35.08 2. 11.80 35.28
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.74 6.55 2. 10.04 6.75 3. 31 57 81 16 48 62 4. 33 43 51 35 50 61 5. 50 61 69 54 67 79
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 19.14 12.86 2. 19.53 13.12 3. 30 53 75 29 52 72 4. 29 37 44 28 35 41 5. 46 54 64 46 55 64
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 34.98 23.51 2. 36.23 24.35 3. 27 48 61 29 46 58 4. 26 30 33 26 30 32 5. 46 53 61 46 57 68
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.05 2. 3.92 48.28 3. 20 48 68 20 43 77 4. 35 53 84 41 64 89 5. 49 61 68 51 61 78
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 47.94 2. 3.92 48.18 3. 21 43 68 20 40 75 4. 36 49 62 41 58 73 5. 49 58 64 57 74 81
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 54 85 36 42 71 4. 55 107 157 39 239 255 5. 128 183 216 238 317 325
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.22 27.57 2. 9.57 28.63
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.80 44.27 2. 16.34 48.86
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 11.23 7.55 2. 11.29 7.59 3. 20 38 59 16 37 65 4. 38 51 63 32 45 52 5. 60 71 83 54 64 75
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 21.36 14.36 2. 21.69 14.57 3. 27 45 54 32 50 67 4. 28 35 41 27 31 36 5. 45 52 60 47 55 63
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 35.10 23.59 2. 35.46 23.83 3. 27 42 52 33 47 60 4. 25 29 32 24 28 31 5. 34 38 42 33 38 43
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 53 76 20 35 68 4. 37 52 73 37 64 83 5. 48 55 63 49 67 75
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 59 81 22 46 74 4. 34 54 84 36 62 80 5. 50 67 74 45 54 60
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 54 64 36 48 73 4. 58 252 265 78 231 244 5. 201 318 331 128 257 265
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.72 32.05 2. 11.01 32.92
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 9.25 6.21 2. 9.67 6.50 3. 22 49 67 16 39 69 4. 38 50 56 35 51 60 5. 61 76 93 59 75 83
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.76 9.92 2. 15.74 10.58 3. 28 45 58 23 39 70 4. 28 36 43 28 36 44 5. 48 61 79 41 56 66
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 21.20 14.25 2. 22.37 15.03 3. 29 48 62 21 42 48 4. 28 35 43 24 31 36 5. 34 43 52 32 41 51
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 48 74 20 48 82 4. 32 52 72 46 71 87 5. 51 63 71 48 70 76
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 21 67 77 20 66 97 4. 34 56 81 43 60 80 5. 58 74 79 52 72 80
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 64 99 35 79 130 4. 58 330 357 39 330 348 5. 186 309 322 264 367 380
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 9.62 28.78 2. 9.68 28.94
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.67 43.88 2. 16.32 48.82
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.18 6.17 2. 9.61 6.46 3. 21 48 70 16 42 69 4. 35 47 56 37 51 59 5. 62 73 81 60 76 86
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 15.92 10.70 2. 17.21 11.57 3. 32 54 67 30 51 73 4. 28 36 44 27 33 38 5. 59 94 152 56 79 118
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.93 15.41 2. 24.23 16.28 3. 31 51 81 26 46 73 4. 26 32 38 25 31 37 5. 38 49 62 35 47 59
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 24 46 20 51 63 4. 33 54 78 41 69 92 5. 40 49 60 43 55 64
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 63 78 27 56 79 4. 39 70 104 38 61 91 5. 45 55 62 44 53 58
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 42 70 35 46 78 4. 42 225 273 47 224 246 5. 172 310 331 111 245 252
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.11 27.24 2. 9.58 28.66
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.80 44.27 2. 16.31 48.79
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.18 6.17 2. 9.61 6.45 3. 17 44 68 16 44 73 4. 35 48 56 38 53 63 5. 62 75 88 64 79 88
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.67 9.86 2. 16.85 11.32 3. 29 52 70 31 51 71 4. 29 36 44 28 36 43 5. 53 82 136 88 184 255
