Speedup Multi-CoreΒΆ

Speedup Multi-Core throughput graphs are generated by multiple executions of the same performance tests across physical testbeds hosted LF FD.io labs: 3n-hsw, 2n-skx, 2n-skx. Grouped bars illustrate the 64B/78B packet throughput speedup ratio for 2- and 4-core multi- threaded VPP configurations relative to 1-core configurations.

Additional information about graph data:

  1. Graph Title: describes tested packet path, testbed topology, processor model, NIC model, packet size used by data plane workers and indication of VPP DUT configuration.
  2. X-axis Labels: number of cores.
  3. Y-axis Labels: measured Packets Per Second [pps] throughput values.
  4. Graph Legend: lists CSIT test suites executed to generate graphed test results.
  5. Hover Information: lists number of runs executed, specific test substring, mean value of the measured packet throughput, calculated perfect throughput value, difference between measured and perfect values and relative speedup value.


Test results have been generated by FD.io test executor vpp performance job 3n-hsw, FD.io test executor vpp performance job 3n-skx and FD.io test executor vpp performance job 2n-skx with RF result files csit-vpp-perf-1901_2-*.zip archived here. Required per test case data set size is 10, but for VPP tests the actual size varies per test case and is <=10.