3.1. crypto

3.1.1. ipsec suite Generate keys for IPSec

Generate keys for IPsec. Arguments: - crypto_alg - Encryption algorithm. Type: enum - integ_alg - Integrity algorithm. Type: enum _NOTE:_ This KW sets following test case variable: - encr_key - Encryption key. Type: string - auth_key - Integrity key. Type: string Example: | ${encr_alg}= | Crypto Alg AES CBC 128 | | ${auth_alg}= | Integ Alg SHA1 96 | | Generate keys for IPSec | ${encr_alg} | ${auth_alg} |

${encr_key_len}=  Get Crypto Alg Key Len  ${crypto_alg}
${encr_key}=  Generate Random String  ${encr_key_len}
${auth_key_len}=  Get Integ Alg Key Len  ${integ_alg}
${auth_key}=  Generate Random String  ${auth_key_len}
Set Test Variable  ${encr_key}
Set Test Variable  ${auth_key} Configure topology for IPv4 IPsec testing

Setup topology for IPv4 IPsec testing. _NOTE:_ This KW sets following test case variable: - dut_tun_ip - DUT tunnel IP address. Type: string - dut_src_ip - DUT source IP address. Type: string - tg_tun_ip - TG tunnel IP address. Type: string - tg_src_ip - TG source IP address. Type: string Example: | Configure topology for IPv4 IPsec testing |

Set interfaces in path up
VPP Interface Set IP Address  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}1}[0]  ${dut_if1_ip4}  ${ip4_plen}
VPP Interface Set IP Address  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}2}[0]  ${dut_if2_ip4}  ${ip4_plen}
VPP Add IP Neighbor  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}1}[0]  ${tg_if1_ip4}  ${TG_pf1_mac}[0]
VPP Add IP Neighbor  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}2}[0]  ${tg_if2_ip4}  ${TG_pf2_mac}[0]
Vpp Route Add  ${dut1}  ${tg_host_ip4}  ${ip4_plen}  gateway=${tg_if1_ip4}  interface=${DUT1_${int}1}[0]  strict=${False}
Set Test Variable  ${dut_tun_ip}  ${dut_if1_ip4}
Set Test Variable  ${tg_tun_ip}  ${tg_if1_ip4}
Set Test Variable  ${tg_src_ip}  ${tg_host_ip4}
Set Test Variable  ${tg_dst_ip}  ${tg_if2_ip4} Configure topology for IPv6 IPsec testing

Setup topology fo IPv6 IPsec testing. _NOTE:_ This KW sets following test case variable: - dut_tun_ip - DUT tunnel IP address. Type: string - dut_src_ip - DUT source IP address. Type: string - tg_tun_ip - TG tunnel IP address. Type: string - tg_src_ip - TG source IP address. Type: string Example: | Configure topology for IPv6 IPsec testing |

Set interfaces in path up
VPP Interface Set IP Address  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}1}[0]  ${dut_if1_ip6}  ${ip6_plen}
VPP Interface Set IP Address  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}2}[0]  ${dut_if2_ip6}  ${ip6_plen}
VPP Add IP Neighbor  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}1}[0]  ${tg_if1_ip6}  ${TG_pf1_mac}[0]
VPP Add IP Neighbor  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}2}[0]  ${tg_if2_ip6}  ${TG_pf2_mac}[0]
Vpp Interfaces RA Suppress On All Nodes  ${nodes}
Vpp Route Add  ${dut1}  ${tg_host_ip6}  ${ip6_plen_rt}  gateway=${tg_if1_ip6}  interface=${DUT1_${int}1}[0]
Set Test Variable  ${dut_tun_ip}  ${dut_if1_ip6}
Set Test Variable  ${tg_tun_ip}  ${tg_if1_ip6}
Set Test Variable  ${tg_src_ip}  ${tg_host_ip6}
Set Test Variable  ${tg_dst_ip}  ${tg_if2_ip6} Configure manual keyed connection for IPSec

Setup IPsec manual keyed connection on VPP node. Arguments: - node - VPP node to setup IPsec on. Type: dictionary - interface - Interface to enable IPsec on. Type: string - crypto_alg - Encrytion algorithm. Type: enum - crypto_key - Encryption key. Type: string - integ_alg - Integrity algorithm. Type: enum - integ_key - Integrity key. Type: string - l_spi - Local SPI. Type: integer - r_spi - Remote SPI. Type: integer - l_ip - Local IP address. Type: string - r_ip - Remote IP address. Type: string - l_tunnel - Local tunnel IP address (optional). Type: string - r_tunnel - Remote tunnel IP address (optional). Type: string _NOTE:_ This KW sets following test case variables: - l_sa_id - r_sa_id Example: | ${encr_alg}= | Crypto Alg AES CBC 128 | | ${auth_alg}= | Integ Alg SHA1 96 | | Configure manual keyed connection for IPSec | ${nodes[‘DUT1’]} | GigabitEthernet0/8/0 | ${encr_alg} | sixteenbytes_key | ${auth_alg} | twentybytessecretkey | ${1000} | ${1001} | | | | |