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 23.15 15.56 2. 24.22 16.28 3. 32 47 60 17 30 45 4. 26 33 39 26 32 41 5. 40 52 67 37 48 61
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 37 54 20 39 70 4. 31 46 62 50 83 115 5. 42 55 68 54 76 81
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 43 78 20 45 71 4. 35 56 72 35 50 61 5. 46 58 64 46 63 71
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 50 86 37 52 93 4. 52 125 168 56 220 238 5. 149 202 231 119 174 186
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.55 28.57 2. 9.61 28.73
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 11.37 7.64 2. 11.77 7.91 3. 17 42 69 21 42 69 4. 31 39 47 33 45 53 5. 60 72 85 64 81 94
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 20.10 13.51 2. 20.39 13.70 3. 28 49 65 26 51 72 4. 27 34 39 28 35 42 5. 36 42 48 42 55 65
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 35.02 23.53 2. 35.37 23.77 3. 27 36 50 24 43 51 4. 24 28 31 24 28 31 5. 35 40 44 35 43 49
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 47 71 20 42 75 4. 31 55 76 35 52 78 5. 52 64 71 44 63 70
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 43 76 20 37 66 4. 31 45 59 43 69 91 5. 44 56 61 45 61 67
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 52 84 35 43 54 4. 41 242 262 53 183 198 5. 198 319 331 138 267 280
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 11.74 35.10 2. 11.80 35.29
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.15 6.15 2. 10.17 6.83 3. 22 51 80 17 41 68 4. 33 46 53 36 47 55 5. 49 59 67 52 64 75
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 18.98 12.75 2. 19.56 13.14 3. 26 47 67 31 52 69 4. 27 33 38 29 36 44 5. 47 57 67 48 57 66
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 34.87 23.43 2. 36.29 24.38 3. 25 46 59 28 47 62 4. 26 30 34 26 30 35 5. 46 53 61 45 52 59
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.91 48.12 2. 3.93 48.36 3. 20 41 51 20 41 73 4. 36 50 75 35 57 74 5. 42 53 58 40 51 60
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 47.97 2. 3.92 48.21 3. 22 42 68 29 53 79 4. 37 51 64 34 49 63 5. 40 51 60 40 49 54
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 65 98 36 39 55 4. 56 125 139 67 260 306 5. 121 216 226 201 277 285
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.16 27.40 2. 9.57 28.63
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.76 44.15 2. 16.33 48.85
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.86 7.30 2. 11.08 7.44 3. 19 39 61 16 37 44 4. 35 46 54 38 53 66 5. 50 60 68 55 68 79
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 21.44 14.41 2. 21.87 14.70 3. 30 49 65 25 41 55 4. 26 32 38 27 32 37 5. 50 58 65 46 54 61
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 35.10 23.58 2. 35.45 23.82 3. 26 39 44 26 38 42 4. 25 28 32 24 27 30 5. 34 38 41 33 37 41
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 51 81 20 42 75 4. 33 51 82 41 66 105 5. 45 55 68 49 61 67
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 46 80 21 52 68 4. 32 50 74 36 61 89 5. 53 64 75 49 56 66
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 57 89 36 78 120 4. 62 120 127 59 173 189 5. 127 181 219 206 312 323
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.69 31.98 2. 10.86 32.49
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 9.03 6.07 2. 9.69 6.51 3. 17 47 66 16 41 74 4. 38 51 58 41 53 63 5. 65 77 88 60 75 84
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 15.22 10.23 2. 15.54 10.44 3. 34 50 68 31 54 69 4. 32 42 50 27 35 42 5. 47 63 88 38 51 60
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 22.62 15.20 2. 23.14 15.55 3. 22 43 74 36 47 55 4. 27 35 42 23 29 35 5. 36 46 54 32 41 50
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 37 54 24 46 69 4. 32 58 81 32 49 70 5. 42 64 71 48 61 70
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 40 72 20 49 78 4. 36 58 80 43 71 91 5. 51 71 77 43 56 62
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 40 47 36 85 115 4. 59 219 248 40 325 344 5. 134 258 266 243 347 356
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 9.58 28.66 2. 9.64 28.82
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.33 6.27 2. 9.57 6.43 3. 25 56 79 17 44 65 4. 35 46 56 32 40 46 5. 61 72 82 61 74 83
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 15.04 10.11 2. 16.80 11.29 3. 27 55 71 20 50 69 4. 28 35 42 31 39 47 5. 56 89 144 67 146 209
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.66 15.23 2. 23.71 15.93 3. 45 66 79 23 44 55 4. 27 33 39 27 33 42 5. 43 57 74 39 50 62
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 33 72 20 38 68 4. 33 51 71 34 60 93 5. 41 55 60 46 54 62
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 48 82 20 43 76 4. 41 61 84 38 74 110 5. 56 74 82 53 70 75
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 38 55 35 38 55 4. 44 133 149 40 162 224 5. 132 176 210 150 191 199
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.51 28.44 2. 9.56 28.59
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.02 6.06 2. 9.62 6.47 3. 21 49 66 16 42 67 4. 33 42 51 32 47 57 5. 62 78 95 62 78 88
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 15.16 10.19 2. 16.84 11.32 3. 31 52 70 25 48 70 4. 30 40 49 31 38 48 5. 60 98 159 58 117 193
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.77 15.30 2. 23.94 16.09 3. 42 66 78 24 38 52 4. 25 31 36 25 30 35 5. 39 51 65 37 49 62
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 22 44 20 44 84 4. 41 59 88 35 50 69 5. 44 53 60 42 52 57
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 46 78 20 38 45 4. 31 52 84 39 52 72 5. 43 56 61 45 54 58
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 61 68 36 39 85 4. 46 140 155 59 284 298 5. 125 207 227 205 318 326
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.52 28.48 2. 9.58 28.64
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.60 43.66 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-iacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 10.99 7.39 2. 11.39 7.65 3. 24 49 66 16 17 32 4. 31 39 44 33 46 53 5. 55 66 75 52 66 76
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 19.99 13.43 2. 20.34 13.67 3. 24 40 67 24 42 69 4. 27 33 38 27 33 38 5. 38 45 51 45 59 68
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 35.00 23.52 2. 35.17 23.64 3. 27 43 56 29 40 48 4. 24 31 34 24 27 31 5. 34 39 46 34 43 49
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 21 44 74 20 43 66 4. 33 48 59 33 56 84 5. 43 55 60 44 61 69
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 42 71 20 42 63 4. 36 65 89 41 58 76 5. 55 69 77 47 60 66
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 62 97 35 40 72 4. 59 325 352 39 339 356 5. 186 306 317 266 365 377
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 11.16 33.37 2. 11.25 33.66
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.55 6.42 2. 10.04 6.75 3. 22 50 81 17 41 67 4. 32 42 49 31 40 49 5. 53 65 74 55 69 79
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 18.92 12.72 2. 19.50 13.11 3. 32 47 66 33 50 73 4. 29 35 41 28 33 39 5. 53 62 72 48 58 67
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 35.02 23.53 2. 36.39 24.45 3. 27 40 50 28 41 51 4. 30 34 39 27 33 37 5. 50 58 67 49 58 69
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.91 48.07 2. 3.93 48.31 3. 20 30 42 20 56 75 4. 44 74 101 45 72 90 5. 53 67 76 41 51 56
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 47.97 2. 3.92 48.21 3. 20 33 71 20 31 73 4. 40 59 79 43 79 112 5. 52 64 75 43 50 56
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 40 73 36 45 87 4. 52 241 254 63 274 313 5. 201 320 336 199 314 325
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 8.93 26.72 2. 9.36 27.99
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.83 44.35 2. 15.05 45.02
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.95 7.36 2. 11.17 7.51 3. 17 37 51 16 27 43 4. 31 39 48 28 36 43 5. 55 66 73 52 62 70
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 21.30 14.32 2. 21.63 14.53 3. 20 36 43 19 40 55 4. 31 39 44 28 36 41 5. 45 51 58 47 55 63