Set Test Variable  ${l_sa_id}  ${10}
Set Test Variable  ${r_sa_id}  ${20}
${spd_id}=  Set Variable  ${1}
${p_hi}=  Set Variable  ${100}
${p_lo}=  Set Variable  ${10}
VPP IPsec Add SAD Entry  ${node}  ${l_sa_id}  ${l_spi}  ${crypto_alg}  ${crypto_key}  ${integ_alg}  ${integ_key}  ${l_tunnel}  ${r_tunnel}
VPP IPsec Add SAD Entry  ${node}  ${r_sa_id}  ${r_spi}  ${crypto_alg}  ${crypto_key}  ${integ_alg}  ${integ_key}  ${r_tunnel}  ${l_tunnel}
VPP IPsec Add SPD  ${node}  ${spd_id}
VPP IPsec SPD Add If  ${node}  ${spd_id}  ${interface}
${action}=  Policy Action Bypass
VPP IPsec Add SPD Entry  ${node}  ${spd_id}  ${p_hi}  ${action}  inbound=${TRUE}  proto=${ESP_PROTO}  is_ipv6=${is_ipv6}  laddr_range=${tg_tun_ip}  raddr_range=${dut_tun_ip}
VPP IPsec Add SPD Entry  ${node}  ${spd_id}  ${p_hi}  ${action}  inbound=${FALSE}  proto=${ESP_PROTO}  is_ipv6=${is_ipv6}  laddr_range=${dut_tun_ip}  raddr_range=${tg_tun_ip}
${action}=  Policy Action Protect
VPP IPsec Add SPD Entry  ${node}  ${spd_id}  ${p_lo}  ${action}  sa_id=${r_sa_id}  laddr_range=${l_ip}  raddr_range=${r_ip}  inbound=${TRUE}
VPP IPsec Add SPD Entry  ${node}  ${spd_id}  ${p_lo}  ${action}  sa_id=${l_sa_id}  laddr_range=${l_ip}  raddr_range=${r_ip}  inbound=${FALSE} Initialize IPSec in 3-node circular topology

Set UP state on VPP interfaces in path on nodes in 3-node circular topology. Get the interface MAC addresses and setup ARP on VPP interfaces towards TG. Setup IPv4 addresses with /24 prefix on DUT-TG links. Set routing for decrypted traffic on both DUT nodes with prefix /8 and next hop of neighbour TG interface IPv4 address.

Set interfaces in path up
VPP Interface Set IP Address  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}1}[0]  ${dut1_if1_ip4}  24
VPP Interface Set IP Address  ${dut2}  ${DUT2_${int}2}[0]  ${dut2_if2_ip4}  24
VPP Add IP Neighbor  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}1}[0]  ${tg_if1_ip4}  ${TG_pf1_mac}[0]
VPP Add IP Neighbor  ${dut2}  ${DUT2_${int}2}[0]  ${tg_if2_ip4}  ${TG_pf2_mac}[0]
Vpp Route Add  ${dut1}  ${laddr_ip4}  8  gateway=${tg_if1_ip4}  interface=${DUT1_${int}1}[0]
Vpp Route Add  ${dut2}  ${raddr_ip4}  8  gateway=${tg_if2_ip4}  interface=${DUT2_${int}2}[0] Initialize IPSec in 3-node circular container topology

Set UP state on VPP interfaces in path on nodes in 3-node circular topology. Get the interface MAC addresses and setup ARP on all VPP interfaces. Setup IPv4 addresses with /24 prefix on DUT-TG and DUT1-DUT2 links. Set routing for encrypted traffic on both DUT nodes with prefix /8 and next hop of neighbour DUT or TG interface IPv4 address.

Set interfaces in path up on DUT  DUT1
VPP Interface Set IP Address  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}1}[0]  ${dut1_if1_ip4}  24
VPP Add IP Neighbor  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}1}[0]  ${tg_if1_ip4}  ${TG_pf1_mac}[0]
Vpp Route Add  ${dut1}  ${laddr_ip4}  8  gateway=${tg_if1_ip4}  interface=${DUT1_${int}1}[0] Initialize IPSec in 2-node circular topology

Set UP state on VPP interfaces in path on node in 2-node circular topology. Get the interface MAC address and setup ARP on VPP interface towards TG. Setup IPv4 address with /24 prefix on one DUT-TG link. Set routing for decrypted traffic on DUT with prefix /8 and next hop of neighbour TG interface IPv4 address.

Set interfaces in path up
VPP Interface Set IP Address  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}1}[0]  ${dut1_if1_ip4}  24
VPP Add IP Neighbor  ${dut1}  ${DUT1_${int}1}[0]  ${tg_if1_ip4}  ${TG_pf1_mac}[0]
Vpp Route Add  ${dut1}  ${laddr_ip4}  8  gateway=${tg_if1_ip4}  interface=${DUT1_${int}1}[0] Enable IPSec Async Mode on all VPP DUTs

Set IPsec async mode on for all DUT nodes.

FOR  ${dut}  IN  @{duts}
\    VPP Ipsec Set Async Mode  ${nodes['${dut}']} Set Data Plane And Feature Plane Workers for IPsec on all VPP DUTs

Disable crypto work for specified data plane CPU cores on all DUT nodes (leaving feature plane workers enabled). Set Round Robin interface RX placement on data plane CPU cores on all DUT nodes (leaving feature plane workers disabled).

VPP Round Robin Rx Placement on all DUTs  ${nodes}  prefix=${EMPTY}  workers=${cpu_dp}
VPP IPSec Crypto SW Scheduler Set Worker on all DUTs  ${nodes}  workers=${cpu_dp}  crypto_enable=${False} Enable SPD flow cache IPv4 Outbound

Enable IPv4 Outbound SPD flow cache in VPP configuration file.

FOR  ${dut}  IN  @{duts}
\    Run Keyword  ${dut}.Add SPD Flow Cache IPv4 Outbound