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 35.03 23.54 2. 35.39 23.78 3. 25 52 62 28 51 65 4. 25 29 33 25 28 32 5. 36 40 45 35 40 46
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 32 70 20 38 68 4. 40 57 72 50 78 104 5. 53 68 72 60 71 78
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 32 68 20 43 71 4. 43 67 80 37 58 77 5. 49 62 69 45 57 65
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 62 90 36 41 71 4. 59 234 248 56 227 265 5. 201 320 332 175 266 277
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.71 32.02 2. 10.87 32.52
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 9.02 6.06 2. 9.30 6.25 3. 17 40 72 17 38 48 4. 33 44 54 32 40 47 5. 56 68 78 53 67 82
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.41 9.69 2. 15.54 10.44 3. 36 65 71 28 51 66 4. 31 40 50 31 41 48 5. 50 72 110 41 57 68
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 21.89 14.71 2. 22.59 15.18 3. 33 42 51 34 49 63 4. 26 33 40 26 32 37 5. 35 43 53 33 44 55
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 23 58 75 20 41 53 4. 32 50 72 39 61 89 5. 53 67 76 51 64 76
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 39 79 20 60 75 4. 32 47 65 37 69 106 5. 53 65 77 52 64 74
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 41 55 35 67 122 4. 69 189 200 52 171 181 5. 112 212 222 106 176 187
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 9.17 27.41 2. 9.24 27.64
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.05 6.08 2. 9.14 6.14 3. 17 47 76 17 41 69 4. 25 34 43 30 38 44 5. 49 58 66 50 61 70
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 15.27 10.26 2. 16.79 11.28 3. 31 51 72 29 46 74 4. 28 34 40 29 38 44 5. 64 117 177 55 90 147
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 23.08 15.51 2. 24.15 16.23 3. 39 66 80 25 44 61 4. 27 33 39 26 37 44 5. 39 51 65 38 50 63
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 48 79 20 49 81 4. 32 54 73 33 46 66 5. 52 60 68 36 43 47
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 42 74 20 39 76 4. 41 59 80 49 81 120 5. 49 61 70 50 61 67
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 72 111 36 90 139 4. 46 194 228 61 277 291 5. 178 251 264 226 340 344
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.06 27.11 2. 9.14 27.34
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.67 43.88 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 8.96 6.02 2. 9.28 6.24 3. 21 46 57 17 42 62 4. 33 44 52 30 39 44 5. 56 69 79 53 69 81
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 15.55 10.45 2. 16.94 11.38 3. 31 52 73 28 46 72 4. 29 35 41 28 35 41 5. 59 85 127 67 136 187
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.43 15.07 2. 23.46 15.77 3. 29 40 55 41 53 63 4. 28 35 42 26 32 37 5. 39 50 63 38 51 65
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 28 46 20 32 78 4. 37 56 65 31 52 70 5. 49 64 76 39 62 68
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 21 54 76 20 46 73 4. 38 74 112 35 53 64 5. 49 61 67 53 68 75
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.03 3. 37 54 71 36 55 84 4. 41 167 181 58 133 150 5. 157 222 241 84 171 187
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.09 27.19 2. 9.18 27.46
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.60 43.66 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl10sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 11.08 7.45 2. 11.31 7.60 3. 23 48 66 35 54 73 4. 32 42 50 30 41 49 5. 53 65 74 50 62 70
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 19.91 13.38 2. 20.27 13.62 3. 28 45 59 31 47 60 4. 29 36 41 30 36 43 5. 37 42 48 42 55 64
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 35.05 23.55 2. 35.40 23.79 3. 25 39 55 27 47 58 4. 25 29 32 25 28 31 5. 34 40 44 34 43 49
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 40 78 20 40 73 4. 36 55 64 37 53 78 5. 47 69 75 52 68 75
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 52 80 21 61 78 4. 36 52 69 32 46 66 5. 42 50 55 44 54 60
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 46 88 35 81 96 4. 41 281 312 38 239 262 5. 186 304 315 183 284 291
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 11.13 33.28 2. 11.35 33.93
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.59 6.45 2. 9.89 6.64 3. 25 49 74 31 52 69 4. 32 43 53 30 41 48 5. 48 58 67 52 62 74
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 18.92 12.71 2. 19.30 12.97 3. 30 48 64 30 51 68 4. 28 35 41 29 35 42 5. 49 58 67 49 58 67
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 34.72 23.33 2. 36.16 24.30 3. 26 40 50 29 45 58 4. 26 31 35 26 31 34 5. 51 65 81 50 62 75
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.72 2. 3.92 48.20 3. 20 37 48 20 40 72 4. 33 50 76 38 55 69 5. 44 55 67 49 59 66
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.85 47.41 2. 3.91 48.13 3. 20 42 71 20 51 74 4. 35 49 61 38 57 70 5. 46 56 63 44 56 62
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 50 82 36 62 96 4. 61 230 263 52 146 168 5. 130 207 226 137 181 197
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.05 27.07 2. 9.34 27.93
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.79 44.23 2. 16.34 48.86
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.82 7.27 2. 11.04 7.42 3. 17 33 43 31 57 73 4. 33 46 58 30 38 46 5. 50 59 67 49 59 68
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 21.41 14.39 2. 21.73 14.60 3. 30 51 66 29 44 53 4. 27 32 38 27 33 38 5. 46 54 63 49 58 66
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 34.93 23.47 2. 35.64 23.95 3. 28 46 61 27 37 46 4. 25 31 35 26 31 35 5. 35 39 43 35 40 46
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 27 62 74 20 37 48 4. 36 55 65 41 58 72 5. 43 54 67 43 55 62
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 38 61 20 49 59 4. 35 58 71 39 56 73 5. 46 60 70 47 58 68
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 60 88 35 45 57 4. 49 173 183 76 233 247 5. 123 232 250 125 254 265
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.71 32.02 2. 10.93 32.68
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 9.12 6.13 2. 9.21 6.19 3. 26 55 71 25 61 79 4. 30 42 49 29 41 51 5. 51 62 71 47 57 66
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.37 9.66 2. 15.47 10.39 3. 25 45 69 30 50 71 4. 33 43 53 29 38 45 5. 54 77 111 38 51 63
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 21.38 14.36 2. 22.41 15.06 3. 23 38 52 26 39 47 4. 26 32 39 26 31 36 5. 33 43 52 32 43 52
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 59 75 20 50 56 4. 37 55 73 38 59 82 5. 42 55 62 44 60 69
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 21 52 75 22 64 81 4. 35 49 63 35 54 80 5. 50 63 73 44 57 63
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.31 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 60 96 36 73 92 4. 56 121 129 44 265 348 5. 154 224 241 240 354 365
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 9.03 27.00 2. 9.27 27.72
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.03 41.95 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.03 6.07 2. 9.12 6.13 3. 26 47 72 16 38 72 4. 31 39 45 35 48 58 5. 52 62 73 52 64 75
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.78 9.93 2. 16.58 11.14 3. 26 44 66 30 50 66 4. 30 39 48 27 35 43 5. 70 149 202 62 153 216
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.24 14.95 2. 23.38 15.71 3. 24 38 47 30 44 52 4. 27 33 39 25 30 36 5. 43 58 77 37 53 74
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 36 74 20 38 62 4. 36 56 75 34 49 69 5. 43 58 70 41 56 62
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 33 49 23 69 80 4. 32 50 57 35 55 70 5. 43 54 59 41 50 55
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.31 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 44 83 36 52 83 4. 41 223 237 60 289 304 5. 190 314 321 226 337 348
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.02 26.96 2. 9.15 27.37
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.67 43.88 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.06 6.09 2. 9.15 6.15 3. 24 47 70 31 54 74 4. 26 37 44 37 48 57 5. 49 58 66 51 62 73
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.36 9.65 2. 16.16 10.86 3. 34 52 71 31 49 62 4. 27 35 43 28 35 41 5. 52 75 106 61 135 195
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 20.77 13.96 2. 22.05 14.82 3. 29 47 64 22 40 53 4. 26 32 39 26 31 36 5. 36 47 60 41 56 77
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 34 55 23 66 75 4. 34 55 70 35 62 85 5. 45 52 57 45 55 62
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.86 47.55 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 58 74 20 55 74 4. 34 58 77 35 53 65 5. 41 55 65 45 61 68
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.55 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 63 117 35 81 120 4. 46 195 211 75 303 316 5. 155 230 259 273 375 387
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.14 27.34 2. 9.22 27.58
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl1sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 11.09 7.45 2. 11.31 7.60 3. 25 53 70 25 58 74 4. 36 47 57 34 46 54 5. 53 63 72 54 67 78
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 19.98 13.42 2. 20.28 13.63 3. 27 47 66 31 50 65 4. 27 33 39 27 33 38 5. 37 43 48 43 56 65
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 35.21 23.66 2. 35.57 23.90 3. 29 42 51 28 42 51 4. 25 28 32 25 28 32 5. 35 40 44 34 44 52
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 27 46 20 49 66 4. 41 67 89 41 70 97 5. 53 67 73 48 68 77
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 62 74 20 48 80 4. 37 56 72 44 62 92 5. 51 63 76 50 65 71
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 57 91 35 45 77 4. 48 150 168 58 234 266 5. 163 208 256 168 283 291
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 11.20 33.50 2. 11.28 33.73
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.61 6.46 2. 9.95 6.69 3. 17 50 64 16 43 62 4. 36 48 59 38 51 61 5. 53 65 75 55 68 78
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 18.77 12.62 2. 19.25 12.94 3. 26 45 65 31 46 57 4. 29 35 42 29 37 43 5. 51 61 71 49 60 69
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 34.94 23.48 2. 36.23 24.34 3. 25 36 45 29 46 59 4. 26 30 34 27 30 34 5. 49 58 66 49 60 71
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.91 48.06 2. 3.93 48.30 3. 20 52 75 20 35 67 4. 36 52 62 35 54 81 5. 52 61 71 37 52 57
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 47.93 2. 3.91 48.17 3. 21 39 66 21 56 72 4. 37 52 63 35 51 73 5. 46 56 66 41 49 56
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 57 85 36 54 94 4. 58 184 243 55 116 124 5. 114 233 245 88 221 232
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.03 26.99 2. 9.38 28.05
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.77 44.17 2. 16.24 48.58
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.91 7.33 2. 11.07 7.44 3. 20 49 69 17 40 61 4. 32 41 50 30 37 44 5. 53 63 72 53 63 72
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 21.24 14.27 2. 21.56 14.49 3. 31 45 57 33 50 68 4. 28 34 39 28 35 40 5. 46 53 60 48 56 63
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 35.19 23.65 2. 35.36 23.76 3. 34 43 51 33 44 51 4. 25 28 31 25 28 31 5. 38 43 47 36 41 44
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 24 55 20 42 73 4. 35 52 68 35 51 73 5. 51 67 71 47 70 78
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.88 47.79 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 21 42 71 20 38 71 4. 37 59 85 36 55 71 5. 52 63 73 48 62 68
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.67 48.03 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 39 87 36 39 85 4. 58 319 344 71 289 305 5. 186 306 317 264 367 381
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 10.73 32.08 2. 10.93 32.69
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.32 48.82
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sf-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100 flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 9.08 6.10 2. 9.31 6.26 3. 21 43 61 16 40 62 4. 34 45 53 24 35 54 5. 56 68 79 54 69 81
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.56 9.78 2. 15.60 10.48 3. 30 61 80 25 52 63 4. 27 34 42 26 33 39 5. 48 67 92 40 54 65
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 22.72 15.27 2. 23.21 15.60 3. 22 29 63 28 46 53 4. 27 32 39 26 32 37 5. 39 50 59 33 44 55
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 24 69 76 26 45 75 4. 34 50 71 36 59 75 5. 42 60 67 44 58 63
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 41 74 20 40 62 4. 37 58 79 41 70 110 5. 50 66 76 44 54 60
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 39 55 36 51 82 4. 57 226 263 63 118 136 5. 166 222 234 122 152 162
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 9.12 27.28 2. 9.32 27.87
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.38 49.00
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100flows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 100k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.08 6.10 2. 9.17 6.16 3. 17 47 78 16 42 65 4. 28 49 57 46 56 64 5. 55 67 76 55 69 84
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.65 9.84 2. 16.50 11.09 3. 22 43 72 17 42 70 4. 30 38 43 29 37 44 5. 69 156 218 67 155 219
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.66 15.23 2. 23.82 16.01 3. 39 59 71 38 56 70 4. 29 36 43 25 31 36 5. 41 57 76 38 49 59
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 25 49 20 45 73 4. 30 47 60 36 51 72 5. 46 55 64 44 54 59
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 23 47 70 21 61 90 4. 33 49 60 40 72 102 5. 45 55 60 51 65 79
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 54 87 36 48 58 4. 65 306 324 72 151 164 5. 205 295 303 118 139 166
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.08 27.16 2. 9.16 27.38
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-100kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76
RFC2544: Packet throughput IPv4 test cases with ACL
[Top] Network Topologies: TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single links between nodes.
[Enc] Packet Encapsulations: Eth-IPv4-UDP for IPv4 routing.
[Cfg] DUT configuration: DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing and one static IPv4 /24 route entries. Required ACL rules are applied to output paths of both DUT1 intefaces. DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with Intel-XXV710.
[Ver] TG verification: TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch library. Test packets are generated by TG on links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups (flow-group per direction, 10k flows per flow-group) with all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces.
[Ref] Applicable standard specifications: RFC2544.
Throughput: 1. Mpps Gbps (NDR) 2. Mpps Gbps (PDR) One-Way Latency Percentiles in uSec at %PDR load, one set per each direction: 3. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (10% PDR) 4. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (50% PDR) 5. P50 P90 P99 P50 P90 P99 (90% PDR)
64b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.08 6.11 2. 9.32 6.26 3. 22 42 68 17 39 71 4. 50 63 72 35 43 49 5. 57 69 79 56 69 78
64b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.77 9.92 2. 16.57 11.14 3. 26 48 69 28 50 62 4. 28 35 42 26 35 41 5. 58 99 160 60 134 198
64b-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 22.71 15.26 2. 23.75 15.96 3. 40 55 65 31 57 75 4. 26 32 38 26 31 37 5. 43 56 74 38 47 58
1518b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 51 88 20 41 45 4. 36 71 103 42 69 91 5. 55 72 79 56 80 91
1518b-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 3.90 48.03 2. 3.92 48.27 3. 20 32 46 25 57 71 4. 36 52 67 35 52 71 5. 45 57 62 41 48 58
9000b-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 0.66 47.79 2. 0.67 48.27 3. 37 40 44 36 55 66 4. 60 261 280 71 125 141 5. 201 265 326 120 199 212
imix-2t1c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 9.11 27.24 2. 9.21 27.54
imix-4t2c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.75 44.10 2. 16.30 48.76
imix-8t4c-ethip4udp- ip4base-oacl50sl-10kflows-ndrpdr
1. 14.82 44.33 2. 16.30 48.76